Temporary road closure application City event
Please use BLOCK LETTERS and complete all details in full. / Council of the City of Gold Coast
ABN 84 858 548 460
PO Box 5042 GCMC QLD 9729
P07 5667 3639
Office use only
ID number: ______
File number: ______
Event name
Applicants details
Company name / Contact name
Suburb / Postcode
Phone / Mobile
Email / Fax
On site traffic management company details
Company name / Phone
Contact person / Mobile
Location of event
Provide a Traffic Management Plan, listing all road affected. (If more than 5 streets affected attach separate list)
Street / Suburb
between / and
Street / Suburb
between / and
Street / Suburb
between / and
Street / Suburb
between / and
Street / Suburb
between / and
Light rail
Is the proposed closure/s on the light rail corridor? (Refer to item 4 under “Advisory notes” on page 3 of this application)
Yes / Contact GoldLinQ and obtain their written “no objection” for the proposed closure, and attached to this application
Closure details
All proposals must conform to Transport and Main Roads (Queensland) Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 3
Commencement date / Completion date
Start time / Finish time
Operation / Daily Overnight Continuously
Extent of closure required / Lane Bike lane Half road Full road Verge/footpath Parking bays
Emergency services
Emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) and Translink have been advised of proposed road closure/s
It is the applicants responsibility to notify Emergency Services and Translink prior to the event / Yes No
Applicant or authorised applicant declaration
(a) Is a person authorised to sign this application.
(b) Acknowledges that this application is for the assessment of traffic impact only and that all road closures on City of Gold Coast roads are undertaken in accordance with Queensland Transport’s Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (AS1742.3)
(c) Agrees to indemnify, City of Gold Coast of any action arising from this operation
Name / company
Signature / Date
By clicking this box, I acknowledge this is in effect my signature within the meaning of the Electronics Transaction (QLD) Act 2001.
Applicant to email completed application to City of Gold Coast, City Events
Email: or fax 07 5581 7838
If assistance is required to complete this form, telephone Transport & Traffic Branch on 07 5667 3639
Gold Coast Police
District Superintendent
68 Ferny Avenue Surfers Paradise 4217 / Phone / 07 5570 7859 / Fax / 07 5570 7878
QAS Assistant Commissioner
Gold Coast Local Ambulance Service Network
PO Box 600 Ormeau 4208 / Phone / 07 5547 3535 / Fax /

07 5549 9088

QLD Fire & Emergency Services
PO Box 25 Ashmore City 4215 / Phone / 07 5583 7570 / Fax / 07 5583 7503
Surfside Buslines
Phone / 075571 6555 / Fax / 07 5571 6556
Email / / Phone / 0476 821 080 / Fax / 07 3338 4624
GoldLinQ (light rail)
Email / / Phone / 1800 064 928 (KDR Gold Coast Pty Ltd)

Temporary road closure information sheet

City event

When to use this form
  1. This application is to be used for all proposed temporary full or partial closures of City of Gold Coast controlled roadways for the purpose of undertaking city events on the roadway or verge / footpath. E.g. (triathlon, fun run, festival etc)

Advisory notes
  1. All city event applications that involve a road closure shall be submitted to City Events three (3) months minimum prior to the event, using the attached form, and must include details on:
  • Nature of the event.
  • Proposed roads to be used during the event.
  • Proposed dates and times for each road.
  • Type of closure (partial or full) for each road.
  • A Traffic Management Plan indicating how the road network and road users will be affected by the event.
  • Indication that emergency services (police, fire, ambulance) and Translink have been advised of the proposed road closure/s.
  1. If closure impacts bus routes / stops, please complete the Translink online form via the link below, at least 21 days prior to event commencing.
  2. Light Rail – To determine whether your proposal impacts the light rail, please refer to the City website cityofgoldcoast.com.au ‘Light Rail Referral Zone Works’ maps. Any proposed closure on the light rail corridor is considered to potentially impact light rail activities. Therefore you must contact GoldLinQ to obtain written no objection and requirement regarding safe and reasonable coordination of proposed work/activities within their site.
  • GoldLinQ can be contacted via:
    Phone: 1800 064 928 (KDR Gold Coast Pty Ltd)
  • Attach a copy of written no objection and requirement from GoldLinQ’s representative.
  1. All applications are reviewed by a key stakeholder group that includes representatives of City of Gold Coast, Department of Transport & Main Roads (as necessary) and Queensland Police Service. For events that have a significant impact on the road network, a meeting will be arranged by City Events between the applicant and key stakeholder group to discuss details of the event Traffic Management Plan.
  2. Should the application be successful a “Letter of No Objection” will be issued. This letter is used to obtain a police permit. Please Note: “Letter of No Objection” relates to the Traffic Management Plan only. The City of Gold Coast does not assess or approve the Traffic Guidance Scheme (e.g. plan indicating location of all traffic control devices).
  3. It is the applicant’s obligation to ensure the Traffic Guidance Scheme is in accordance with Part 3 of the Queensland Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
  4. A police permit must be obtained from the Queensland Police Service.
  5. Police / Traffic control supervision must be provided, to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Police.
  6. Local residents, businesses, bus and taxi companies directly affected must be notified a minimum of ten days prior to the event and an agreed alternative arranged where required

Additional conditions may include
  1. Fees may apply for use of regulated parking bays.
  2. Emergency services – (police, fire, ambulance) and Translink shall be advised in writing within three (3) working days of receiving “Letter of No Objection”.
  3. Approval must be obtained from the Queensland Department of Transport & Main Roads, where necessary.
    Contact 07 5563 6600.
  4. Signage advising the public of proposed temporary road closures, including date, time and enquiry phone number (including after-hours phone number) must be installed ten days prior to the event on the affected roads. Size of signs are to be no smaller than 900mm x 900mm and positioned so as not to obscure any regulatory traffic signs, motorists visibility or impede pedestrians.

Further information
For further information contact the City of Gold Coast
City Events:07 5581 7539
Traffic matters and City Parking fees:07 5667 3639 / For Light Rail please contact:
Phone: 1800 064 928 (KDR Gold Coast Pty Ltd)
Privacy statement
Council of the City of Gold Coast is collecting your personal information in accordance with the Local Government Act 2009 in order to assess your application. The information will only be used by authorised staff for the purpose of ensuring our records are accurate. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us permission or we are required by law.

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