Board Minutes

May 23, 2012

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of May 23, 2012

President Richard Hendricks called the Regular May 23 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:03 p.m.

Present: Richard Hendricks, Casey Chamberlain, Paul Bucich, Sherm Voiles, Mike Pavlik

Craig Spencer, Superintendent; Debra Barlow, Executive Director, Human Resources; Erin LaVerdiere, Executive Director, Teaching & Learning; Ann Cook, Director, Communications; Susie Lynch, Director, Research & Assessment; Tim Thomsen, Director, Athletics & Activities; Sarah Briehl, Director, CTE; Marilee Hill-Anderson, Director, STARR Project; Brenda Kuehlthau, Manager, PEP Grant; Karen Brown, Director, Child Nutrition; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary.

Visitors: 3

Flag Salute

Approval of Agenda

Moved by Paul Bucich that the Board approve the agenda and supplemental agenda as presented: Seconded by Casey Chamberlain. Motion unanimously carried.

Approval of Minutes

Moved by Casey Chamberlain that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular May 9 Board meeting: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.

Consent Items

Moved by Sherm Voiles that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas: Seconded by Paul Bucich. Motion unanimously carried.

Delegation of Authority to WIAA

The Board authorized delegation of authority to the Washington Interscholastic Activities Association for the 2012-2013 school year to control, supervise and regulate the conduct of interschool athletic activities and other interschool extracurricular activities of an athletic, cultural, social or recreational nature for students in the Sumner School District.

Personnel Contracts

Eryn Beal, Physical Education/Health Teacher, Bonney Lake High, rehire, on a 1.0 FTE leave of absence contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Joseph Boyer, English/Social Studies Teacher, Sumner High, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Yvette Curtice, Spanish Teacher, Sumner High, rehire, on a 1.0 FTE leave replacement contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Anndrea Hahn, Learning Specialist, Sumner Middle, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Mary-Hope Lakin, Counselor, Lakeridge Middle, rehire, on a 1.0 FTE leave replacement contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Michelle Malfet, Learning Specialist, Sumner Middle, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Kyle Spane, Science Teacher, location to be determined, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

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May 23, 2012

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Personnel Contracts, continued

Shana Watkins, Librarian/Title I Teacher, Daffodil Valley Elementary, rehire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Brandon Wentzel, Physical Education/Health Teacher, Bonney Lake High, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Rosalie Wolford, Learning Specialist, Bonney Lake High, rehire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Sarah Briehl, Student Services Director, Administration, change in administrative assignment, effective July 1, 2012

Sharon Fochtman, Career & College Readiness Director, Administration, change in administrative assignment, effective July 1, 2012

Kami Johnson, Counselor, Bonney Lake High, rehire, on a .40 FTE leave replacement contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Steven Mahitka, CTE Agriculture Biology/General Science Teacher, Bonney Lake High, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Jason Silbaugh, Social Studies Teacher, Bonney Lake High, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Miriam Sinclair, Math/Science Teacher, Sumner Middle, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Marlaena Slocum, Highly Capable Teacher, Daffodil Valley Elementary, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year

Peter Voiles, 4th Grade Teacher, Maple Lawn Elementary, new hire, on a 1.0 FTE provisional contract, effective 2012-2013 school year


Rae Jean Nelson, Registrar/Guidance Secretary, Sumner Middle, effective September 17, 2012. Rae Jean has worked for the Sumner School District for 22 years.


Dan Walling, Custodian, Victor Falls Elementary, effective May 15, 2012

Kristin Weaver, Building Secretary, Liberty Ridge Elementary, effective end of 2011-2012 school year

Surplus Property

The Board authorized the District to surplus items on the District Surplus Removal Listing.

Out of State Travel

Sumner High School staff Terry Spencer, Psychologist; Scott Thompson, Applied Technology Teacher; Angie Sullivan, Counselor; and Bill Gaines, Principal, to attend the Safe and Civil Schools Conference, July 16-18, 2012, in Eugene, Oregon. Funding source: Sumner High building budget

Safe and Civil Schools is professional development that helps schools improve climate and culture using a proactive, positive instructional approach.

Mountain View Middle Assistant Principal Tatia Holme and Crestwood/Emerald Hills/Victor Falls Assistant Principal (effective July 2012) Andrea Landes to attend School-wide Information RTI Data System Training, July 18 – 20, 2012, in Bozeman, Montana. Funding source: Teaching & Learning RTI budget

Board Minutes

May 23, 2012

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a. 2012-2013 Budget Update

Business Services Executive Director Debbie Campbell reviewed progress being made in the development of the 2012-2013 budgets. She reported District enrollment is currently estimated to increase by 127 FTE for the next school year.

b. PEP Grant: School Health Advisory Board

PEP Grant Manager Brenda Kuehlthau reviewed the role of the School Health Advisory Board (SHAB), which oversees the PEP grant budget, reviews health-related District policy, fitness and nutrition data. SHAB also works to develop District-Community relationships around fitness.

Audience Comments


Superintendent Comments

Craig Spencer acknowledged it has been another stellar year for the District’s Transportation Department. Once again they received an excellent score on the annual Washington State Patrol School Bus and Vehicle Inspection. He thanked the staff in Transportation for their hard work.

Board Member Comments

Vice President Paul Bucich was among 20 parents who traveled to Victoria B.C. with 120 Sumner High

Band students, who took 2nd place for their parade performance there. The trip was funded by students

and parents. Paul thanked Band Director Joe Carl and his wife, along with the Sumner Band Parent

Association for their work and support of the successful Band program at Sumner High School.

President Rick Hendricks attended the High School 2A Golf Tournament in Spanaway.

Unfinished Business

a. Instructional Materials Adoption – Second Reading

Title: Working with Young Children

Author: Judy Herr

Publisher: Goodheart-Wilcox Publishers

Copyright: 2012

Name of class in which the textbook will be used: Careers with Children

Title: Consumer Education and Economics

Author: Ross E. Lowe, Charles A. Malouf, Annette R. Jacobson

Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw Hill

Copyright: 2008

Name of class in which the textbook will be used: Independent Living

Moved by Casey Chamberlain that the Board adopt the textbooks presented for use in the Sumner School District: Seconded by Paul Bucich. Motion unanimously carried.

New Business

a. Region 5 Hazard Mitigation Plan

Under advisement from FEMA all Region 5 Hazard Mitigation Plans need to be active for the same

five-year period. Superintendent Spencer reviewed the process to meet this requirement and advised

the Board they will be asked to approve the new plan in approximately one year.

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May 23, 2012

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b. Wellness Policy – First Reading

Communications Director Ann Cook presented the new Wellness Policy for first reading. This policy replaces Nutrition and Physical Fitness Policy 8225 and also includes policy language formerly included in the Child Nutrition Policy 8200 and Competitive Food Services Policy 8220. Regulations and Procedures developed for the Wellness Policy were also presented.

c. 2012-2013 Board Meeting Schedule

Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the 2012-2013 Board meeting schedule as presented: Seconded by Paul Bucich, with the addition of one- hour study sessions one week prior to each regular Board meeting for conducting Board business, such as the superintendent search, during the 2012-2013 school year. Motion unanimously carried.

d. Change Order #4: Maple Lawn Elementary

Moved by Paul Bucich that the Board approve change order #4: Maple Lawn Elementary: Seconded by Sherm Voiles. Motion unanimously carried.

e. Warrant Approval

Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the warrants as certified by the auditing officer: Seconded by Casey Chamberlain. Motion unanimously carried.

Warrant #46342-46342 in the total amount of $32,409.64

Capital Projects

Warrant #46343-46430 in the total amount of $315,408.45

General Fund $286,722.56

Capital Projects $3,436.87

ASB Fund $25,230.38

Private Purpose Trust Fund $18.64

Warrant #197953-197962 in the total amount of $147,393.28

General Fund

Information Only

a. Upcoming Board Meeting

The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, at 6:00 p.m. and will be held at the new Sumner Middle School with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at 4:45 p.m. and a dedication program at 5:30 p.m.

b. Bus Inspection Report

The Summer School District Transportation Department completed its annual Washington State Patrol School Bus and Vehicle Inspection. The entire bus fleet and all vehicles that transport students are checked during this inspection. The Transportation Department is proud to announce an inspection score of 97.3% in compliance. A well-deserved thanks goes to our great mechanics and entire transportation staff for their continued efforts and commitment to providing our students with safe transportation.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:43 p.m.

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May 23, 2012

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Bonney Lake High School Senior Showcase

Principal Linda Masteller and 2012 Daffodil Princess Angela Crone co-hosted and introduced eleven exemplary seniors nominated by teachers for demonstrating excellence of mind and strength of character. Students recognized were: Sarah Collins, Andrew Cunningham, Mariah Dow, Jacob Frebe, Emily Gaub, Yoselyn Leos, Jadira Morales, Cass Neumann, Emily Richmond, Zach Volin and Zac Wheeler.


Craig Spencer, Secretary

Board of Directors


Richard Hendricks, President

Board of Directors