TEACHER: Señor David Swenson TEL. 237-1300
SCHEDULE: 1, 4, & 5 periods PREP: 3 period
WEB PAGE: http://www.sd25.us/sites/swensoda [Weekly schedule, handouts, and web exercises]
Textbook: Buen viaje I. Schmitt and Woodford. Glencoe McGraw-Hill. 2000.
(Available but will not be issued generally.)
Website: (See above) I will use information on my web page regularly so it is important to bookmark my website and go there often. This is where assignments and resources can be accessed.
Supplies-- The following should be acquired by student and brought to class each day with textbook:
· Binder or folder & college-ruled paper. Helps students keep work organized and is important study resource.
· Dry erase marker (any color)
· Pen or pencil
Course Description
Spanish 1b is the continuation of Spanish 1 which gives students experience in speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Students will also learn about culture from the Hispanic world through the study of holidays, regional customs and practices, history, and daily life throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Students will work individually, in pairs, small groups, and participate in class discussions as they study vocabulary, grammar, and culture. Participation in class is essential!!
Course Grade
The final grade for this course will be determined by chapter and semester exams, quizzes, daily work, oral work, and participation. We will cover chapters 7-12 (1 chapter every 8 class days).
· Exams ---- 30% (Includes 5 chapter exams.)
· Final Exam ----- 10% (Comprehensive semester exam)
· Quizzes ---- 15% (Includes vocab./grammar quizzes)
· Written work ---- 15% (These will be letters, short paragraphs, dialogues, etc.)
· Oral/Listening work ---- 20% (Includes speaking/listening quizzes, interviews, and presentations)
· Participation ---- 10% (Students must be in class and participate to progress in the language.)
Exams and quizzes: These assessments will test vocabulary, grammatical understanding, and using language in context. Skills primarily assessed on written exams and quizzes are listening and writing.
Oral / Written work: Because learning a language requires practice, class time will be devoted to conversation and short writing assignments. Students will prepare short partnered conversations, answer questions throughout the trimester, and participate in an oral exam. Students will also write summaries of short reading passages, reflection paragraphs, and short letters.
Class time & homework: Students should be able to complete work in class! Class time will be dedicated to progressing in the communicative skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It is recommended that the student take some time each day outside of class to review vocabulary and grammar. Practice with other Spanish-speakers is also recommended.
Participation: In order to truly progress in a language it must be used. Spanish is a participation class so it is imperative that students are in class. Cell phones are appropriate for access to the vocabulary (quizlet.com), but should not distract from classroom activities and attention. Students will turn in a participation self-evaluation each week (see website for rubric).
Students will follow the district guidelines for absences: 7 absences = 1 truancy. If a student misses class, it is his/her responsibility to arrange make-up work. This should be completed the day after the student returns from absence. Students involved in athletics or other school excused activities need to make arrangements for missed class ahead of time. Tardies will be strictly enforced! District policy dictates 1 truancy for 5 tardies in one class. The classroom policy is: tardies and absences will affect participation grade. Please see me if there are circumstances affecting attendance and ability to arrive on time.
Missing work-- Generally, all work should be turned in / completed on time. . Students should make every effort to complete work on time to avoid getting behind and having more work later. If a student misses an assignment due to absence, it should be made up when the student returns to school. Assignments not made up within two weeks will result in a 50% grade deduction. No missing work will be accepted the final two weeks of the trimester. Re-takes for chapter exams and quizzes will be offered and available up until the chapter exam of the following chapter. If students fail to retake (or take) the exam/quiz during this period, the original score will stand (a score of zero for tests/quizzes not taken). Please talk to me if you are having difficulties!
Cell phones— District policy dictates that cell phones are not to be used during class time. However, students may use smart technology (phones, tablets, etc.) for a class activity and to access the vocabulary. Students need to be responsible with their electronic devices as they can greatly distract the learning process. Students who abuse the privilege may be asked to put their device away and will lose participation points.
Learning a foreign language can be very fun and is very useful, but also requires consistent effort and attention. I make efforts to address different learning styles and have the expectation and belief that all students can learn. Please let me know if there are questions, comments or concerns; e-mail is a good way to communicate with me. I also welcome phone calls before or after school. I will keep you posted on assignments and other work as the year progresses.
Please read this, sign it, and keep it in your binder.
We have read the above and agree to make efforts to succeed in this class.
Parent signature ______Student signature ______Period _____ Date ______