The Colonial America Brochure Activity!


Congratulations! You have just been hired by one of the original 13 colonies as an advertising agent. Your job is to promote and sell your colony in England and in Europe. The colony would like you to create a “brochure” which illustrates the benefits of moving to the colony and entices more settlers to move there. Good luck!

Your Brochure Should Include the Following Information:

1. A map of your colony.

2. Who was the founder or founders of the colony?

3. What types of people settled in your colony?

4. What is the geography and climate like in your colony?

5. What type of religion is found in your colony?

6. What is the economy like in your colony?

7. What type of government does your colony have?

8. Pictures and or 3D items

Other Specifications for My Brochure Project:

1. Where do I find information about my colony?

- Your teacher will provide you with a hand out

from History Alive for your colony to get you started.

You will also want to research information at the local

library and the Internet.

2. Does my brochure have to be typed?

- Yes! All quality material is typed. MS Word

makes it easy to create a tri-fold publication. If

you do not know how to set up a brochure in MS

Word, you may type your information and

neatly cut and paste it to your brochure. Be sure

to use the front and back of the paper.

3. Do I need to be Creative?

- Absolutely! The more creative you are the more

successful your colony will be. Make sure

that your brochure looks attractive. No one will

want to more to a colony that looks messy.

Use colored paper, backgrounds, pictures,

boarders, 3D items, etc. to improve your

message. Remember you are trying to grab

settlers attention and entice them to move to

your colony.