Kindergarten Welcome and Registration Event
Agenda Template
Principal, KG teachers, secretary and possibly‘other’ staff/volunteers to work with incoming kindergartenerswho are in attendance (e.g. Educational Assistants, high school community service volunteers, etc.)
- Power point the school has created that shares a day in the life of a kindergartner (see below)
- ‘Intent to Enroll’ note-cards for parents to complete and return to secretary.
- Registration/Enrollment Packets
- Parent’s Guide to Kindergarten booklet
- Kindergarten Program Talking Points. This handout can be used as a reference and can support your message, for the evening
- Optional:
- Refreshments
- Materials for use with incoming kindergartners (e.g. crafts, games, books, etc.)
- Books to give away to each family (Clifford’s First Day of School); here is a link to a Youtube of this story.
- Welcome & Introductions
- Open the meeting with the Welcome to Kindergarten video (you may choose to close the meeting with this video)
- Introduce Community Partners and provide them with a few minutes to share
- Safety Town, Willamalane, Brattain House, KITS, PTA/Parent Group, etc.
- Show the Day in the Life of a Kindergarten power point presentation. The power point contains chronological slides/pictures that display such things as:
- School’s mission or vision
- PBIS expectations
- Instructional Parameters
- Daily schedule or start/end time (this will likely be unknown at the time of the event)
- Routines to start/end the day
- Specials (music, library, art, etc.)
- Support staff; photos of staff members
- Reading/Literacy Block
- Math
- Recess
- Lunch
- Writing
- Art
- Centers
- Science/Social Skills
- ELL, Titleand/or Sped
- Samples of student work that depict ‘first of year’ and ‘end of year’ performance (writing and/or math samples).
- Important dates or future events (does your school have a late spring event, summer events, etc.)
- Invite families to email if they have questions; share the school’s contact information. Using the ‘Intent to Enroll’ cards, the school can produce a list serve for use to email incoming families, from time to time, between now and September. Email messages can answer commonly asked questions, share information about the school/events and begin building a positive partnership with families….and foster excitement for the year ahead!
Throughout power point, provide commentary that shares details and enthusiasm about the school and full day kindergarten!
- Distribute Registration/Enrollments Packets and ‘Intent to Enroll’ note cards. The secretary will, in turn, give families an enrollment packet. The ‘Intent to Enroll’ card provides the school with a record of families that have taken an enrollment packet. This list can serve as a reference for schools to use to follow up with families who attended the Welcome/Registration Event.
- Share a list of school supplies, with teachers showing examples of the supplies (optional)
- Share the Parents Guide to Kindergarten booklet, conducting a short ‘book walk’ by flipping the parents through the booklet to familiarize them with the resources outlined inside.
- Close the meeting with the Welcome to Kindergarten video (you may choose to open the meeting with this video)
- Questions and Answers
Other Considerations:
- Ice Breakers:
- Hang a neighborhood map and have families put a pin with their contact information on their house if they are interested in preschool play dates, carpooling, or a walking school bus. This will help with attendance and also makes getting to school fun. OR
- Getting Your Child Ready for Kindergarten
- Each table discusses tips on how they can support their child in getting ready plan to get ready for the new school schedule
- Reserve interpretation kits for Spanish language
- Serve cookies or ice-cream at the end
- Have 5th graders serve as tour guides and/or assistants during the event
- Give each family the Clifford Goes to School book as a parting gift
- Excuse incoming kindergarteners to classrooms, with EAs (or other staff, high school volunteers, etc.), to engage in a fun activity. Activities might include:
- Theme oriented
- Center time; rotations
- Art project
- Read-a-loud
- Short video
- Sing-a-long
Prepared by the Full Day Kindergarten Task Force