

of the 20th COOMET Committee Meeting


Astana, Kazakhstan

No. / Point to Discuss /


Opening of the meeting / G. Sydorenko,
President COOMET
Greetings of the participants of the meeting / Representativeofhostside
Introduction of the participants of the meeting / Participants of the meeting
Adoption of the agenda / COOMET Committee Members or their official representatives
1 / About joining the Agency for Standardization, Metrology, Certification and Trade Inspection of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (Tajikstandart) in COOMET / G. Sydorenko,
D. Khotamov, Director of TajikStandart
2 / Implementation of the decisions of the 19th COOMET Committee Meeting. Presentation of the Minutes / P. Neyezhmakov,
Head of COOMET Secretariat
3 /

COOMET President’s report

/ G. Sydorenko
4 /

Improvement and further development of COOMET activities

4.1 /

About changes in the COOMET structure

/ G. Sydorenko,
N. Zhagora, COOMET Vice-president,
O. Kühn,Head of TC 2
4.2 /

Approval of allocation of responsibilities and authorities of Vice-presidents of COOMET

/ G. Sydorenko
4.3 /

About directions of activity of TC 5 “Joint scientific research in the field of metrology”

/ K.-D. Sommer, COOMET Vice-president
4.4 /

About changes in COOMETCOOMET Rules of Procedure

/ G. Sydorenko
4.5 /


/ P. Neyezhmakov,
J.Biere, Communications Expert
4.6 /

About creation of an expert group on kinds of measurements

/ V. Krutikov, COOMET Vice-president,
S. Korostin,
Head of JCMS
5 / Main results of COOMET activities in 2009–2010
5.1 / Annual report of COOMET Secretariat / P. Neyezhmakov
5.2 / Annual reports of the Chairpersons of the Structural Bodies: / Chairpersons of SBs
Joint Committee on Measurement Standards / S. Korostin
Additional information[1]to the report of the JCMSChairpersonaboutactivitiesofTC 1.1 – TC 1.12
­TC 1.1 General Metrology
­TC 1.2 Acoustics, Ultrasound, Vibration
­TC 1.3 Electricity and Magnetism
­TC 1.4 Flow Measurement
­TC 1.5 Length and Angle
­TC 1.6 Mass and Related Quantities
­TC 1.7 Photometry and Radiometry
­TC 1.8 Physical Chemistry
­TC 1.9 Ionising Radiation and Radioactivity
­TC 1.10 Thermometry and Thermal Physics
­TC 1.11 Time and Frequency
­TC 1.12 Reference Materials / Chairpersons of
TC 1.1– TC 1.12
В. Леонов
TC 2 Legal Metrology / O.Kühn
Quality Forum and TC 3.1 / S. Musil, COOMET Vice-president
TC 4 Information and Training / P. Neyezhmakov
6 / Implementation of the CIPM MRA
6.1 / Results of the 23st and 24ndJCRB Meetings / S. Krutikov
6.2 / About the implementation of the Programme of Comparisons of COOMET / S. Korostin
6.3 / Current state of work on preparation and review of COOMET CMC / S. Korostin
6.4 / Carrying out presentations and peer reviews of quality management systems of NMIs of COOMET Member Countries in 2010-2011 / S. Musil
6.5 / About the results of international Workshop within COOMET “10 years of CIPM MRA: results and perspectives of cooperation” / S. Krutikov
6.6 / Abouttheresultsof 12thMeetingofNMIDirectorsandSymposium, devotedtothe 10thanniversaryofCIPMMRA / N. Zhagora
7 / About the results of the 44th Meeting of CIML and COOMET tasks resulting from its decisions / G. Sydorenko
8 / Submittal of COOMET publications developed and updated in 2009–2010 for approval
– agreed and reviewed COOMET Document D5/200__ “Model Regulations for COOMET Structural Body”;
– agreed and reviewed COOMET Recommendation R/AQ/9:200__ “Recommendation on the Evaluation of Quality Management System of National Metrological Institutes”;
– agreed and reviewed COOMET Recommendation R/GM/11:200__ “Regulations for comparison of measurement standards from the national metrological institutes of COOMET”; / P. Neyezhmakov
8 / – agreed and reviewed COOMET Recommendation R/GM/12:200__ “Rules of maintaining of foregoing COOMET Program of comparisons”;
– agreed and reviewed COOMET Recommendation R/AQ/13:200__ “Rules and Procedure of assessment of Quality management systems of National metrology Institutes”;
– agreed and reviewed COOMET Recommendation R/GM/18:200__ “Procedure of the International Competition “The Best Young Metrologist of COOMET” / P. Neyezhmakov
9 / Authorities of Chairpersons of Structural Bodies:
– Measurement Standards Joint Committee;
– TC 1.4 “Flow measurement”;
– TC 1.7 “Photometry and radiometry”;
– TC 1.11 “Time and frequency”;
– TC 1.12 “Reference materials”;
– TC 3.1 “Quality Forum Technical Committee” / P. Neyezhmakov
10 /
Establishment of COOMET Structural Bodies
10.1 / Information on changes in the membership of the Structural Bodies / P. Neyezhmakov
10.2 / About designation of representatives of subcommittees / P. Neyezhmakov
11 / Information on the activities of international and regional metrology organisations / Official representatives
12 / About perspectives of cooperation of COOMET and NCSLI / K.-D. Sommer
13 / Information of national metrology organizations of COOMET Member Countries on current state of metrological activity in their countries / COOMET Committee Members or their representatives
14 / About the results of Workshops within SC 4 of COOMET
14.1 / “Calibration, Verification and Traceability”
(14-16 July 2009, Yerevan, Armenia) / P. Neyezhmakov,
А.Кögler, COOMET National Secretariat in Germany
14.2 / “Implementation of Quality Management Systems at NMIs according to ISO/IEC 17025”
(14–15 October 2009, Tbilisi, Georgia) / P. Neyezhmakov,
14.3 / Training Workshop for COOMET Auditors
(1–3 December 2009, Kishinev, Moldova) / S.Musil,
15 / Conferring of the Honorary Title “Honorary Metrologist of COOMET” and awarding of breastplates / G. Sydorenko,
P. Neyezhmakov
16 / Miscellaneous
17 / About the venue and date of the next COOMET Committee meeting / G. Sydorenko
18 / Adjustment and adoption of the Meeting Resolutions / G. Sydorenko
Closing of the meeting

COOMET Tel.: +38 057 700 3423

Secretariat Fax: +38 057 700 3447

Mironositskaya 42

Kharkov, 61002, UKRAINE


[1] Additional information can be supplied by a TC Chairperson by request.