MINUTES : 10TH JULY 2008 PAGE : 07/08
Present : Chairman Clr Bannister, Clrs Hancock, Brewer, Findlay, Dawson, Arthan,
Day & Irving –Little. Clr Jarvis & CountyClr Brown both part.
Apologies : Clr Rodda & District Clr Comber.
Public Participation : None
07.01Sewage Action Group : Graham King requested that a letter be sent to the
Tresuck / S W Water appeal, emphasising the existence and part played by the Liaison Group. He went on to report on the meeting with S W Water that morning. Early discussions with the Trevalga Trust were not very fruitful regarding the Black Barn site. A Parish Meeting on the 22nd July could be the time to sound out other local feeling, SWWater would attend to give more detailed ideas. Other sites are still being sought & SWWater will keep us informed. Next meeting scheduled for Friday 1st August at 10am in the Visitor Centre. Meeting notes are appended to these minutes.
07.02Minutes : for 12th June 2008 were approved.
07.03Application for Preliminary Consent to be included in the Pharmaceutical List. Consultation by Cornwall & Isles of Scilly NHS Primary Care Support Agency for New Pharmacy in the vicinity of Boscastle Surgery. Clr Jarvis declared an interest & took no part in the proceedings. Chairman Clr Bannister closed the meeting to allow members of the public to respond to an explanation, by Dr Abbott, of how such an application would impact to the detriment of existing services.
Chairman re-opened the meeting & thanked Dr Abbott for his input. Clr Dawson proposed that FMPC should reply to the consultation that the application was neither necessary or desirable, seconded by Clr Arthan, all in favour. Resolved.
07.04Matters for Report : Two donated slate paintings were available for
Councillors to view. A decision was required as to their future location. Clr Findlay proposed that they should be handed to Dave Ferrett for show in the Community Centre, as long as the donators were in agreement. Seconded by Clr Day , all in favour. Resolved.
Replies to the Blowhole questionnaire will be considered at the next meeting in August.
07.05Planning applications for consideration :
2007/01756 & 2007/01757. Town & Country Planning Act 1990 – Appeals under Section 78. Appeal against Condition 5 on Decision Notice 2007/01757 Land at Melbourne Cottage, Potters Lane, Boscastle by Mr&Mrs R Haddy. Informal Hearing will be held on Tuesday 29th July 2008 in Council Chamber, Camelford at 10am.
2008/01233 Erection of single storey extension to kitchen for S Dunden & J Mayer. Clr Hancock proposed no objection, seconded by Clr Brewer, all in favour. Resolved.
MINUTES : 10TH JULY 2008. Page 08/08
2008/01251 LBConsent for replacement of windows ( like for like) for Mr R Hancock. Clr Hancock declared an interest and took no further part. Clr Bannister proposed no objection, seconded by Clr Irving-Little, all in favour. Resolved,
2008/00783 7, Marine Terrace Withdrawn.
2008//01259 Cannegos, Treworld Erection of farm building ( multi purpose )including Implement/Tractor/Machinery storage & feed/straw storage & over wintering for Sheep/Cattle for Mr C Key. Clr Hancock proposed no objection, seconded by Clr Findlay, all in favour Resolved.
08.01 Traffic/Road Closures: Patching Works – Under Road Boscastle 15/9/08
For 3 days. Sanding Road, Tintagel . strengthening retaining wall closed
3/11/08 for 3months. Some usage over Christmas and New Year.
08.02 Regeneration report :Clr Findlay reported thatJuly 2008 is probably the
last ever meeting as the various aspects come together. Date for removal of
cabins not known. Main road bridge flow meter building details to be
checked with Environment Agency. Other items include Field catcher,
Doctors Corner handrail & telemetry, Draft Flood Plan circulated,
SWWater treatment works update, recycling bins and Regeneration Party.
08.03 CountyCouncillors report: C Council Health Committee report that
Treliske is at last recovering but some surgeon placement queries remain.
One Cornwall will have 18 Community Network Centres & a Joint
Committee system.
08.04 District Councillors report: None
08.05 Playground / Field report : Playground is well used. See-saw has been
repaired & cut rope replaced with a chain ( cost TBA ) Safety signs are
being manufactured for September installation.
08.06 Correspondence: Camelford & District Mini-bus donation request. Clr
Brewer proposed £50 be given, seconded by Clr Findlay all in favour.
08.07 Accounts : Authorisation of cheques presented was proposed by Clr
Hancock, seconded by Clr Findlay, all in favour. Resolved.
No further business Chairman closed the meeting at 21 44 hrs.
Bob Smith (Clerk) Signed Chairman………..