The Carr Center

Board of Director’s Meeting

March 20, 2017

Board Members Present: Board Members Absent:

Erin France Paul Hill

Fred O’Dell Cody Meadows

Theresa Kanavel Erin Welch

Kristin Rinehart

Kevin Pinson

Grant Stubbins

Brittany Stubbs

Fred Grant

Cindy Baker

Staff Members Present:

Staci Allen

Kim Hosler

Christina George, BSN, RN

Marlee Andrews, Intern

Amanda Nunley

Call to Order:

Fred O’Dell called the meeting to order at 12:15p.m.

Staff Reports:

Youth Services – Amanda reported that we have added an additional 2 classes. We currently have 24 enrolled in TEP, the most we have had since 2015. The screening in February was very successful enrolling 6.

Adult Day Care – Christina reported that we currently have 3 new potential clients plus several inquiries. We have lost a couple of full time clients but one has returned from Florida.

We have 6 signed up for the research project for ADSPlus through the University of Minnesota. We are hosting an open house for case managers on Thursday, March 23. Martha and Christina will be at a Health Fair on May 10. The review with DODD went well. We had 2 sighting but they approved our plan of correction to continue services.


The board reviewed the January minutes. Kristin Rinehart made a motion to approve the minutes and Erin France seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

Fred Grant went over the financials stated that we lost but we lost less than last year, so that’s a plus. Fred Grant made a motion to approve the financial statements. Theresa Kanavel seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Executive Director’s Report:

Please refer to the Executive Directors report attached.

Committee Reports:

Cake Auction committee has been meeting. Cindy Baker mentioned it is hard to hear sometimes, she suggested to color code the charts to make it easier for the phone volunteers to give bids. She also suggested a text line to text in bids. Both ideas will be mentioned to the committee meeting on Tuesday, March 21

New Business:

No new business.

Next Meeting Monday, May 15, 2017


Theresa Kanavel made a motion to adjourn. Cindy Baker seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 1:10p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Staci Allen Brittany Stubbs

Office Manager/Billing Board Secretary