The True/False Film Fest is open to all documentary films. We also encourage submissions that cross the boundary between fact and fiction.
To simplify the entry process, we ask that you use the online technology provided by Withoutabox, the international film festival submission service that has purged some of the rigmarole from submitting films. Withoutabox provides you access to film festivals throughout the U.S. and in Europe with one master entry form, allowing you to enter your film instantly and with greater accuracy along with an online press kit that you don’t have to keep sending each time you enter another festival. And by applying to the 2009 True/False Film Fest through Withoutabox, you get $5 off your entry fee, plus the advantages of extended deadlines. And becoming part of Withoutabox is free.
However, if you prefer to apply in the old-fashioned and outmoded way, it’s still possible.Print this paper entry form, then mail it in along with a DVD or VHS tape.
Entry Fees and Deadlines:
- Sept. 30th, 2008: Earlybird deadline. Feature: $20 Short: $15
- Nov. 15th, 2008: Regular deadline. Feature: $25 Short: $20
- Dec. 1st, 2008: Late deadline. Feature: $30 Short: $25
Fees are $5 less when you apply on
- For exhibition: 35mm, 16mm, digibeta, DVcam, mini-DV
- For prescreening: VHS (NTSC) and DVD (NTSC, region 1 or region free)
Rules of entry:
• The True/False Film Fest is open to all documentary films. We also encourage submissions that cross the boundary between fact and fiction. Its next edition will be Feb. 26 - March 1, 2009 in Columbia, Missouri.
•Films and videos are submitted complete with English commentary and/or English dialogue or in the original version with English subtitles. VHS cassettes and DVDs must be clearly labeled on the spine with the film title.
• The festival organization must receive the completed entry forms together with a DVD or a VHS cassette (NTSC) of the films, videos or new media projects before the deadline for each festival. Entry fees are $20 if submitted before Sept. 30; $25 before Nov. 15; and then $30 before Dec. 1. Fees for short films 16 minutes or less are $5 less than the above fees.
• Import declaration statement:
All non-U.S. entries must be sent via airmail with the declaration: “Free claimed under #724.12 (960.60) U.S. Tariff Act. To be returned following the Festival.” Entrants must assume all responsibility for clearing films and videotapes through U.S. and foreign customs officials.
•All filmmakers will be contacted by Jan. 24, 2009 via email or letter with the final status of the submission. The submitted tape will not be returned to the entrants unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is included for return.
After official selection for the True/False program:
•The festival has the right to use the publicity material (press books, posters, stills etc.) to promote the festival.
•All shipping costs and insurance to the festival office are the festival’s responsibility. Films must be accompanied by return instructions.
•Upon gaining possession of the films or videos, the festival will only then accept limited responsibility for the films or videos, extending to the time that the festival organization ships the film or video back to the sender. The definition of this limited responsibility only includes a refund of laboratory expenses for making a new print of the roll or rolls of film damaged, or in case of a video, duplication of the videotape. This refund will be calculated according to the current US laboratory prices. It does not extend to negatives, positives or any other type of film component.
Film Details
Original Title: ______Additional Available Formats (specify format):______
English Title:______Type of film (animation, documentary):______
Original Format:______Duration:______minutes
Production Details
Company:______Date of Completion:______
Producer:______Organization associated with:______
Distribution Details
Distribution Company:______City:______State:______
Contact Name:______Postcode:______Country______
Has the film ever been broadcast on US television, or are there plans for a broadcast? Yes No
If so, please give broadcast date and network:______
Has the film had a theatrical release in the US? Yes No
If so, please give details:______
Do you allow the film to be reviewed by members of the press for print coverage? Yes No
Do you allow the film to be transferred to another format to allow for screening? Yes No
Do you allow the film to be used for additional screenings? (Other individual screenings) Yes No Additional comments:______
Other festivals the film has been/will be shown and any awards ______
Please include any additional relevant information or requests (e.g. the film would be a World/US
Please send a VHS or DVD tape of the film together with the completed entry form, a brief synopsis and at least two still photos from the film to:
David Friesen
True/False Film Fest
5 South 9th St. #205
Columbia, MO 65201