Apologies; Steve Crook

Present; Eddie Close, Terry Roche, Steve Moffat, Angela Shuttleworth, John Chapman, Adele Roche, John Hodkiss, Phil Cooper, Fraser livesay

RAVENSTONEDALE 10KM SAT 24TH NOV. This was a very successful event; we had some excellent positive feedback from participants. Well done to those who gave their time to help on the day, making everything run smoothly. The race adjudicator Noel Hakeman was in attendance, his feedback was limited; and he only found minimal issues to address including; race numbers to have medical info on the reverse and water station helpers to wear gloves! He also proposed that we consider moving the finish as there were a number of instances where local farmers pulled large vehicles through the finish area causing some disruption. The need to get all locals on-board for the next race was discussed. Swaledale ladies politely pointed out that they should have been the recipients of the ladies team prize. £1000 from the £1400 profit will be donated to the millennium fund.

CROSBY GARRETT £1000 will be donated to the Village Hall fund from the £1275 profit from the Westmoreland trail race.

SUBS; England Athletics fees are set to increase significantly this year, this will mean a revision of HH subs. John Hosker has outlined the new fees on the Website, there will be a reduced rate for ‘associate’members who do not wish to enter races, families and juniors. An online payment system is being looked at. All members need to pay by the end of Jan.

WINTER SOCIAL; This will be Friday the 25th Jan , Newbigging Village Hall, 7.00pm. Chris Bover the holiday period. land will organise a live band to play at the Celidh at a cost of approx £350.00, and Farm Harvest will provide a two course hot meal for £6.00 a head. Disposable plates will save washing up, and it was agreed that club members would serve the food to keep costs down a little. Tickets will be available to buy at £6.50 per head from committee members; see also the website.

London marathon draw: Katie May, Menna Lewis and Joanne Orr were drawn from the hat after the Ravenstonedale race. Congratulations. Registration is electronic for the first time and needs to be completed by mid Jan. The committee agreed that as from next year, club places will be drawn from unsuccessful applicants for the London Ballot. Refusal letters will be put into the hat. It was felt that reflected a degree of commitment.

Fancy-dress handicap race: will be from the Black Swan in Ravenstonedale on the afternoon of Friday 28th Dec.

Sedbergh Thursday training nights: As Sedbergh school closes for Christmas, the Club will meet at Loftus hill Car park 6.30pm. There have been issues with the venue that have not really been resolved.

FRA: Dallam runners have invited the Harriers to consider co-hosting the FRA relay championships in Oct 2014. Alan Brentnall FRA rep will be willing to meet us to discuss things further. Dallam is unwilling to take the lead role on this and we will need to consider making a firm commitment to be host for this event. Suitable venues will also need to be looked at.

SPINNING: A further 6 sessions will run at Kirkby Grammar for the Harriers. Jayne Bland is coordinating names.

AOB; We say a sad goodbye to Carl Bell and Jen Mattinson, having moved to Keswick, they have made the logical step of switching to Keswick runners, we wish them well and hope they keep in touch. Erin Proctor is also set to move to join Kendal runners and again we all wish her the best and hope she continues to enjoy her running. Three of the juniors were given £25.00 each by the club as a good will gestures for running the FRA championships in October. This was a one off payment and was not intended to cover all transport costs.

AGM: Will be Fri 8th Feb at the Fat Lamb after the Howler.

DATE AND TIME NEXT MEETING; 14th Jan 2013 at the Fat Lamb