English Progression Points
Writing – Level 1
· Is aware that speech can be written· Begins to recognise that writing is used to convey ideas, feelings and information
· Writes about personally significant topics
· Records in symbols what he/she says and reads back his/her messages at the time of writing
· Writing attempts show concepts about print including left to right, top to bottom and spacing
· Writes approximate letters for some of the letter-sound relationships he/she knows and may interchange upper and lower case letters
· Attempts to spell words by writing one or more of the letters in the word, usually having the initial letter
· Uses pencil or crayon and writes using a computer
1.0 Standard (End of Level 1 - Prep)
· Writes personal recounts and simple texts about familiar topics to convey ideas or messages· Uses conventional letters, groups of letters, and simple punctuation such as full stops and capital letters
· Aware of the sound system and the relationships between letters and sounds in words when spelling
· Forms letters correctly
· Uses a range of writing implements and software
English Progression Points
Writing – Level 2
· Writes about personal experiences or personal feelings about events for own purposes and audiences· Text contains at least two ideas and is sequenced appropriately
· Combines personal writing with supportive drawings
· The actions, agents and objects are obvious and the nouns and verbs used are appropriate to the theme
· Writes text that has simple sentences and sometimes uses capital letters and full stops correctly
· Some frequently used words and words of one syllable that have regular spelling patterns are spelt correctly and there is one to one letter sound mapping
· Uses phonological processes when recall is not automatic including saying a word to identify the sequence of letters and sounds
· Uses some simple spelling patterns to generate plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words, relying on letter-sound relationships
1.5 (End of Year 1)
· Writes short sequenced texts about personal experiences and familiar ideas experimenting with new text types· Text contains at least four ideas and is sequenced logically
· Combines personal writing with supportive drawings or computer graphics
· Has an awareness of the differences between spoken and written texts
· Uses nouns, verbs and personal pronouns appropriately
· Text contains ideas or information in the form of instructions or questions
· Uses capital letters, full stops and question marks correctly some of the time
· Begins to plan his/her writing by discussing what he/she wants to write prior to writing
· Begins to reread what he/she has written and to check that it makes sense
· Recalls the spelling of common high frequency words, words of one syllable and the syllable from the first vowel onward (rime) comprising digraphs and some two-syllable words with regular spelling
· Uses knowledge of some spelling patterns to generate plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words
English Progression Points
Writing – Level 2
· Writes a range of short sequenced texts including imagined ideas, short letters, cards, messages and notes· Each piece of writing contains several subordinate ideas that are sequenced logically
· Has an awareness of the differences in the structures and features between spoken and written texts
· Writes texts that convey information to a known audience
· Publishes own writing in different ways including word processing
· The text contains compound or complex sentences that include the appropriate use of a variety of nouns, verbs and adjectives
· Uses techniques for planning including discussing what he/she will write, word mapping and charting or drawing
· Rereads what he/she has written to clarify meaning and to check spelling
· Uses corrective feedback from others to edit and revise own writing
· Capital letters, full stops and question marks are used correctly most of the time
· Recalls the spelling of high frequency words and broadens his/her spelling knowledge of words, to irregular rime units and some two-syllable words with regular spelling
· Uses his/her knowledge of letter clusters and vowel digraphs to generate plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words
2.0 Standard (End of Level 2 - Year 2)
· Writes short sequenced texts that include some related ideas about familiar topics· Writes texts that convey ideas and information to known audiences
· Selects content, form and vocabulary depending on the purpose for writing
· Describes the purpose and audience for own and others’ writing
· Uses appropriate structures to achieve some organisation of the subject matter
· Links ideas in a variety of ways using pronouns, conjunctions and adverbial phrases indicating time and place
· Accurately spells frequently used words and makes use of known spelling patterns to make plausible attempts at spelling unfamiliar words
· Uses capital letters, full stops and question marks correctly
· Rereads own writing and uses a range of editing resources to revise and clarify meaning
· Writes upper- and lower-case letters legibly with consistent size, slope and spacing
English Progression Points
Writing – Level 3
· Writes narrative and imaginative texts, in both print and electronic form of typically one or two paragraphs of three or four sentences in a logical order describing familiar topics· Writes simple and some compound sentences that join two events by using appropriate conjunctions
· Starting to use the features of character, plot and setting in his/her narratives
· Selects the most appropriate, nouns, adjectives and verbs to convey a message and writes in a way to tell someone who was not there what happened
· Uses full stops, question marks and exclamation marks correctly most of the time
· Spells most one-syllable words with regular spelling patterns
· Makes plausible attempts at one-syllable words with irregular spelling patterns
2.5 (End of Year 3)
· Writes narratives, imaginative and informative texts, in both print and electronic form of three paragraphs that describe a recent experience, with the events written in an appropriate sequence· Reference is made to characters and to setting
· Writes a paragraph that expresses his/her point of view and correctly sequences the main ideas and at least one supporting reason
· Writes compound sentences that join two events and use verb tenses correctly
· Uses adjectives, verbs, pronouns and nouns appropriately
· Punctuates correctly using full stops, question marks and exclamation marks
· Correctly uses quotation marks and commas most of the time
· Spells frequently used words that have less regular letter patterns including silent letters
English Progression Points
Writing – Level 3
· Writes narratives, imaginative, informative and descriptive texts and explanations, in print and electronic form of more than typically three paragraphs that are logically ordered· Makes explicit reference to characters and to setting
· Narrative writing includes some reference to the plot and how it evolves
· Writing takes account of different audiences
· Writes texts that give his/her point of view about a familiar topic identifying two or three main ideas and the subordinate ideas that relate to each of them
· Writing uses adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns and nouns appropriately
· Uses punctuation correctly most of the time
· Spells correctly two-syllable words that have regular spelling and the first/second vowel unstressed and predicts how to spell unfamiliar two-syllable words of these types
3.0 Standard (End of Level 3 – Year 4)
· Writes texts containing several logically ordered paragraphs that express opinions and include ideas and information about familiar topics· Writes narratives which include characters, setting and plot
· Orders information and sequences events using some detail or illustrative evidence
· Expresses a point of view providing some information and supporting detail
· Combines verbal and visual elements in the texts he/she produces
· Meets the needs of audiences by including appropriate background information
· Writes a variety of simple and compound sentences and uses verb tenses correctly
· Uses punctuation to support meaning, including exclamation marks and quotation marks, and accurately uses full stops, commas and question marks
· Uses vocabulary appropriate to context and spells most one- and two-syllable words with regular spelling patterns, and frequently used words which have less regular spelling patterns
· Uses sound and visual patterns when attempting to spell unfamiliar words
English Progression Points
Writing – Level 4
· Produces, in print and electronic form, various texts including narrative, report, persuasive and informative texts about familiar themes· Produces narratives and reports by planning what he/she will write, having a clear purpose, using some generic structures and features
· Displays an awareness of plot
· Selects and uses appropriate vocabulary, punctuation and grammar including subject specific vocabulary, quotation marks and verb tense agreement
· Proofreads own writing, editing and revising for sequencing of ideas and spelling
· Spells automatically a range of frequently occurring two and three syllable words and unfamiliar two and three syllable words, using regular visual and phonic patterns
· Uses simple morphographic patterns to spell unknown words
3.5 (End of Year 5)
· Produces, in print and electronic form, various texts including narrative, report, persuasive and informative texts about familiar themes and issues· Produces short informative reports about less familiar topics, including subject-specific terms and concepts
· Selects and uses language structures and features appropriate to his/her purpose, audience and type of text most of the time
· Selects and uses more appropriate vocabulary, punctuation, grammar and visual images
· Shows a greater awareness of unnecessary information in own writing
· Uses writing strategies, including the use of models, planning, editing and proof reading
· Shows development of his/her text through multiple drafts
· Uses two and three letter clusters as part of morphemic patterns to spell unknown words and all sounds are represented in plausible attempts
English Progression Points
Writing – Level 4
· Produces, in print and electronic form, various texts including narrative, report, persuasive and informative texts about less familiar themes, issues and information· Uses language to elicit intended mood and characterisation when writing narratives
· Plot and setting are maintained throughout longer imaginative texts
· Informative writing shows clear and appropriate prioritising of main and subordinate ideas
· Uses topic sentences to summarise paragraphs
· Selects and uses specific vocabulary, punctuation, grammar and visual images
· Uses verb tenses appropriately most of the time
· Uses some simple figurative language
· Uses a range of approaches to spell, applying morphemic knowledge and visual and phonic patterns, including digraphs, some trigraphs and long vowel sounds
4.0 Standard (End of Level 4 – Year 6)
· Produces, in print and electronic forms, a variety of texts for different purposes using structures and features of language appropriate to the purpose, audience and context of the writing· Beginning to use simple figurative language and visual images
· Uses a range of vocabulary
· Uses a variety of sentence structures
· Uses punctuation accurately, including apostrophes
· Identifies and uses different parts of speech, including nouns, pronouns, adverbs, comparative adverbs and adjectives
· Uses appropriate prepositions and conjunctions
· Uses a range of approaches to spelling, applying morphemic knowledge and an understanding of visual and phonic patterns
· Employs a variety of strategies for writing, including note-making, using models, planning, editing and proofreading
English Progression Points
Writing – Level 5
· Writes a variety of text types, both print and electronic form, including narratives, reports, persuasive texts and procedures· Writes for a range of purposes including speculating, explaining and persuading
· Writes texts that develop a topic in a coherent way around his/her intended purpose and makes some adjustments for audience knowledge and background
· Uses a variety of sentence forms, prioritises ideas through the use of headings, graphics, photographs or artwork to achieve his/her purpose
· Draws on visual and morphemic knowledge to spell unfamiliar words and represents every sound with a logical letter combination
· Displays an awareness of grammatical conventions including tense and subject-verb agreement through appropriate use
· Correct punctuation is usually used, including the use of colons and semi-colons
· Uses a range of strategies including the computer and graphic organisers in planning and collating knowledge for writing different text types
· Uses editing and proof-reading strategies for clarity in communicating the intended message
4.5 (End of Year 7)
· Writes a variety of text types, both print and electronic form, including narratives, reports, explanations, persuasive texts and procedures· Writes for a range of purposes including speculating, explaining, persuading and reflecting
· Writes persuasive texts about contemporary issues and justifies a personal viewpoint providing one or two arguments
· Writes texts that develop themes in coherent ways around his/her intended purpose and has an explicit, clearly stated viewpoint usually using suitable headings and subheadings to organise the information, graphics, photographs and artwork
· Experiments with different techniques depending on the purpose, to influence the audience
· Uses a variety of sentence forms, appropriate grammatical conventions including tense, subject-verb agreement and noun-pronoun agreement
· Uses correct spelling most of the time, having difficulty only with unusual spelling patterns
· Uses familiar base words to spell new words
· Uses strategies including planning of paragraphs and integrating ideas across sentences within a paragraph for different text types
· Uses editing and proof-reading skills for clarity and for cohesiveness of ideas
English Progression Points
Writing – Level 5
· Writes a variety of text types, both print and electronic form, including narratives, reports, explanations, persuasive texts, procedures and transactions· Writes persuasive texts and justifies a personal viewpoint, using three or more pieces of supporting information
· Writes explanations or reports that target challenging themes and issues about topics that he/she is less familiar with and personal reflections or evaluations of texts
· Writes expressively in his/her development of characters and development of a resolution
· Strategically uses headings and subheadings, graphics, photographs and artwork to directly support his/her text
· Uses morphemic knowledge to spell words when adding suffixes and prefixes and usually recognises when a word is spelt incorrectly
· Uses a variety of sentence forms including more complex sentences with embedded clauses or phrases, displays appropriate grammatical conventions and punctuation
· Uses computers to organise, format, revise and present texts
· Proof reads and redrafts for clarity, cohesiveness and consistency of style
5.0 Standard (End of Level 5 – Year 8)