Summaryof Richlands Area Bus Routes andDriver Information
Bus 14 -RES, RMS, &RHS-Clayton Boyd
Bus 14will service all students that load orunload on Burnett Street to Oxford SquareApartments. This bus will turn around at the apartments and serviceSouth FarmerStreet (VickyDrive) and Purcell Addition behind theValero (located on KentsRidgeRoad).
Bus 24 -RES, RMS, &RHS-Sub Driver
Bus 24will service all students that load orunload on KentuckyAve. (MiracleValley)AMOnly, all areas around theTown Hall includingLeeStreet, McDowell St., 4thStreet. Thebus will service all students livingin theBrooklyn area from theRichlands PoliceDepartment to East Street.
Bus 29 -RES, RMS, &RHS-RichieNelson
Bus 29will service all students that load orunload on KentsRidgeRoad from Rt. 19 at Wardell Lights (Rt. 609)to theRichlands Food Pantryon Veterans Drivein Richlands. This includes Route811 (Addison Rd) and Route629 (DawRoad) and Henderson St. to the church, Food Pantryand Veterans Apartment.
Bus 50 -RES, RMS, &RHS-ConnieWyatt
Bus 50will service all students that load orunload on BearwallowRoad from theintersection of Smith Ridge and Jewell RidgeRd to Bearwallow, includingReynolds Ridge and KentuckyAve. (PM Only)
Bus 54 -RES, RMS, &RHS-Diana Byrd
Bus 54will service all students that load orunload off FarmerStreet includingChristmas TreeHill. This bus will also pick up students at East 1stStreet in theDalton Addition area. Thebus will turn left at thetrafficlight and get all students that areon themain road on Front and Second Street, including Iron Street.
Bus 59 -RES, RMS, &RHS-Ciji Jackson
Bus 59will service all students that will load orunload on Front Street from Kim’s Floral Design to McDonalds in Richlands. This bus will also service all students that live from theintersection at Lake Park to Grants Supermarket includingLakePark (ElementaryOnly), Richlands Mall Area, Hill Creek, and BakerHollow to theLights at Grants Supermarket and back to thelights at LakePark.
Bus 60-RES, RMS, &RHS-Tommy Moore
Bus 60will service all students that load orunload to theLeft oftheExit at RHS(Located at the BB&T Bank), includingall ofEdgewaterDrive, MiddleCreeks Road, SunnyHills Apartments, and Jones Chapel Road.
Bus 61-RES, RMSRHS-Teresa Coleman
Bus 61-will servicestudents that load orunload in Brickyard includingPraterDr. and Chinch Row. Thebus will also servicestudents from theRichlands Food Pantryon KentsRidgeRoad to the Front Street on Veterans Dr. Thebus will continueon FairfaxAve., Tazewell Ave., Floyd Ave. and 4th streeet.
Bus 62-RES, RMS, &RHS-Teresa Lawson
Bus62will service all students that load orunload in theDalton Addition area from East 2nd Street to RecPark, includingNorth Street, VirginiaAve., ShaleStreet, Brown Ave, GroveStreet, and theRec. Park Road.
Bus72 -RES,RMS,RHS-ElizabethKinder
Bus72will service all students that load orunload within theSmith RidgeRoad area and continue to Brown Hollow Road offofBigCreek Road, includingtheSeaboard area.
Bus 75 -RES, RMS, &RHS-LesaArtrip
Bus 75will service all students that load orunload on GreasyCreek Road, Stinson Ridge (Stinson
Rd), and Jewell RidgeCamp (Jewell Main Rd).
Bus 77 -RES, RMS, RHS-VocAM-Debbie Messer
Bus 77will service all students that load orunload on Birmingham Road (Rt. 701). This bus will also service all students livingin theHidden ValleyAreaofRichlands and students at Old KentsRidge Grocery.
Summaryof RavenArea Bus Routes
andDriver Information
Bus 43 -Raven ES, RMS, &RHS-Patty Hylton
Bus 43-willserviceallstudents that load orunload on Red RootRidge to theBuchanan Countyline. This buswill turn at theBuchanan Countylineand willserviceJack'sCreekRoad. ThisbuswillserviceallofUS
460 Eastand Westbound fromthe intersection ofUS 460 and ForkRidgeRoad to the intersection ofUS 460 and Nash HillRoad. Thebuswillalso serviceallstudents that load orunload fromthe intersection ofRt460 and Raven Rd (the traffic lightsatDoran) to BottomRd. This includesAirportRd. Thisbusalso serviceall students that liveon theEastsideofBottomRd (oppositesideRaven ElementarySchool).
Bus 44 -Raven ES, RMS, &RHS-Samantha Horn
Bus 44willserviceallstudents that load orunload fromtheIntersection ofUS 460 and Nash HillRoad to AcmeRoad (Old Grant'sSupermarket). This includesRedwood Road (LowerRed Ash). Thisbuswillalso serviceallstudents that liveon BottomRoad; thisonlyincludes thewestsideofBottomRoad (Raven Elementaryside). Routes includeMinitorSt., Ivan St., Daw Road, EmilyRoad, VaneSt., and Scotch Road. This buswillservicestudents fromHillCreekRd. to theLightsatthe OldGrantsSupermarketon thePMbus run.
Bus 74 -Raven ES, RMS, &RHS-Voc PM-Diana Boyd
Bus74willserviceallstudents that load orunload on ForkRidgeRoad and Shortt'sRoad Rt. 671. Thisbus willserviceallstudentsstartingat the intersection ofForkRidgeRoad and US 460 to theBuchanan Countyline. Thebuswill turn in asafeplaceand serviceallstudentson EastUS 460 toward Doran. ThisbuswillenterRed Ash Camp road offofRaven Rd and servicestudentson Red Ash Camp Rd. Thewillalso serviceallstudentson Nash HillRd-Raven Rd to the intersection to BottomRd and LakePark(PMOnly).
Bus 79 -Raven ES, RMS, RHS-JordonWhite
Bus79willserviceallstudents that load orunload fromtheIntersection ofNash HillRd atHorton'sMarket (Raven Supermarket) to F &MMarket. Buswillalso serviceall thearea fromF MMarket through Road RidgeTpke. IncludingRaven and TaylorCircle.(PMOnly-WaterPlant in Dalton Addition).
Bus 98 -Raven ES, RMS, RHS-April Walls
Bus98willserviceallstudentsthat load orunload fromtheIntersection ofNash HillRoad and Road Ridge Tpke, to theRussellCountyline. This includesMillCreekRoad, ReedyRoad, Rodeo Road, WestmontRoad, OakLeafSt., and CordleLane.
Summaryof Cedar Bluff Area Bus Routes andDrivers Information
Bus 15 -CBES, RMS, &RHS-Brian Perkins
Bus15willserviceallstudents that load orunload on Rt. 637 (PoundingMillBranch Road). Thebuswill also serviceallstudents that load orunload on US 460 fromthe intersection ofUS 460 and PoundingMill Branch Road to the traffic lightsatWal-Mart. Thebuswillservicestudentsbehind theold Lowe'sbuilding (CedarCreekRoad)and ForrestHillsSubdivision.
Bus 20 -RESCBES-Betty Wingo
Bus 20- (ElementaryOnly)-willserviceallstudents that load orunload fromCedarBluff ElementarySchool to the intersection ofUS 460 and Cedar ValleyDrive. Thebuswillcontinueon US 460 to the top ofClaypoolHill. Thebuswillserviceallstudentson US 19 south and north bound fromthe top of ClaypoolHill to SVCC. This includesWillowSpringsRoad IndustryParkRd and Town Hollow Rd.
Bus 26 -RMSRHS-Voc PM-CharlotteRose
Bus 26-(MiddleandHigh School Only)-willserviceallstudents that load orunload fromRichlands
High School to CedarBluffElementaryto the intersection ofCedar ValleyDrive. Thisbuswillcontinueon Rt
460 to the top ofClaypoolHill. Thisbuswillserviceallstudentson US 19 south and north bound fromthe top ofClaypoolHill to SVCC. This includesWillowSpringsRoad, IndustryParkRd. and Town Hollow Rd. This buswillservices fromthe top ofClaypoolHill to Walmart red lightsRt460 north and south bound.
Bus 27-CBES, RMS, &RHS-Joe Mitchell
Bus 27willserviceallstudents that load orunload on Baptist ValleyRoad fromtheIntersection ofBaptist ValleyRoad and Indian CreekRoad to theNorth TazewellSchoolBoundary. This includesWebb Street, Earls Branch Road, ShannonBranch Road.
Bus 30 -CBES, RMS, &RHS-Tracey Lester
Bus 30willserviceallstudents that load orunload in theClaypoolHillSub Division includingbutnot limited to Thru Drive, Pond Street, GillStreet, and Clinch Drive.
Bus 37 -CBES, RMS, &RHS-Melissa Blankenship
Bus 37willserviceallstudents that load orunload on RT. 609 (WardellRoad) fromFloweringRd (notincludingFloweringRd) to Rt. 610.
Bus 41 -CBES, RMS, &RHS-Greta Sargent
Bus 41willserviceallstudents that load orunload on thenorth sideofRT. 603 includingKennedyDrive, EvasWalk, JessicaDrive, AndyStreet, and IvanhoeDr. thisbuswillalso coverRt609 between FloweringRd to Rt19 includingAscueRd.
Bus 73 -CBES, RMS, &RHS-Debra Keene
Bus 73willserviceallstudents that load orunload on RavensNestBranch Road includinganyside roads thatarecurrentlybeingserviced;not limited to, but includingLaurelRoad and PerkinsHollow Road. Thebus boundariesare fromthe intersection ofRavensNestBranch Road and Indian CreekRoad to the intersection of BandyRoad and LaurelRoad, and continues to the intersection ofRavensNestBranch Road and BandyRoad. Thebuswillalso servicestudents fromthe intersection ofBusthead and BandyRd to the intersection ofLaurel Rd and BandyRd. This includesPantherBranch Rd.
Bus 91 -CBES, RMS, &RHS-Melissa Casey
Bus91 willserviceallstudents that load orunload on WhitakerRidge. Thebuswillalso servicestudents that liveon BandyRoad fromWhitakerRidge to the intersection ofBandyRoad and LaurelRd includingSinking WatersRd.
Bus 93 -CBES, RMS, &RHS-Kelly Cruey
Bus 93-Thebuswillserviceallstudents loadingand unloadingon Indian CreekRoad to CedarBluff ElementarySchool. Thiswillalso serviceallstudents load and unloadingon Indian Rd to Busthead(BandyRd). Thisbuswillserviceallstudentson LickBranch Rd and McGuire ValleyRd.
Bus 95-CBES, RMS, &RHS-David Brewster
Bus 95willserviceallstudents that load orunload in theGreen Acresarea includingGreen Mountain Road. Thebuswillalso serviceallareasof theeastand westbound lanesofUS 460 fromthe intersection ofUS 460 and PoundingMillBranch Road to theRichlands/Tazewellschoolboundaryjustbelow Rainbow Upholstery
Bus 97 -CBES, RMS, RHS-Barbara Vance
Bus97willserviceallstudents that load orunload on CollegeEstatesRoad. ThisBuswillalso service students that liveon DrewsLaneand ClaypoolHillMallRoad.
SpecialNeeds Bus#19-MarkLewisBus#67-IreneDuvallBus#36-JoettaShortt