/ DPAC Meeting Notes – Apr 21, 2011

Meeting Notes: DPAC Executive Meeting

Date-Time / Wednesday, June 29, 2011 7:30 p.m.
Location / Sarina’s house
Attendance: / Gwen Giesbrecht (Chair)
Sandy Sharma (Vice-Chair)
Jennifer West
Sarina Auriel (Secretary & Treasurer)
Steve Baker
Colin Redfern
Iraj Khabazian,
Absent: / James Pederson

1. Meeting was called to order at 7:45 pm

Motion to approve the agenda: Sarina

Second: Colin

Motion carried

2. AGM

Motion to approve the minutes of the AGM for 2010: Colin

Second: Steve

Motion carried

3. DPAC spring election/ratification

Ratifications from 17 schools

5 Nominees were ratified as executive members

(Colin Redfern [Selkirk], Iraj Khabazian [Thunderbird], Monica Moberg [John Oliver], Ivy Leung, [Maple Grove] Andrea Coutu [Hudson])

Welcome new members, and congratulations. Gwen will contact new DPAC members.

4. Fall planning: planning and possible topics

When: Sunday, July 10 (second choice is Aug 7) *confirm date by July 1

Proposed timeline 11:00 until 4 or 5 pm

Where: UBC (Colin to confirm location)

Proposed Topics:

#1 Priority: Strategic approach to support for next year

DPAC, a volunteer organization, is challenged to meet the needs of our constituants without any administrative support. The management team will seek to engage VSB to re-hire a coordinator resource.

Other priorities:

A. DPAC Elections: Seek parent committee to manage election process

Gwen will seek blurb from new DPAC people and Jennifer will post on the web page. This will help to determine the passions of the new DPAC members and build relationship where alliances may naturally occur.

B. Tactical planning: Use new DPAC members to engage specific departments within VSB

C. Advocacy Focus: Transitions – There was a significant change in engagement of committees this year that was a struggle for parents. We would like to facilitate the communication of committee activities directly with interest groups and parents.

DPAC members will seek out other DPAC

D. Technology to support meetings: options for telecom and only 1 face to face meeting of DPAC

E. Investigate the ‘human face’ of VSB for parents

F. Communication with PACS

G. Relevance to PACs – what does DPAC do for PACs? Engagement opportunities?

H. Parent education opportunities – how to communicate?

I. Wireless strategy in elementary schools and engagement with all PACs (real and authentic communication)

5.  Gaming funds/grant applications

Gaming funds application submitted online by Steve

$2013 of gaming funds available

Jennifer will investigate the deadline and requirement to provide a summary of gaming expenses to MoE

6.  Parent Ed for the fall - Raj Dhasi

Brain development and conflict resolution in the adolescent brain

Proposed plan:

October date: Oct 27, 2011

1 hr. = $1000

1.5 hr = $1500

Host at VSB

Follow with PAC 101 in the room next door

Parent meeting in café

Motion to approve expenditure of gaming funds on Raj Dhasi ($1200): Iraj

Second: Colin

Motion carried

Motion to approve expenditure of gaming funds for 11 people to attend summer retreat (maximum of $300): Iraj

Second: Jennifer

Motion carried

Motion to approve expenditure of gaming funds (up to $800) to purchase banners: Sandy

Second: Sarina

Motion carried

Jennifer to order more banners

Related item: Gaming funds report due to Ministry to track expenditures

Action: Jennifer will investigate the submission of the summary report timelines and requirements

7.  Discuss committee representative for next year

A reminder to DPAC members of the formal protocol of the committee meeting structure and respectful procedures expected by the VSB and trustees.

DPAC members will review their own strengths to align with committees for next academic year.

Expectations of decorum will be communicated with new DPAC members.

Our task is to communicate the message, know the issues, be respectful etc.

Feedback from committee management

8.  Civic election participation

Steve and Gwen will be seeking a COPE school board nomination
Previous DPACs have hosted a city all-candidates meeting. Does DPAC want to do the same? Discussion tabled until next meeting.

9.  Elect Chair: Seeking nominations for Chair

Nominated: Colin – declined nomination

Nominated: Jennifer – declined nomination

Nominated: Gwen – accepted nomination

Nominated: Sandy – accepted nomination

Request for secret ballot

Result: Gwen (5) Sandy (2)

Motion to destroy the ballots: Jennifer

Second: Steve

Motion carried

Thank you Sandy

Congratulations Gwen.

Nominations for Vice-Chair & Secretary will proceed in the fall as outlined in our constitution.

10.  Committee reports

a.  ICT (Jennifer)

ICT meeting was more successful last week as the impact and influence of parents was appreciated. Funding is available to invest in wireless infrastructure this summer. DPAC was very clear about the need to engage parents in real dialogue and act upon feedback. Information packages will be provided to parents about VSB wireless strategy. Next meeting: mid-June.

b.  Facilities/playgrounds (Colin and Jennifer)

Colin and Jennifer will continue to work with the facilities committee to develop a comprehensive and helpful process documents. The committee meeting was well attended and we expect considerable progress will be made to streamline the playground installations, as well as inform parents about what to expect as they work with VSB.