Minutes of Caithness U3A Executive Committee Meeting
8th February 2013
1. Present: Myrtle Gillies, Roy Blackburn, Moira Dearness, Lynne Hogben, Fran Smith.
2. Apologies: Freda Blagden, Peggy Lunan.
3. Minutes of last meeting: Accepted as a true record.
4. Matters arising from minutes:
The money raised from the cards is now £120.00 and a cheque will be handed to Gavin Pope, vice-chair of Crossroads Care, Caithness at the General meeting on 14th February.
The Caithness U3A website has now two sub-pages, one for members, which will include the minutes of the committee meetings, and a general information page, listing future events.
5. Secretary’s report:
We’ve been informed from U3A HQ that there will no longer be a bulk mailing of the journal “Third Age Matters”. If any member wants to continue receiving the journal it will cost £2.10 per annum. Moira has agreed to collect names of those wanting the journal, and will inform Head Office.
6. Treasurer’s report:
The balance of our account remains £684.21. Moira is preparing the membership renewal forms for the next financial year.
7. Special Interest Groups/New Groups:
French: Continue to meet fortnightly, looking at an aspect of grammar and a topic for discussion.
Italian: Group meeting regularly, though a bit depleted recently. Following the Pimsleur Italian course.
Philosophy: The meeting discussing “Is capitalism sustainable” led to a very interesting discussion, the consensus being “no”. The next meeting will be discussing aesthetics.
Local History: Met in January at Wick Archives, will be meeting again on 28th February to review their research on houses.
Book Group: Next meeting will discuss “Death comes to Pemberley” by P.D. James.
Craft Group: The first meeting of the year will be on 19th February, though members of the card group have met to look at Easter cards.
Plans are still in place to start a Genealogy and Digital Photography groups.
8. Programme of monthly meetings:
Joan Speed will be talking next week about “The appliance of Science”. She is bringing her own equipment. The March meeting will be in Pultneytown, where Robin Inglis will be talking.
Any other business:
The regular column that Myrtle is writing for the Groat will be sent out to members as a regular newsletter. It was initially agreed that the column would appear on the last Friday in a month, may ask to change to the first Friday, so it goes out the week before the General meeting. Need information from the Special Interest groups as to what’s happening the next month.
Another discussion as to where the posters advertising the general meetings are put.
10. Date and time of next meeting:
The next committee meeting will be on Friday 8th March, at 2pm, meeting at Myrtles house.