Members in attendance: Rene’ Kuehne, Tiffany Baxter, Georgina Zielinski, Arty Flores, Kelly Loucks, Judith Clark


The meeting was called to order by Co-President, Judith Clark at 11:43 a.m. in the upper floor Conference Room in Hannelly Center. We were asked to introduce ourselves and to share something that we had recently done on campus or in the District and also something that we would like to do on campus or in the District. These are great activities that Judith has us do as it gives us a chance to get to know our fellow Professional Staff a little and this one also introduced information/activities that many of us were not aware of.

  1. NOTES FROM PC PRESIDENT/District Report
  • Elections are coming up in both the Units and the District…we can have 9 Representatives and 9 Alternates.
  • We have 140 Professional Staff on our Campus
  • Nominations will be in April
  • Judith asked that if anyone is interested in serving in any capacity to please have a dialogue with their Supervisors now about their intent and to maybe interview past/present Officers in regards to the time and responsibilities of their position as well as any obstacles they encountered in serving.
  • The Budget update is available on YouTube™: Part One Part Two
  • The Classification and Compensation (the PAQ study) is on track to complete in June. Implementation will be delayed because HRMS most likely cannot handle a change of this magnitude. The study/report will be on time, just not the execution.
  • Fundraising for Scholarships…Tiffany Baxter will check in to cost, etc. regarding selling flowers the night of graduation.
  • The IT breech is much more public and has been noted on both local Channels 5 and 15. and You can watch the January 28 Governing Board meeting for more on this and the letter that was read into the record:
  • No Webpage updates at this time but everyone is encouraged to forward ideas and thought as well as past PSA elected officers or members. Judith has suggested the webpage include a listing of former officers and representatives as a resource.


  • Tiffany Baxter was encouraged to share her role in Site Max ‘Live Chat’ and the Blogs that she does…quite an amazing position and she seems to really love it.
  • We shared some fun stories and activities
  • There is a Yoga class, open to all employees without enrollment required, on campus led by Liz Parmlee on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:00 p.m.
  • Another Social Mixer is being planned for Friday, February 28th. More information to follow.
  2. District


Ratification expected to be proposed no later than April.

  2. PC

Treasurer (Kelly Loucks)

Membership Savings..$140.01

Special Savings...... $844.79

Checking...... $2,043.39 plus District reimbursement for dues which has not yet been deposited

PSI (Ted Bland)

Met with 4 or 5 individuals interested in pursuing Internship. They are seeking mentors and preparing applications for submission.

No other reports available to share.

  1. District

President (Lynn Mary) – No report

President-Elect(vacant) – No report

Secretary (Carmen Gonzales)– minutes for 2013: July, September, October, November, December; and 2014: January approved.

Policy Chair (Donna Winston)

Members are encouraged to review policy and submit suggested changes to CPD committee chairs and or members.


Treasurer (Anita Dusek)

$10,000 moved to Savings to allow for earning interest.

Account / Balance
MCCCD District PSA / $21,277.46
District PSA Summer Conference / $6,712.16
District PSA Savings / $40,399.48
Total / $68,389.10
  1. Committees – Judith Clark/Marc Surrarrer
  2. PC

Budget Review

Invitation extended to faculty and staff to attend budget update to be presented by BRC co-chairs, Paul DeRose and Scott Hauret and president’s executive team on Thursday, February 13. Video of session is found here: 2014 Phoenix College Budget Forum - Part One 2014 Phoenix College Budget Forum - Part Two Budget forum revealed the inadequacy of HRMS to handle the potential change called for upon the conclusion of the Classification and Compensation Study in June 2014. Intend to implement capital planning tool for 2014/15.

Learning College

Word Art

Quotes will be posted throughout campus to support established goal for providing learning-centered language for students. Production cost was less than amount set aside.

Historical Timeline

In the process of being updated and soon will be posted to PC website.


Piloting: “Preparing for Academic Advising,” form which is intended to facilitate a more efficient advising session for students. Advising meetings held in the Hacienda Conference Room are open to the campus the first Wednesday of each month at 2P. Committee members were encouraged to attend the one scheduled for Wednesday, February 5.

Pathways to Success

System being developed to help a student to identify best pathway for him or her to use during academic career.


JulianeRoybal and Ann Roselle participated in extensive mentor training and will deliver training to faculty and staff.


Year-end Annual Strategic Plan Report

Template was shared with committee.

Thank You Project

Development continues for digital acknowledgement and may include learning college principles delivered as digital badges.


Change in methodology for administering survey is under consideration.


Committee supported request for$1,200.00 in funding luncheon as part of a faculty professional development event with focus on assessment and furthering goals of PC’s Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Quality Initiative. Retreat scheduled for Friday, February 21, forum on Friday, February 28, and conference in April. Information is being gathered and writing is beginning.

Retention(sub committee)

Ongoing discussions with key area supervisors to ensure they know the role they have within the Retention Plan.

Maricopa Priorities

Financial data recently emailed to departments from Business Services (BS) and working sessions to discuss same provided by BS. Open office hours for fielding questions from assessment owners and reviewing assessment drafts, recently provided by District. Using Canvas as reporting structure now is optional. The 2,800 word maximum remains.

Phoenix College Leadership Council (PCLC)

As of Tuesday, February 4, spring enrollment FTSE declined by 6%.

Member updates included announcement that on Friday, January 31, Maricopa County superintendent of schools, Don Covey, selected former state senator and past gubernatorial candidate, Alfredo Gutierrez, to serve on the MCCCD Governing Board until Tuesday, December 31, 2014 to fill the vacancy created by the Mr. Ben Miranda, death .

Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence

Application due before Friday, March 14 and winners announced in early 2015. Jan Binder, Director of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for gathering data and completing application for submission. Draft will be reviewed by the council on Tuesday, March 4.

Director of Development

Karen Staley, who has an extensive background in development and who now serves in the Alumni office, was introduced to council members.


Feral Cats

Recently, PC, sought to change its Trap, Neuter, Return (TNR) solution to include rehoming the cats and ultimately decided the current TNR, where the cats are returned to the campus, is the best outcome at this time. Cats are trapped, receive a health check, are spayed or neutered, and returned to the campus. Returning them to the campus prevents new cats from moving in since cats are territorial. Feasibility of immunizing them is under consideration. The campus provides a special diet for the cats so if individuals are found feeding the cats, Safety should be notified. Campus signage will be updated to include current information. Please send your comments, ideas, and suggestions concerning this issue to Paul DeRose and or Eileen Archibald .

Financial Aid

Contract with Vangent, the vendor previously engaged to review financial aid documents, ends in June. District is setting up central office to take over those operations and requires unreimbursed staffing from the colleges even though funds were allocated for continuing Vangent contract through 2014/15. Contract with Citi, the financial institution used for financial aid disbursements, ends in June.


Video presented:

PC Strategic Planning

Recap of prior work including using Canvas as a reporting tool and identifying core planning area responsible persons and contributors. Demonstration of Canvas used as reporting structure was presented. Strategic Plan for 2013-17 is in final form with expected revising to take place prior to Higher Learning Commission (HLC) accreditation visit. Future expectations include increased interaction with contributors and signing up volunteers to serve as a resource for each core planning area identified responsible person and contributors. Upcoming meetings held first Mondays of each month. Next meeting is Monday, March 3.

  1. District PSA

Presentation on Affordable Care Act impact and question and answer session with Dr. Josh Mackey and District Human Resources team. Approximately 75 employees district-wide were offered opportunity to move from 0.5 FTE to 0.75 FTE. For those not accepting increased work hours, they retain their current pay rate and receive payout of sick time.


District will implement strategies to avoid possible impact of a “Cadillac” tax assessed on those organizations which provide medical insurance benefits above a federal government-specified premium threshold. In other words, co-pay amounts may be increased to align with the federal government-specified standard.

Open enrollment is a three-week period at the end of April and beginning of May.

Effective July 1, 2014, designation for various employee types changes to classified or non classified.

Common Policy Development (CPD)(Donna Winston)

Review policy and let chair know of concerns

PEL(Angelica Mihailova) – No report

DAC(Leah Dutin-Hall)

Operating as diversity coordinators

PSD– (Cindy Cooper, Mary Davison)

61 pending applications

Summer Conference – Judith Clark

Decisions made to purchase various takeaways.

Walk through of selected resorts to be arranged.

FAC (Lynn Mary)

Met Tuesday, February 18. Supported recommendation to Governing Board to consider a $5 tuition increase and 2% property tax increase.

PSI (Julie Wright)– Ted Bland

Applications are due by Friday, April 11.

EBAC (Lynn Mary / Julie Wright)

Contract with Zenith Administrators is ending. Replaced with Meritain Health effective 7/1/2014. Prescription management contract with Express Scripts ending and Humana is new vendor.

IMOR2 (Lynn Mary)– No report

  1. Meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
  1. Next meeting is scheduled for 3/20/14 at 11:30 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by: Rene’ Kuehne, PC PSA Secretary