Ch. 19.1&2 Note Evaluation

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


____67.Which of the following statements about civil rights is NOT true?

a. / Each person's rights are relative to the rights of others.
b. / Rights sometimes conflict with one another.
c. / Some rights may be limited in wartime.
d. / Rights are extended only to citizens.

____68.The Free Exercise Clause gives people the right to

a. / assemble and express their views on public matters.
b. / hold meetings and parades on public streets without permits.
c. / believe whatever they choose to believe in matters of religion.
d. / exercise anywhere they choose.

____69.The Due Process Clause guarantees that

a. / the National Government will not interfere with constitutional rights.
b. / States are not bound by their State constitutions in matters of individual rights.
c. / States will not deny people any basic or essential liberties.
d. / State governments will police the National Government.

____70.A democracy must allow freedom of expression, otherwise

a. / a dictatorship cannot exist.
b. / office seekers cannot run for office.
c. / government will collapse.
d. / democracy does not really exist.

____71.Individual rights were included in the Constitution because

a. / conflicts between individuals and the government remained unsolved.
b. / the people demanded a listing of rights.
c. / the distinction between civil rights and civil liberties had to be made.
d. / people did not want the government to have any authority over them.

____72.The 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights were originally intended as restrictions against

a. / the already existing States.
b. / any new States that would enter the Union.
c. / the new National Government.
d. / both the National Government and State governments.

____73.Under the Establishment Clause, the government still has the power to do all of the followingEXCEPT

a. / use tax money to pay for busing students to parochial schools.
b. / provide public funds for some uses in church-related schools.
c. / establish an acceptable voluntary prayer for use in public schools.
d. / exercise control over public, seasonal displays.

____74.A person may do as he or she chooses in this country

a. / because the Constitution guarantees that right.
b. / because the Supreme Court has ruled that to be a right.
c. / as long as that person does not infringe on the rights of others.
d. / as long as that person does not criticize others.

____75.All of the following stand as proof of the American commitment to freedom EXCEPT

a. / the Declaration of Independence.
b. / the Preamble to the Constitution.
c. / the Bill of Rights.
d. / Article II of the Constitution.

____76.All of the following are limited in the United States EXCEPT

a. / government.
b. / civil rights.
c. / popular sovereignty.
d. / freedom of speech.

____77.Government has encouraged religion in the United States in all of the following ways EXCEPT

a. / by allowing the establishment of a national religion.
b. / by exempting church property from taxes.
c. / by installing a chaplain in the navy.
d. / by opening each session of Congress with a prayer.

Ch. 19.1&2 Note Evaluation

Answer Section













Ch. 19.3&4 Note Evaluation

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


____81.Seditious speech is speech that urges others to

a. / disagree with the government in public.
b. / vote against the government.
c. / overthrow the government.
d. / support the party out of power.

____82.Government has the right to make reasonable rules regulating assemblies

a. / to uphold its limits on free speech.
b. / to protect against the inciting of violence or the endangerment of life.
c. / in situations that may involve protest against government policies.
d. / if rules are applied individually regarding content.

____83.Which of the following statements about commercial speech is TRUE?

a. / It is legal to print false or misleading advertising only to benefit government-funded products.
b. / Cigarette ads are permitted on radio and television.
c. / Federal law forbids pharmacies from advertising prescription drug prices.
d. / Commercial speech is protected by the 1st and 14th amendments.

____84.Which has received the most limited 1st Amendment protection?

a. / radio and television
b. / magazines
c. / movies
d. / newspapers

____85.The Supreme Court has ruled that demonstrations on private property

a. / are protected by the 1st Amendment.
b. / are not protected by the 1st Amendment if demonstrators are trespassing.
c. / have the same protections as those on public property.
d. / are legal if speeches are given.

____86.In deciding cases involving laws against sedition, the Supreme Court has

a. / developed the "clear and present danger" rule.
b. / established the excessive entanglement standard.
c. / upheld the Alien and Sedition acts of 1798.
d. / upheld the constitutionality of all such laws.

____87.Which of the following is NOT one of the public places in which people have a constitutional right to hand out political literature?

a. / streets
b. / shopping centers
c. / public parks
d. / sidewalks

____88.The government can limit free speech or free press if the communication

a. / is political.
b. / seems offensive to some adults.
c. / is advertising.
d. / involves the picketing of an important business.

____89.An argument for government control of assemblies involves the

a. / government's right to censor the content of public meetings.
b. / duty of government to protect the public.
c. / right of government to prevent demonstrations.
d. / unnecessary picketing of businesses by strikers.

____90.Picketing is protected by the 1st and 14th amendments if it is

a. / done with a permit.
b. / peaceful.
c. / symbolic speech.
d. / takes place on private property.

____91.In interpreting the freedoms set out in the 1st Amendment, it can often be said that the Court

a. / has restricted freedom of religion but never freedom of speech.
b. / allows freedom of thought, but restricts freedom of action.
c. / is careful never to place any restrictions on those freedoms.
d. / both a and b

Ch. 19.3&4 Note Evaluation

Answer Section



OBJ:19.3.2STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.aTOP:Seditious Speech


OBJ:19.4.2STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.aTOP:Assemble


OBJ:19.3.4STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.aTOP:Commercial Speech


OBJ:19.3.3STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.a | 12.8.2

TOP:First Amendment and the Media


OBJ:19.4.3STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.a | 12.6.4TOP:Private Property


OBJ:19.3.2STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.aTOP:Sedition


OBJ:19.4.3STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.aTOP:Assemble


OBJ:19.3.1STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.a | 12.8.2

TOP:First Amendment and the Media


OBJ:19.4.2STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.aTOP:Assemble


OBJ:19.3.4STA:12.5.1.a | 12.5.1.b | 12.6.4TOP:Picketing


OBJ:19.3.2STA:12.2.1 | 12.5.1.aTOP:1st Amendment Freedoms

Ch. 20.1&2 Note Evaluation

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


1.The main reason that there is no exact definition of the due process guarantees is that the

A. / Constitution is too specific.
B. / guarantees protect citizens against unfair processes, but not unfair laws.
C. / Supreme Court only defines the guarantees on a case-by-case basis.
D. / courts do not want to give away too much specific information to potential lawbreakers.

2.The right to privacy inherent in the concept of due process has been applied with the most controversy recently in cases involving

A. / abortion.
B. / searches and seizures.
C. / bearing arms.
D. / school attendance.

3.Under the 2nd Amendment,

A. / there is no limitation on the free flow of guns within the United States.
B. / the States cannot limit a person's right to own a gun.
C. / each State has the right to have a militia.
D. / no citizen may own a gun.

4.The main purpose of the exclusionary rule is to

A. / deter police misconduct.
B. / prevent people who are clearly guilty from going free.
C. / allow certain kinds of "tainted" evidence to be used in court.
D. / allow for honest mistakes by police officers.

5.The most important difference between procedural and substantive due process is that

A. / substantive due process was recognized first by the Supreme Court.
B. / procedural due process deals with governmental methods and how they are used, whereas substantive due process deals with the fairness of laws.
C. / the Supreme Court can rule on cases involving procedural due process but the States rule on cases of substantive due process.
D. / only procedural due process is covered under the 14th Amendment Due Process Clause.

6.The inclusion of two due process clauses in the Constitution reflects the fact that

A. / due process has two quite different meanings.
B. / the Constitution is written poorly in regards to due process.
C. / due process is very easy to define.
D. / the Bill of Rights is for the National Government, and the 14th Amendment is for the States and their local governments.

7.The 13th Amendment forbids

A. / any form of military service.
B. / slavery and most forms of involuntary servitude.
C. / the draft.
D. / all of the above.

8.When arresting a person, police must

A. / always have a warrant in order to search for a weapon.
B. / refrain from searching for destructible evidence.
C. / have probable cause to believe the person is involved in criminal activity.
D. / seize the person in a public place.

9.The States' police power is defined as the right to

A. / protect public health, safety, morals, and the general welfare.
B. / punish those who commit crimes against the citizenry.
C. / keep a militia and an armed law enforcement agency.
D. / allow its citizenry to keep and bear arms.

10.Which of the following statements about the 4th Amendment is TRUE?

A. / It applies only to the States.
B. / It prohibits all arrests made without a warrant.
C. / It has been of little importance in our history.
D. / It forbids unreasonable searches and seizures.

11.For an arrest to be lawful, police must have either a warrant or

A. / a bill of attainder.
B. / probable cause.
C. / a writ of habeas corpus.
D. / a grand jury indictment.

Ch. 20.1&2 Note Evaluation

Answer Section



OBJ:20.1.1STA:12.5.1.bTOP:Due Process


OBJ:20.1.3STA:12.5.1.bTOP:Due Process


OBJ:20.2.2STA:12.2.1TOP:Right to Keep and Bear Arms


OBJ:20.2.3STA:12.2.1TOP:Exclusionary Rule


OBJ:20.1.1STA:12.5.1.bTOP:Due Process


OBJ:20.1.1STA:12.5.1.bTOP:Due Process


OBJ:20.2.1STA:12.7TOP:Slavery and Involuntary Servitude


OBJ:20.2.3STA:12.2.1TOP:Probable Cause


OBJ:20.1.1STA:12.7TOP:Police Power


OBJ:20.2.3STA:12.2.1TOP:Unreasonable Searches and Seizures


OBJ:20.2.3STA:12.2.1TOP:Probable Cause

Ch. 20.3&4 Note Evaluation

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


____1.To have a fair trial, a person is guaranteed all of the following EXCEPT

Atrial within a reasonable time. Btrial by a jury. Cadequate defense. Dmedia coverage if demanded.

____2.Which of the following was declared by the Supreme Court to be "cruel and unusual punishment"?

Adenying inmates needed medical treatment Buse of the electric chair as a form of execution Cplacing two inmates in a cell built for one Duse of the firing squad as a form of execution

____3.The guarantee against double jeopardy protects a person from being tried

Afor more than one crime committed at any one time. Btwice for the same crime. Cfor a crime the person did not commit. Dfor a federal crime in a State court.

____4.According to the Supreme Court, capital punishment

Ais most fairly applied through use of a two-stage trial. Bis cruel and unusual punishment. Cis unconstitutional. Dcan be a mandatory penalty for certain crimes.

____5.A grand jury

Adecides the guilt or innocence of those accused of crimes. Bconducts its proceedings in public. Creturns a true bill of indictment when it finds enough evidence to warrant a trial. Dplays a role in all federal and most State criminal cases today.

____6.The writ of habeas corpus is intended to prevent

Aa prisoner from being tried for the same crime twice. Bthe accused from being brought before a judge. Cthe accused from being unjustly arrested and imprisoned without cause. Ddefendants from being denied a lawyer.

____7.The 6th Amendment's guarantee of a speedy and public trial is aimed at

Adeterring potential criminals by fear of swift and certain punishment. Btrying those accused of crimes without undue delay and avoiding secret trials. Celiminating overcrowded dockets in the nation's criminal courts. Dpreventing jurors from being unduly influenced by public opinion.

____8.The only crime that is specifically defined in the Constitution is

Aespionage. Bsabotage. Cforceful government overthrow. Dtreason.

____9.The writ of habeas corpus can be suspended during war because in that case

Acourt officers will be unavailable to appear in court. Bthe entire Constitution has been suspended. Cthe President assumes the powers of all three branches of government. Dthe public good outweighs individual civil liberties.

Ch. 20.3&4 Note Evaluation

Answer Section



OBJ:20.3.3TOP:Rights of the Accused


OBJ:20.4.2TOP:Cruel and Unusual Punishment


OBJ:20.3.2TOP:Double Jeopardy


OBJ:20.4.3TOP:Capital Punishment


OBJ:20.3.2TOP:Grand Juries


OBJ:20.3.1TOP:Writ of Habeas Corpus


OBJ:20.3.3TOP:Speedy and Public Trial




OBJ:20.3.1TOP:Writ of Habeas Corpus