Lockie Leonard: Human Torpedo

Note: you need to break the ice in regards to the whole sex thing (or so I found in the past.) Otherwise you get them giggling every bloody time.

Start Week 2

1.  – There is a video that I produced late last year that serves as preview if you want. They can then discussion what they think the images and quotes mean, and the choice of music. Get them to predict what happens “AFTER.” See me for a USB copy (give me lots of notice as I only have a version that works in iTunes, but can get one for Windows Media Player from home)

- Discussion of Dramatic Structure (Story Triangle)

-  BEFORE: Read and then do comprehension questions

i)  What is Lockie’s full name?

ii)  Is Lockie an expert on sex, as he claims?

iii)  What important encounter occurs in Old Squasher’s class?

iv)  Why is Lockie so horrified by his wet dream?

v)  In what way does Lockie make a fool of himself on his first meeting with Vicki Streeton?

vi)  Lockie does something in church his father disapproves of. What?

vii)  What wonderful surprise awaits him when he manages to get out of his wet suit?

2.  DURING: read then do questions

i)  What remark of Lockie’s does Vicki find flattering?

ii)  What is Vicki’s attitude to marriage and why?

iii)  Another major difference in their beliefs emerges in ‘This Awesome Woman.’ What is it?

iv)  Why is Lockie so disgusted by the youth group?

v)  What is Mrs Leonard’s criticism of Lockie?

vi)  Why doesn’t he like the Streetons’ friends?

vii)  What decision does Vicki make after the water skiing trip?

viii)  What does Lockie get into perspective when his father comes home early and goes to bed?

3.  English Basics2 Chapter 1

HW: Finish reading novel.


1.  - Comprehension on AFTER

i)  Why does Vicki go with the bogans?

ii)  Why does Lockie get himself expelled from the club?

iii)  Does Lockie love Vicki?

iv)  Why does Vicki tell him never to speak to her again?

v)  What is Philip’s news in the last chapter?

- An Interview with Lockie in three parts (poster)

2.  Group work: READING FOR MEANING (three different passages)

3.  - Photo Activity (Before During After) (you can use an image from the preview video)

-  English Basics Chapter 2

There is a cut and paste summary activity as well if you want them to further look at the novels structure.


1.  Questions for Discussion (choose a few for them to look at with quotes)

i)  Why do you think Vicki falls in love with Lockie?

ii)  What are the signs that this is Lockie’s first experience of love?

iii)  We have various signs of the relative poverty of Lockie’s family. Does this make them a less worthy family?

iv)  What are the various signs that Lockie and Vicki aren’t well suited to each other?

v)  We have various glimpses of Lockie’s moral views, such as his attitude to the kids at Youth Group, his reaction to the Streeetons’ friends, and of course his relationship with Vicki. How could we describe his moral principles?

vi)  What does the chapter “A Tiny Flickering Light” tell us about Lockie’s priorities?

vii)  What does Lockie’s non-violent reaction to the bogan bashing tell us about him?

viii)  What stops Lockie giving into Vicki at the camp?

ix)  At the end, although he is heartbroken by his abandonment by Vicki, he has reached a place of peace and understanding and realises there are plenty of reasons to enjoy life. Comment.

2.  Essay Preparation: Character study (group work)

In groups choose a character and answer a question on each. Each group should create a poster.

Lockie: find four quotes which sum up what he is like. Create an image for each.

Vicki: crate a poster with her picture, and a story triangle of her journey in the novel. Place key quotes around the triangle

Sarge: find three quotes for the Sarge (either said by him or about him) that show what sort of person he is. Why is he important in the novel?

Mrs Leonard: What sort of person is she (find quotes that show this). What is her relationship with Lockie?

Phillip: find quotes that show Lockie’s attitude towards Philip. Fit this around a diagram showing their relationship changes over the course of the novel.

3.  Essay Preparation Themes (write a paragraph on each)

-  Love

i)  What is Lockie’s reason for refusing Vickie’s hint about having sex?

ii)  What is Vicki’s point of view?

iii)  What is Tim Winton recommending to us as readers?

-  Puberty

i)  How does Lockie change over the course of the novel?

ii)  What wisdom does he gain at the denouement?

-  Happiness

i)  What supposed paths to happiness does Lockie reject?

ii)  Which ways to happiness does the novel recommend?

-  Values and respect

i)  What moral values does Lockie believe in?

ii)  If he abandoned them, what would happen to his sense of self?

-  Peer Pressure vs Family

i)  What are the differences between Lockie’s family’s view of the world, and those offered by Vicki’s family?

ii)  Whose values are supported by Tim Winton and why?


1.  SAC questions (students choose one)

Lockie Leonard is a funny book but also has a lot of wisdom to offer. Discuss.

To what extent is Lockie Leonard a hero?

2.  Draft

3.  SAC

End results

SAC: text response

Presentation: oral

Additional activities


1.  using either iMovie or Movie Maker create a film per chapter. Each student is responsible for a different part (one minute each). Edit these together as a ‘film version’ of the novel. Compare this with the series

2.  Create a Preview of the novel similar to the one at the beginning. They must write an explanation of intention, commenting on their choice of music, images and quotes.

3.  Watch episodes of the Ch9 TV series (see library). Make comparisons between the novel and film on a number of key scenes. (Good time to do Venn Diagrams, Double Bubbles or some graphic based display work)

** Complete a ‘teaser’ poster to decorate your room.


1.  Give a talk (with powerpoint) on the subject of teenage sex, puberty and other teenage issues (or some of the world issues mentioned by Lockie in the novel)

2.  Debate: No one should engage in sex before the age of 18.

Create radio talk back show

Using Audacity or Garage Band (or any number of free podcasting programs) script and record a call in show dealing with some of the problems Lockie and Vicki have with each other. Include the Talk Back host’s response.


1. Presentation on one of the key themes, using video, sound, poetry or even a dramatic representation of a theme.

2. Charades! Present a key scene from the film using no sound.