2008年冬季刊全民英檢中級聽力模擬測驗第一回 教師版

Ⅰ. 看圖辨義:共十題,每題請聽所播出的題目和三個英文句子之後,選出與所看到的圖畫最相符的答案。每題只播出一遍。

Picture A:

1.  ( D ) What can be said about this place?

A. It is the man’s pad.

B. It is full of radiation.

C. There is a lot of trash here.

D. It is freezing.

2.  ( B ) Which of the following seems to be true?

A. The man is about to take a leap.

B. The bear is coming up behind the man.

C. The man is pestering the animal.

D. The bear is wandering away.

Picture B:

3.  ( B ) What are these people doing?

A. They are applying for visas.

B. They are playing pool.

C. They are bouncing balls.

D. They are playing with fireworks.

4.  ( C ) What can we say about the man and the woman?

A. They are irritating each other.

B. They are wandering around.

C. They are silent right now.

D. They are making resolutions.

Picture C:

5.  ( D ) What can we say about the black car?

A. It is turning around.

B. It is almost invisible.

C. The man can’t afford it.

D. It is a second-hand car.

Picture D:

6.  ( B ) Which statement best describes the picture?

A. The boy is a halfwit.

B. The boy’s grades improved.

C. The boy increased his popularity.

D. The boy made a fortune.

7.  ( C ) What can we say about the area the boy is in?

A. It is an area of high unemployment.

B. The boy can’t adapt to it.

C. There are skyscrapers there.

D. The boy has taken it over.

Picture E:

8.  ( C ) What seems to be true of these people?

A. They are both very cruel.

B. They are swatting something.

C. They share the same profession.

D. They are serious investors.

9.  ( B ) What does the machine the doctors are looking at probably measure?

A. Unemployment.

B. Weight.

C. Radiation.

D. Leaps.

Picture F:

10.  ( B ) What is probably true of the shoes in this picture?

A. They are worn for medical problems.

B. They are made by hand.

C. They are worth trillions.

D. They are made of small pieces of cord.

11.  ( B ) What seems to be true of the man?

A. He is a mechanic.

B. He doesn’t realize the woman is there.

C. He is demanding something.

D. He is doing the accounting.

Picture G:

12.  ( D ) What is the woman doing?

A. She’s taking advantage of the boy.

B. She’s being cruel to the dog.

C. She’s encouraging the dog.

D. She’s protecting the boy.

13.  ( A ) What is true of the dog in the picture?

A. It is tied to a tree.

B. It is wandering around.

C. It is a light color.

D. It is hanging out with the boy.

Picture H:

14.  ( B ) What is the woman doing?

A. She is asking for credit.

B. She is paying cash.

C. She is demanding money.

D. She is gambling with the man.

15.  ( A ) What can we say about the man?

A. He sells fireworks.

B. He is very powerful.

C. He is unemployed.

D. He works with cadavers.

II. 問答:共十題,每題請聽播出的英文句子,再從三個回答中,選出一個最適合的答案。每題只播出一遍。

16.  ( B ) What do you want me to do with all of this meat?

A. I’ll meet you at the restaurant.

B. Cut it up and put it in this pot.

C. About six or seven kilograms.

D. Yes, it really does cost a fortune.

17.  ( C ) Why do you want me to come running with you this afternoon?

A. No, it didn’t take us that long.

B. Sorry, but I’ve never been to it.

C. The exercise will do you good.

D. Thanks very much. I’m glad you did.

18.  ( C ) I really enjoyed that movie. What did you think of it?

A. I can’t think of any right now.

B. Well, the lettuce was very tasty.

C. I thought it was awesome, too.

D. There’s no guarantee about that.

19.  ( D ) Why don’t we have a rest over there, beside that big tree?

A. I have no idea; I didn’t ask him.

B. Well, besides that, we need them.

C. I know. It’s too far away.

D. OK. That looks like a nice spot.

20.  ( B ) Oh, no! I forgot to bring some money. How can we pay for dinner?

A. I’m not sure. Could I see the menu?

B. It’s OK. I can use my credit card.

C. About a trillion dollars, I think.

D. I wish it would stop pestering us.

21.  ( A ) I’m glad I came mountain climbing with you. It really is exciting, isn’t it?

A. Yes; I find it exhilarating.

B. She’s always been that way.

C. I don’t think it will do that.

D. Yes, I know. It’s a steal.

22.  ( C ) I don’t understand how this machine works. It’s very difficult to set up.

A. Yes, it’s quite elementary.

B. No, he’s unemployed right now.

C. Yes, it is very complicated.

D. I thought he was charming.

23.  ( C ) So, are you ready for your big trip down under?

A. We drove past there hours ago.

B. Please don’t put it under there.

C. Not quite. I need to apply for a visa.

D. Yes, this looks like the spot.

24.  ( A ) What happened when you hit the ball? Where did it go?

A. It bounced off the car and over the fence.

B. I don’t know where they went.

C. Well, we could always pay it off.

D. Yes, what a glorious scene!

25.  ( A ) I really think we should call the police immediately!

A. You’re right; this is an emergency!

B. But that’s not his real name.

C. I suggest calling them something else.

D. Did you really? That’s irritating!

26.  ( B ) What should we do with the extra money we earned this month?

A. Yes, he really earned that one.

B. I think we should invest it.

C. We should really stick to it.

D. I have some more of them now.

27.  ( D ) I’m going to swing across the river on this rope. It will be fun!

A. Yes, she’s such a halfwit.

B. As a consequence, he fell in.

C. It happened just after then, I think.

D. Are you sure it can take your weight?

28.  ( A ) Well, we should probably work on our assignment now, shouldn’t we?

A. OK. Let’s get started on it.

B. Yes. Let’s pay it off this year.

C. I found it wandering around outside.

D. I’ll ask a mechanic to fix them, then.

29.  ( D ) Does your sister know very much about health and medicine?

A. Up to three times a day, I think.

B. OK. I’ll buy that for you.

C. I didn’t know that you had a sister.

D. Of course. She’s a medical student.

30.  ( C ) We don’t have much money, and new cars are too expensive. What can we do?

A. I accepted one in an accounting firm.

B. I agree. We really need them.

C. We could buy a second-hand one.

D. I don’t know. It’s much too stretchy.

III. 簡短對話:共十題,每題請聽一段對話和一個相關的問題後,再從三個選項中,選出一個最適合的答案。每段對話和問題會播出兩遍。

31.  ( B ) M: Can I help you, madam?

W: Yes, I’d like to buy this chair. Can I use my credit card here?

M: I’m sorry, but I only accept cash in this store.

W: Oh, well in that case, I’ll have to go to the bank.

M: Actually, there is an ATM machine just across the road.

W: That’s great. I’ll be back in just a moment.

M: OK. I’m sorry about the inconvenience.

Q: What does the man tell the woman?

A. He also works in a bank.

B. He doesn’t accept credit cards.

C. He doesn’t have much cash.

D. He will go across the road.

32.  ( A ) M: Hey, look at this huge TV over here!

W: Wow! It is big. And look at the price!

M: I know. I wonder why it’s so low.

W: Who cares? At that price, it’s a steal!

M: You’re right. I think we should buy it.

W: Yes. After all, it’s the only TV in here that we can afford.

M: I’ll just go get the salesman.

Q: What does the woman say about the TV?

A. She thinks it is very cheap.

B. It really irritates her.

C. She wants to steal it.

D. She wants to buy it off the man.

33.  ( D ) W: This house is so beautiful. And look at that garden!

M: Yes, it’s a fantastic place. There’s only one problem…

M: I know. It’s much too expensive for us.

W: Yes. It’s a shame, but we just don’t have enough money right now.

M: Well, let’s forget about it and keep looking for something more suitable.

Q: What do the speakers say about the house?

A. They wish they hadn’t bought it.

B. They will think about buying it.

C. There is a problem with the garden.

D. They can’t afford it.

34.  ( D ) M: I’ve been working so hard recently. I’m exhausted!

W: Yes, you do look very tired. What you need is a holiday.

M: But I need to earn money. I can’t just take time off.

W: Of course you can. Besides, a holiday would be really good for you. You need to relax.

M: Well, I suppose I could ask the boss for a week off.

W: I think you should. You’ll feel much better after a short break.

Q: What does the woman say about the man?

A. He should ask for more money.

B. He should go away with his boss.

C. He has only been working for a week.

D. A holiday would do him good.

35.  ( B ) W: I don’t have enough money to buy Jane a nice birthday gift this year.

M: Neither do I. I just don’t have much spare cash.

W: Hey, I’ve got an idea: Why don’t we put our money together?

M: OK. That way, we can buy her something nice.

W: OK….this is how much I have to spend.

M: And I have this much.

W: Great! I’m sure we can get her something nice with this!

Q: What did the speakers decide to do?

A. Buy gifts for each other.

B. Pool their money.

C. Ask Jane for more cash.

D. Put their money in the bank.

36.  ( D ) W: Hey Jim, how’s your job going?

M: Actually, I quit last week.

W: Why? I thought you really liked it.

M: I did, but I have decided I want to become a movie star.

W: Are you mad? You don’t have any acting experience.

M: I know, but I’m confident I can become rich and famous, anyway.

W: Well, good luck—but I still think you’re a little crazy!

Q: What does the woman say about the man?

A. She has confidence in him.

B. He is already rich and famous.

C. She thinks his idea is excellent.

D. She thinks he is a little mad.

37.  ( A ) M: I’ve been working on this car for hours now. I have no idea what’s wrong with it.

W: Maybe we should get a mechanic to look at it.

M: Yes, I think we should. This engine is too complicated for me.

W: It’s okay. At least you tried.

M: Well, I suppose I’ll have to put it all back together now.

W: Don’t worry about that. I’ll ask a mechanic to come here to fix it.

Q: What do we know about the man?

A. He isn’t a mechanic.

B. He can easily fix the car.

C. He is the woman’s mentor.

D. He is trying to memorize something.

38.  ( C ) W: Hi, I’d like to get a credit card.

M: Sure, but I need to ask you some questions first.

W: That’s fine. What else do I need to do?

M: Well, you’ll need to fill out these forms and show me some ID.

W: OK. So, what do you need to know?

M: Well, first of all, what kind of card do you need?

W: Oh, I didn’t know that there were different kinds.

M: Let me explain them to you…

Q: What does the woman want to do?

A. Apply for a job.

B. Join an accounting firm.

C. Apply for a credit card.

D. Cut up her credit cards.

39.  ( C ) M: Well, I’ve paid off my car now.

W: That’s great. And what about the money you owe the bank?

M: I’ve paid most of that back, too.

W: Excellent! Soon you’ll be saving money again.

M: I hope so. I should have all my debts paid off within four months.

W: Well, it sounds like your financial situation is really improving.

M: It sure is. All I need to do is stick to my monthly budget.

Q: What does the man want to do?

A. Borrow money from a bank.

B. Pay the woman some money.

C. Get himself out of debt.

D. Improve the woman’s situation.

40.  ( C ) W: Wow! What an experience that was!

M: It sure was. I’m so glad we decided to try bungee jumping.

W: Me, too. It was so exhilarating!

M: I was a little worried when I saw how thin the bungee cord was, though.

W: I was too. It didn’t look like it would be able to hold our weight.

M: Well, it did, and here we are, safe and sound!

W: Say, do you want to try it again?

M: OK. This time, I’m going to open my eyes!

Q: What does the woman say about bungee jumping?

A. She is worried about it.

B. She didn’t really enjoy it.

C. It was very exciting.

D. It is far too dangerous.

41.  ( D ) W: Can I help you, sir?

M: Yes, I would like to buy these shoes, but they’re too expensive. Do you have any cheaper ones like these?

W: I’m afraid not, sir. Actually these ones are very good quality. Why don’t you buy them?

M: Sorry, but I need some that are cheaper.