24 Jan 2017
The Society of American Military Engineers
Atlanta Post
Candidate First Name Date:
Candidate Last Name
In order to be eligible for the Atlanta SAME Post scholarship to the Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force SAME Engineering Summer Camp for high school students, you must submit this supplementary application along with the SAME National application found at
Cindy Miller
By March 24th, 2017 for all camps
If chosen as the Atlanta Post recipient for either camp, the Atlanta SAME Post will pay for travel expenses to/from the camp and ½ the registration fee for the camp. You and one guest will be guests at the Atlanta SAME Post luncheon on July 11th, where you will give a 5 minute brief on the camp (with photos if possible).
1) Camp Selection
Please indicate which camps you would like to attend. You may rank them in order of your preference, with 1 being your first choice.
Army Camp
Marine Corps
Air Force Camp
2) GPA
What is your un-weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale (numeric value)
What is your weighted GPA on a 4.0 scale (numeric value)
What is your class rank out of students Is this an approximate value?
If your school does not provide class rank, please indicate what approximate percent you are in your class.
3) Standardized tests: Please provide your highest scores for each test
PSAT Date taken: Math score Reading score
SAT Datetaken: Math score Reading score
ACT Datetaken: Math score Reading score
Provide any other test results or academic awards you have earned that you feel would demonstrate your level of expertise in the area of math or science.
4) Provide a photo of yourself.
5) Provide a copy of your school transcript or a copy of your report cards. If you took any AP classes, please include the class and score on the AP exam:
AP ClassAP scoreAP ClassAP score
6) Sports
Please list all sports you have played within the last 3 years
Name of sport / Level (club, JV, etc..) / How long have you played the sport / Awards/Recognition7) Clubs/Organizations/Activities
Please list all clubs, organizations, activities you have been involved in within the last 3 years. This can include anything from scouting, musical instruments, robotics, church youth group, JROTC, sea cadets, etc…
Name of club, organization, activity / Hrs per year spent on this club, organization, activity / Do you volunteer your time? / What do you do in the club, organization, or activity? / Notes (anything you want to share with the board)8) Work
Please list all job (volunteer or paid) that you performed in the last 3 years.
Job / Total hrs per year worked / Paid or volunteer? / Notes (anything you want to share with the board)