Kansas Statewide Homeless Coalition

Board of Directors Meeting

November 19, 2014

Due to a lack of a quorum the following are notes from the discussion that took place at this time no action was taken.


In Person - Cheryl Patrick, Christy McMurphy, Heather Davis, Joyce Stockham (ex-officio)

Via phone: Brad Schmidt, Tate Toedman, Dani Dresslar (ex-officio), Jamie Crowder (ex-officio)

Brad volunteered to guide the process for the day.

Christy commented on the Summit planning process and mentioned that it was important to get the BoD’s approval today for the Hotel, the food options and the date. The 3 options for the food menu and the cost for each option was presented to the group, the Planning committee proposed May 13-15, 2015 as the Summit dates, and the Holiday Inn Wichita East I-35, 549 Rock Road. A comment was made that an email went out a couple of days earlier asking for approval, but only 3 members of the board responded to it. Now it is critical to get these items approved to move forward in the planning. Brad stated that he would send out another email, asking for a consensus from the Board regarding these proposals.

Dani spoke about the Point in Time process; she mentioned that this year we can use one of three different methodologies. The surveys will all be completed on paper and the KSHC will be entering the data. A Committee meeting will be held after the CoC meeting on Dec. 3rd.

Brad spoke about the review of the By-Laws. He mentioned some items that had come up concerning membership dues, structure of the BoD’s, length of terms, etc. Another phone conference is scheduled for Friday the 21st at 10:00 am.

Cheryl was asked to research HUD’s views on having Agencies on Boards and the Nomination process for the Board of Directors.

A discussion occurred that centered on how to get more Board Members back to the table. The idea of an email being constructed to send to the current Board Members regarding commitment was presented. This email would stress the issue of lack of attendance, inability to carry out actions, and the importance of supporting the CoC. This would be a way for Board Members to express concerns regarding meeting times; dates, location etc. and it would also be a way for Members to “bow out gracefully”.