Present: The Mayor Cllr Mrs Oades, J.Cameron, E Silverwood, P.Hardy, K.Wright, K.Beckett, D.Murrey,

  1. Apologies for absence: Councillors Hodgson and McIver
  2. Declarations of interest: members were reminded that in accordance with the Local Authorities code of Conduct Act 2007 (part 2) and Council Standing Orders and pecuniary or other interests should be declared. Cllr Hardy declared an interest in all Planning matters. Cllr Oades declared an interest in item 12c 13/0288 54 Ribby Road Kirkham.
  3. Policing in Kirkham: Sgt. O’Donoghue and PC Davies attended, the full Police report for May circulated to members showing an increase in alcohol consumption in young people and transient workers. Police work including circulating information in European languages and visiting places of work has been undertaking and will continue throughout the summer. Club Day preparations are in place with Ex Servicemen volunteering to assist in stewardship issues for the Church procession. It has been strongly suggested that Club Day fund raising should take place throughout the year with perhapsa ‘bucket’ collection on the day. FBC events budget holder can be approached in good time for next year. Noted. PACT meetings will be phased out due to lack of demand, Information from the public obtained by officers on patrol is found to be more effective. The Police force is to adopt Twitter and Face book as a mean of improving communication with young people – the town council to follow suit in future. Cllr Beckett commented that postcodes added to street signs would assist in reporting crime. Clerk to raise this with FBC – useful on short roads but longer roads can have several postcode permutations. PC Davies is cycling the Manchester Blackpool event in aid of cancer charities – sponsorship forms will be available. Cllr Beckett raised the issue of the scrap metal dealers targeting the town. Police noted
  4. Ratification of the actions of the Leisure Committee held on Tuesday June 4th 2013: Approved
  5. Approval of the council minutes of May 7th and Annual Assembly May 14th 2013: Approved
  6. Matters arising from those minutes: none recorded
  7. Mayors announcements: none recorded
  8. Town Clerk announcements and correspondence: circulated to all members. Noted. A letter received from 2nd Kirkham Scouts complaining about heat damage to a 5 year old sign noted. Clerk to pass to insurers for comment. Napthens Solicitors(Howard Roger Morgan case) claim to be passed to insurers. Mr.Langley’s letter re ‘Kirkham Triangle’ proposals passed to Cllrs Silverwood and McIver. CA Solutions quote for a new computer to be matched by 2 x other quotes – Cllr. Cameron to check. Sub Station Memorial Gardens essential works commencing June 17th noted. QE11 Challenge – Memorial Gardens application ready to sign but deferred awaiting confirmation thatfunding can be obtained.
  9. PAOS report: circulated to members from the May 28th meeting. Network Rail Marquis Street complaint will be furthered by Cllr Oades. Noted. KJFC heavily subsidized following the transfer from FBC for pitch and WSH center - this will reviewed pre next season. Clerk to source other pitch hire charges particularly KGS. The contractors for PAOS discussed – members agreed that the service is excellent but further cost cutting will be sought. Birley Street entrance gates and railings quotes from Lytham Forge, Arch Forge and Landscape Engineering discussed. Resolved that Arch Forge be granted the work on cost and content grounds. New Fylde Housing groundsmaintenance sites are causing complaint. Noted the clerk to write to NFH to comment. and ask for improvement. WSH a member of the public has reported issues with WSH playing field perimeter fence which is in a poor state of repair with a missing gate, missing mesh panels and supporting posts and broken style. Noted the clerk to contact HMP Kirkham re the style (confirmed HMP will be able to rebuild this on site) the mesh panels and remaining works to be priced and completed to prevent further disturbance to the residents and public.
  10. KWBG report: Cllr Silverwood reported additional stalls are needed for the market to support the regulars attendees
  11. Rural Splash report:Cllr Oades reported that Rural splash had made a £7k profit in the last year the coming year will be the swimming pools 100th anniversary which will be marked. FBC are continuing to subsidize the pool by £36k per year for a further 6 years with the towns and parishes also contributing annually.
  12. Planning applications:
  1. 13/0306 40 Mellor RoadKTC no objections
  2. 13/0289 10 Selby RoadKTC no objections
  3. 13/0288 54 Ribby RoadKTC no objections

Members discussed the proposals from Morrison/FBC for the alteration to the entrance on Mill Street. Resolved: that Cllr Oades would discuss further with FBC to avoid unnecessary disruption to established railings and flowerbeds.

FBC Local Plan members discussed further local actions needed to ensure the electorate of Kirkham, Wesham and Greenhalgh are informed about the Local Plan options and road show, the appeals which will take place over 5 days in July at Ribby Hall and the Public Meeting to be held at the Community Centre on June 27th. It was agreed that a mail drop of letters was required to all residents.

  1. Finance report:
  1. Monthly report circulated: approved
  2. Annual return for year ending March 31st 2013: approved and signed by the Mayor
  3. Intermediate audit questionnaire approved and signed by the Mayor
  4. Fidelity guarantee: members were reminded of the risk assessment processes in place to protect the monies held by KTC and are confident there is sufficient security in place.approved
  1. Licensing: Cllr Beckett reported on The Willows marquee for weddings. Noted the ‘Post Office’ will have live bands on their car park for Club Day.
  2. Highways: Freckleton Street – by the tree planters has a paving flag lifted: Cllr Oades to report.
  3. Staffing: the Clerk to take a weeks’ leave June 10th to 14th. Noted. The staff terms and conditions and Standing Orders to be revisited in the coming months.
  4. Council web page: no reports.
  5. Date and time of next meeting: the date and time of the next meeting will be Tuesday July 2nd 2013 7pm Council Chamber council Offices Moor Street Kirkham

M.D.BarnesCllr Mrs E A Oades

Town ClerkMayor