CS 05a Technical Aspects of Community Services Ministry:
Volunteer Engagement/Human Resources
1 Contact Hour
Participant’s Guide
Prepared by Nancy Kluge, Ph. D., LGPC
©2011 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®
What categories of people help you deliver your community-based ministry?
___ Volunteers
___ Employees
___ A mix of both
How do you distinguish between the two?
Volunteers Employees
Pay ______
Belief in ministry ______
Volunteer Engagement (VE)/
Human Resources (HR)
sub-area expectations ______
What if the distinguishing characteristics aren’t so clear?
Volunteers might want: Something back ______
A cause they can believe in ______
To operate in a well-run VE/HR system ______
Employees might want: More than money ______
To be part of an organization they can believe in _____
To operate in a well-run VE/HR system ______
Additional ways to think about people:
Age Cohorts: Time spans with beginning and ending birth dates that result in cohort members who experience similar national and world events that leave their mark on the beliefs, attitudes and behaviors of those in the cohort.
Life Stages: Age ranges that result in members of a particular life stage who experience similar physical, cognitive, emotional and social development.
If your group decides to examine Age Cohorts use the space below to record information provided and discussion points that you think will be helpful to your community-based ministry:
Title ______
Memorable Events:
Key Characteristics:
Effect on volunteers/employees:
Title ______
Memorable Events:
Key Characteristics:
Effect on volunteers/employees:
If your group decides to examine Life Stages use the space below to record information provided and discussion points that you think will be helpful to your community-based ministry:
Title ______
Key Characteristics:
Effect on volunteers/employees:
Title ______
Key Characteristics:
Effect on volunteers/employees:
People in any Age Cohort or Life Stage can make a contribution to your community-based ministry.
However, you need to take the Age Cohort or Life Stage into consideration as you seek and engage each individual.
Seeking and engaging individuals is a question of designing and implementing well, the sub-areas of a Volunteer Engagement (VE)/Human Resources (HR) system.
For Volunteers: For Employees:
Negotiation Position Design
Cultivation Recruitment
Agreement Selection
Support Training
Engagement Management
Measurement Performance Appraisal
Recognition Compensation
Good Negotiation/Position Design:
* Groups tasks in some logical manner ______
* Reduces confusion ______
* Identifies knowledge, skills, and abilities and links them to tasks ______
BUT, is flexible ______
Some Negotiation/Position Design questions to consider:
* Have you given much thought to the group of tasks you ask any one volunteer or employee to do?
* Have you given much thought to the knowledge, skills, or abilities a person might need to accomplish those tasks?
Good Cultivation/Recruitment:
* Gets sufficient numbers interested in being part of your ministry ______
BUT, is more personalized for volunteers ______
Some Cultivation/Recruitment questions to consider:
* How do you currently let volunteers and employees know you would like them to be involved in your community-based ministry?
* How effective or ineffective has your approach been?
Good Agreement/Selection:
* Matches individuals qualifications with position qualifications ______
BUT, takes the fit between individual and ministry culture into consideration ______
IS, flexible for volunteers ______
Some Agreement/Selection questions to consider:
* Do you currently match volunteer and employee qualifications with position qualifications?
* If so, how do you currently obtain the information you need to make this match?
Good Support/Training:
* Helps individuals learn what they need to know or be able to do to contribute successfully ______
BUT, takes busy schedules into consideration ______
Some Support/Training questions to consider:
* Do you currently provide any support/training to help volunteers and employees contribute more successfully to your community-based ministry?
* If so, how do you fit it into the busy schedule?
Good Engagement/Management:
* Involves delegating wisely ______
No BUTS ______
Some Engagement/Management questions to consider:
* Do you delegate wisely?
* If so, how do you think it contributes to keeping your volunteers and employees engaged?
Good Measurement/Performance Appraisal:
* Lets you know who is fulfilling key responsibilities well and who is not ______
* Provides you with the paper trail you need to prove it ______
AND, results in the retention of the best and loss of the worse ______
Some Measurement/Performance Appraisal questions to consider:
* Do you capture measurement or performance appraisal information in any written and systematic manner?
* If so, do you use this information to retain your best volunteers/employees and lose your worse?
* If not, what do you think is the effect of not doing so on retention of those you most want to retain?
Good Recognition/Compensation:
* Provides rewards and recognition based on contribution ______
BUT, does not have to be in the form of money ______
Some Recognition/Compensation questions to consider:
* Do you provide rewards and recognition based on individual contribution and value to your community-based ministry?
* If so, what are some of the types of rewards and recognition, other than money, that you provide?
In summary:
* Age Cohort and/or Life Stage contribution to your community-based ministry:
* Paying attention to the impact of age cohorts and/or life stages can help you attract, motivate and retain the kind of volunteers and employees that will help your community-based ministry be a success.
* Volunteer Engagement/Human Resources sub-areas contribution to your community-based ministry:
* Paying attention to the design and implementation of each of the VE/HR
sub-areas can help you attract, motivate and retain the kind of volunteers and employees that will help your community-based ministry be a success.
If you want to learn more:
* Details of how to design and implement each of the VE/HR sub-areas are provided in the Volunteer Engagement/Human Resources course in the North American Division Nonprofit Leadership Certificate Program.
See www.communityservices.org for more details.
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