Meeting Title


MARCH 10, 2011
9:00-10:30 am
Meeting called by / MaryAnn Shanley
Type of meeting / Connecticut Chapter ACDIS
Note taker
Attendees / Joanna Mackie, Gina Spatafore, Barbara Lefevre, Gail Mihalakos, Karen Dollinger, Barbare Banda, Natalie DeLeo, Susan Morella-Brienza, Amanda Engemann, Nancy Napolitano, Janet Colasant, MaryAnn Shanley

Agenda topics

Discussion / Completion of Principle Diagnosis Learning Module ; Delay completion due to malfunction of CD player. Discussion /Instructions about filing for CEU’s
Conclusions / Deferred due to malfunctioning CD player
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Complete learning module at the May meeting.
Discussion / Bylaws and Mission Statement for the Connecticut Chapter
Discussion ensued about the need to develop simple bylaws and mission statement. This is important to establish now that the chapter is in its second year.
Conclusions / Barbara Banda, Bristol Hospital has volunteered to develop simple bylaws/mission statement.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
When the draft is completed it will be presented to the membership for approval.
Discussion / Need to create a library for the chapter. As the Chapter evolves and membership grows it would be advantageous to have materials, CD’s, minutes, bylaws etc. readily available for the membership.
Conclusions / Members will bring to the next meeting tools, education materials, sample queries that they have developed. These will be shared and then scanned and downloaded to a flash drive for future reference and sharing with new members etc.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
The membership will bring samples of any of the tools, teaching materials, strategies, queries that have been developed/adopted by their facility.
Discussion / The certification exam was discussed by the membership. Barbara LaFerve shared her experience with the exam including the length of time, type of questions, how best to prepare etc.
Conclusions / Best of luck to any and all who prepare and sit for the exam.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Discussion / RAC focus on excisional debridement
Also discussed ICD-10 preparation at the various facilities.
Conclusions / Charts should be reviewed in advance to be sure they will withstand scrutiny.
All the hospitals are in some stage of preparation. Some CDI nurses are very involved in the preparation; other CDI nurses have not been part of the preparation yet.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Will be an ongoing discussion at future meeting as the ICD-10 deadline approaches.
Resource persons
Special notes