Personnel Details

Surname / Forenames
Postcode / Date of Birth
Home Telephone No. / Mobile No.
Work No. / Email
Post Title / National Insurance no

Bank Details

Please note that the details of my bank account for payment of salary are as follows:

Name of bank
Bank sorting code (normally 6 numbers)
Bank account no. (normally 8 numbers)
Name of account holder:

NB Your bank sorting code and account number are normally quoted at the bottom of each cheque, in magnetic ink characters: the middle group of 6 characters being the bank sorting code and the 8 characters to the right of these being the account number. The name of account is normally to the right of the cheque.

Building Society Account Details

Will you please arrange to pay my salary into the following Building Society account:

Name of Building Society
Sorting Code of bank used by the
Building Society (normally 6 numbers)
Bank account no. of the Society
(normally 8 numbers)
My personal account no. with Society

Your payment will reach the Building Society not later than the stated payday. With some Building Societies there will be a delay before the payment is actually credited to your account.

NB You will need to contact your building Society to find the details required above.

Next of Kin
Telephone No.
Mobile No.

Pension Information

Were you subject to a pension scheme in respect of any previous employment?
(for non-teachers, if this was within the last year you may be eligible to transfer funds into the scheme we operate) / Yes / No
Would you like to receive information on the possibility of transferring your funds into our scheme / Yes / No
Are you paying any Additional Voluntary Contributions? / Yes / No
If Yes, do you wish to continue with these? / Yes / No
Are you currently in receipt of an ill health pension from the Teacher’s Superannuation Fund? / Yes / No
If yes, please state the date of commencement of the ill health pension.
Car Make & Model

Signed ………………………………………………………….. Date……………………………………

When completed please return to: HR Team

Writhlington School

Knobsbury Lane



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