Ms. Cale Room D-201

Course Description

Chemistry is the study of matter and energy. The fundamental objective of thiscourse is to begin to understand how the interactions between matter and energy impact our lives. Modern chemistry has improved the quality of life for all of us and holds the solutions for many of our current global environmental and health challenges.In this class we will begin to learn how to use science as a tool to better understand the world we live in. The following California State Standards (California Department of Education Science Standards) will be covered in this class through discussions, laboratory investigations, teacher demonstrations, and in-class assignments:

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  • Atomic and Molecular Structure
  • Chemical Bonds
  • Conservation of Matter and Stoichiometry
  • Gases and Their Properties
  • Acids and Bases
  • Solutions
  • Chemical Thermodynamics
  • Reaction Rates
  • Chemical Equilibrium
  • Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Nuclear Processes

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Textbooks and Materials for Success

--Modern Chemistry Davis, Frey, Sarquis, and Sarquis. Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, © 2006 (ISBN: 0-03-073546-7)

-- Selected Readings- as assigned

The following items are required in class, every day:

  • Scientific Calculator - Make sure the calculator can perform logarithmic and exponential functions, as well as scientific notation. Calculators may not be shared during quizzes or tests and it is to your benefit to be familiar with the operation of your own calculator.
  • Lab book- bound composition notebook
  • Three ring binder

Grade Scale

A 100- 90% B 89.9-80% F Below 59.9%

C 79.9-70% D 69.9-60%

Grading System

Homework 15% Quizzes 15%

Lab Investigations 20% Exams 30%

Final Exam 20%

General Rules for Assignments

All assignments must have your name (first and last), the date (the assignment is due), and hour, written neatly in the upper right hand corner. Along with this information, a title must be written clearly at the top of the paper. Assignments not turned in with all of the necessary information may be delayed in the grading process.

Homework (15%)

Homework may be assigned every night (Monday through Friday) in the form of reading, problems from the textbook, and/or practice problems from worksheets. Homework must be at the designated location before the final tardy bell rings or it will be a zero. Homework is graded according to the Homework Rubric and is for your benefit. Good problem solvers spend time practicing on their own, rather than watching others solve problems.

Laboratory Investigations (20%)

Experiments and investigations are used to reinforce material discussed in class or to introduce a new topic. Some labs will require only a minimal write-up whereas certain labs will require a formal report - completed according to the Laboratory Report Format - and will be graded according to the Laboratory Rubric.

Quizzes (15%)

Quizzes will be administered frequently and will cover the material discussed in lectures, reading, homework, laboratories performed, and demonstrations viewed in class. The two lowest quiz scores for the term will be dropped. There will be no make-up quizzes.

Exams (30%)

An exam will be given for every unit. The exams will consist of combinations ofessay questions, problem solving (calculations), matching and multiple choice questions. Students who have an excused absence during the original exam date will be allowed to take a make-up exam. Note: the make up exam will cover the same material as the original exam, but the make up exam will be a different exam with a different format.

Final Exam (20%)

The final exam is cumulative over the entire quarter and will be required in order to receive a grade in the class. If a student is unable to take the final exam on the designated date and time, the student must notify the instructor at least two weeks in advance in writing.

Late Work

Late work will be accepted for laboratory reports only and a penalty will be assessed according to the schedulelisted below. If the assignment is not turned in before the bell rings, the assignment is considered to be late. Late homework will not be accepted. Realize it is better to turn in an assignment late rather than not turn it in at all. In order for an assignment to be turned in late, a Late Form must be attached

Late 1 day: Penalized 25% of the possible points

Late 2 days: Penalized 50% of the possible points

Late 3 days: Penalized 75% of the possible points

Make-up Work/Attendance

The policy for making up missed work is according to the Canyon Crest Administration: “Make up work may not be given to those students who have truancies or uncleared absences. Make up work for personal absences (verified by parent) or missed work while on suspension will be left to the discretion of the teacher. Please e-mail the instructor for make up homework assignments.” “Attendance Protocol”

A student with a personal absence (i.e. family vacation, etc.) will not be allowed to make up any of the work missed unless the student notifies the instructor at least 5 days in advance of the absence. If a student has an excused absence he/she must attach the Absent Assignment Form to the top of the paper for the assignment to be accepted. The student will be given the same amount of time to complete the work as days missed due to an Illness, Funeral or Medical appointment. Making up labs will be at the discretion of the instructor and performed either before school or after school on a designated day.

Tardy Policy: If you are not in your seat before the final bell, you will be considered tardy. If you are tardy the school wide consequences will apply. Remember your homework must be turned in before the final bell sounds.

Academic Dishonesty

Any student found to commit or facilitate cheating or plagiarism (see student contract) will be referred to the Administrative team at CanyonCrestAcademy. The student will receive a zero for the assignment with no chance to make it up. If the student cheats a second time the student will receive a failing grade for the quarter.

Plagiarism:The uncredited use (both intentional and unintentional) of somebody else's words or ideas. There are few intellectual offenses more serious than plagiarism in academic and professional contexts. Not only is plagiarism dishonest and consequently ethically wrong, but also plagiarism reflects academic laziness and contradicts the very spirit of learning and education. If you plagiarize you are not learning the information in the course and you are not thinking for yourself. Also, you are not learning to write and express your ideas in your own words. As a high school student, your teacher does not expect perfection from you – the expectations are learning, improvement, thinking for yourself, and doing your own work. It may be tempting to use the words of someone else whose words may seem perfect, but please, don't. Please make a concerted effort to read, take notes, think about the information, and synthesize your notes and thoughts into an original responsive piece of work.

Helpful website with hints to avoid plagiarism: /

Often you will need to consult outside material to complete your assignments. You may need to include reference material in your essays and introduction paragraphs in your lab reports. Any material that you use for research should be cited. Please include a list of the Internet sites that you have used for reference.

A note of caution regarding Wikipedia: it is not considered a reliable source for this class. Wikipedia is a web site built by consensus and can be and is edited by the users of the site.

There are many other more reliable science reference sites. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference site for this class

Office Hours**

After school- 3:15- 3:45

Mornings: By Appointment

**Drop bys are always welcome. In order to ensure uninterrupted tutoring, please schedule an appointment.

Contract of Agreement

Student Name______Hour____


I have read the syllabus and understand the classroom/laboratory expectations and discipline policy. I agree to abide by the expectations of this class and will commit to doing quality work the entire course. I understand I am responsible for my own behavior and actions. I also understand that cheating is unacceptable and occurs when

a) I fail to do my own work and turn in something I did not personally complete

b) I use anything other than acceptable materials to complete assignments or a quiz/exam

c) I provide answers or work to another student


Are there any health concerns that your instructor should be aware of for laboratory? Please explain in the space provided below. (This is strictly voluntary and confidential.)


Parent or Guardian:

I have discussed the classroom expectations and discipline policy on the previous three pages with my son/daughter. I understand it and will make every effort to ensure his/her academic success.


Please provide the following information so we can best support your student’s success.

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