Handling and Storage of Dangerous Products Procedure

Policy Number- 12.19

Link to National Quality Framework and National Law

  • National Quality Standard 2.3- Each child is protected Element2.3.1- Children are adequately supervised at all times
  • National Quality Standard 2.3 Element 2.3.2- Every reasonable precaution is taken to protect children from harm and any hazard likely to cause injury.
  • National Law Section 167: Offence relating to protection of children from harm and hazards: Every Reasonable precaution is taken to protect children being.Educated and cared for by the service from harm and any hazard likely to cause injury.

National Quality Framework (October 2011)

Education and Care Services National Regulations (13.12.2011)

Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010, Section 167Approved First Aid Qualifications-


By maximise awareness of hazards in the early learning environment as well as taking precautions to reduce the effects of potential hazards by ensuring that dangerous products are safely stored and their use in minimised, families, children and educators can be protected and feel safe at the setting.


To implement any precautions necessary to control risks, and to ensure dangerous products such as chemicals and hazardous equipment are stored safely away from children and are stored and handled appropriately.


  • Any chemical used within the centre will be accompanied with a material safety Data Sheet (MSDS).
  • A copy of the register of the MSDS will be kept in the Director’s Office, Children’s Emergency Phone numbers Folder, Kitchen, Laundry and each of the children’s play rooms (under the sink).
  • In the event of an emergency, a child must take the MSDS with them in the ambulance / to the hospital.
  • All cupboards containing a dangerous product will be labelled with a simple warning sign to alert adults.
  • Emergency procedures and practices take place to ensure that educators and children are aware of the procedures in an emergency situation
  • A procedure of safe storage of potentially dangerous products will be placed within each room for relief staff and visitors.
  • We ensure that there is an educator who holds an ACECQA approved first aid qualification on the premises at all times.
  • Educators at the centre wear protective clothing when handling hazardous materials such as gloves and enclosed shoes.
  • Educators will seek medical advice when needed by contacting the Poisons information line- 13 11 26 or by calling 000.
  • Educators strictly adhere to the ‘directions for use’ on the product label.

Chemicals used within the centre

-Glen 20- Eucalyptus Oil

-Laundry Powder- Ambi Pur (blue ocean)

-Dishwasher Powder- Floor Cleaner

-Disinfectant- Alcohol Hand Gel

-Dishwashing Liquid- Bleach

-Milton- Handwash

-Gumption- Nappy Clean

-Spray and Wipe- Jif

-Raid-Surface Spray



Storing of Dangerous Chemicals

-Obtain MSDS for new chemicals purchased.

-Always read the labels on the substances regarding safe use and storage.

-Dispose of chemical products that are no longer used — check your cupboard for ones that are out of date.

-All dangerous chemicals will be stored in a cupboard, with a child proof lock, out of reach of children.

-Use and leave products in their original containers and don’t decant them into other containers, such as drink bottles. (Floor Cleaner is the only exception due to OH&S issues with lifting a 5Ltr container – the smaller bottles have been labeled accordingly.

-Keep children away from the dishwasher when loading it and close the machine straight away afterwards. Remove any built-up sludge or caking of powder in or near the dispenser.

-Lock gardening and motor vehicle products away in a shed or other secure area.

Dangerous Products used within the centre


-Plastic Bags

-Plastic Garbage Bags

-Art and Craft products, such as, glue, paint, powdered paint.


Storing of Potentially Dangerous Products

-All art and craft supplies are to be kept in the hallway cupboard where children have no access. Equipment is taken from these cupboards when needed throughout the day and then replaced.

-Potentially dangerous products within the kitchen and staff room are to be stored within the cupboard in specifically designed moulds, such as knives, cutlery.

-All plastic bags are stored out of reach of children, within material bags.

-All rubbish within each room is placed into a bin that is inaccessible to children (with a lid). All bins are emptied throughout the day and at the end of each evening.

Precautions implemented to control risks of dangerous products and chemicals, include:

-read the MSDS and follow all instructions accordingly.

-storing chemicals according to the manufacturer's instructions on the material safety data sheet.

-Discuss with children about safety issues, the correct use of equipment in the environment and where appropriate safety rules.

-Consistently implement safety checks to ensure safe storage.

-Ensure items such as medications, detergents, cleaning products and garden chemicals are clearly labeled at all times.

-storing dangerous products according to our procedure.

-A risk assessment for dangerous products is complete to identify the possible risks around the centre.

-Medication will only be administered with authorisation from a person included in the child’s enrolment form and after a medication form is completed. All medication is stored in the medication box which is locked and placed in the fridge out of reach of children.

-Educators and staff are willing to take part in any professional development which involves maximizing their awareness of hazardous products and source chemical free methods to reduce hazards in the early childhood setting.

-keeping the minimum quantity of hazardous substances necessary.

-storing incompatible substances separately.

-taking steps to prevent release or leakage of dangerous substances.

-cleaning up any leaks or spills that occur.

-using appropriate precautions when handling dangerous products- wearing protective clothing or ensuring adequate ventilation.

-ensuring employees who store and handle dangerous products are properly trained.

-checking containers used for short-term storage are properly labeled

-place spray bottles on the strongest spray to prevent inhalation of mist

-NEVER STOREDANGEROUS PRODUCTS/CHEMICALS in inappropriate containers, such as soft drink bottles, empty formula cans or ice cream containers.


Issued 29th December 2005, Updated February 2008, Reviewed 25th July 2012