GOCOA Greek School Registration Regulations
Keys to academic success- To ensure academic success at Greek School.
1. Review the Code of Conduct with your children.
2. Check your child’s backpack each week for important information and check email regularly.
3. If your child is late or absent, let your teacher know in advance and follow with a note.
4. Review the “Code of Conduct” and abide by them.
5. Get involved in the PTO fundraisers and Festival booth in August & attend meetings
6. Attend the special Christmas, March Independence Luncheon and Graduation events as they are part of the required curriculum.
7. If your child needs help, ask the teacher and/or principal, we are there for you!Make sure they use the extra help classes during the second ½ of the night. Low cost tutoring exists.
8. Speak and practice Greek at home!
1. There is a mandatory $30 family registration fee which will be due on/ before registration day. As in the past, after registration day a $75 Late Registration fee will be applied in addition to the tuition fees.
2. In order to register your child for the 2015/2016 Greek School year, your 2014/2015 tuition must be paid in full.
3. Tuition for the 2015/2016 school year is $325/Child for Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten; $550/Child for 1st grade – Regents, plus the $30 family registration fee on/or before registration day( $75 late fee after registration day)
The following is the payment schedule for the year:
-1 Child tuition payment due registration day
-2 Children, at least one full tuition payment must be paid on registration day and the balance due by first Tuesday in February.
-3 Children and above, a 1/3 of the total tuition must be paid on registration day, 1/3 due by first Tuesday in February and the balance is due on the first Tuesday in April.
4. If tuition is late after the first Tuesday in April, there will be a $20 late payment fee.
5. Tuition must be paid in full for report cards/diplomas/awards to be given out.
Attendance Policy/Withdrawl Policy
1. A child that misses 6 classes may be put on academic probation.
2. If the child misses 6 or more classes, the child may not be eligible for the next grade, unless a waiver is granted which is approved by teacher AND principal.
3. If a child leaves late or early on a repeated basis, the teacher may count it as a partial absence which will be prorated.(ex. 1 hour late is 1/3 absence for the 3 hour programs or if they miss ½ a night would equal ½ an absence).
4. If Parents know their child will be absent in advance please notify your teacher before class starts and ask for work so your child does not fall behind.
5. If you decide to withdraw your child, please submit in writing a letter to the principal or school board.
1. All families who intend to register their children for Greek School for the 2015/2016 school year must be up to date with their Membership/Stewardship. Please contact church office.
2. The non-membership fee for families that are not members of our Community is $200 per family and must be paid on the day of registration in addition to the tuition fees.
Parent Initial:______
*** Parents please notify the School Board, in writing, of any food allergies and any/or
medical concerns with your child.