for a doctoral scholarship
awarded by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
1 / Name:2 / First name:
3 / IBAN / 4 / Bank code:
I applyfor a doctoral scholarship of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
5 / in preparation for the doctorate at theUniversity of Hohenheim, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
6 / Department/Institute:
7 / Thesis subject:
8 / Start of doctorate:
Are you already accepted as doctoral candidateof the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Hohenheim?
If yes, indicate date of acceptance / Supervisor ………………….
9 / Expected completion of the doctoral dissertation:
Thesis supervisor: Co-supervisor:
10 / Address:
11 / Phone: / a) Private / b) University
/ Gender: / Male
13 / Date of Birth:
14 / Nationality:
/ Family Status:
/ single/widowed/ divorced
/ Number of childrenyou or your wife/husband receive child allowance for according to the “Bundeskindergeldgesetz” (Federal Child Support Law)
17 / Semesters completed in thefield of your dissertation:
18 / Total amount of university semesters:
19 / Preliminary and final university examinationspassed (with evidence of exact overall average grade):
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Type of examination (e.g. pre-diploma examination, master’s degree)
Fields of study
Examination date
Examination result (exact grade-points)
20 / Do you currently participate ineducational or job trainingprograms? If so,in which kind of programs?
21 / Are you currentlyemployed? Kind of employment?
22 / Will you be employed during the scholarship? IfYES, indicate kind and extend of your employment.
/ Which extramural scientific achievements, experiences and knowledgewere acquired? Please enclosecorresponding documents (e.g. scientific publications).
24 / Please list publications, indicate first and co-authorship and indicate your own contribution to the publication. Please note
thatonly publications in english and german language may be considered.
I assure (in case that the scholarship is awarded),
-not to carry out any trainingoremployment that is not compatible with the doctoral project,
-not to accept a scholarship from another institution during my doctoral scholarship ,
-to inform the university immediatelywhenI have finished my doctoral thesis, cancel or interrupt the project, or if I continue my project at another university,
-to inform the university immediately about all detailswhich are important for the assessment or thefurthergranting of the scholarship,
-to inform the university about the result of the doctoral examinations,
-to inform the university of any changesof private address or family status during the period of funding and reporting.
-to take part in the doctoral degree programme Agricultural sciences
I confirmthe correctness of my data including the above-mentioned explanations.
Date, signature
Important information -how to proceed:
Please submit this application in digital form (pdf format, doc format) including all required enclosures and documentsby February 2, 2018at the latest(or at your earliest convenience!) to the following e-mail address:
Questions regarding the funding or the application procedure can also be sent to the above mentioned e-mail address.
As of: December 2017
The application must include the following documents in pdf format (1 Document in the order as specified below):
Research proposal can be submitted in English or German and must include reason why this project was choosen, state of the art, preliminary work (if any), objectives, and work schedule (max. 4 pages, font arial, size 11, line spacing 1,5, page margins 2,5 cm)Summary of the doctoral project (250 words)
Letter of recommendation (supervisor of the doctoral project)
Names of two potential reviewers / referees as well as their phone numbers and contact address (persons of high academic or professional status willing to provide additional reference).
Copies of university certificates
CV with particular focus on the course of studies
Evidence oflevels of income (income tax assessment or annual wage-tax adjustment for the calendar year prior to application, proof of salary of the employer, proofof scholarships awarded etc.)
Proof ofchild benefitallowances
Proof of apprenticeship, civil service, military service or social or ecological service if applicable
Own publications (include pdf-documents)
Please consider:
Only complete applications can be considered.
As of: December 2017