About the Fund for Santa Barbara
The Fund was established as a community foundation in 1980 to offer an alternative concept in philanthropy. Founded by a group of individuals who shared a vision of a just and humane society, The Fund is dedicated to finding solutions to current and emerging social, economic, environmental and political problems that challenge our society as a whole. Since its inception, The Fund has awarded nearly $5 million to more than 1,000 projects.
Fall 2017 Funding Guidelines
General Fund Guidelines
The Fund believes that significant social changes ultimately require broad participation in and democratic control of all social, political, and economic institutions. Historically, social conditions improve most dramatically when people organize on their own behalf, form alliances with other like-minded people & organizations, and build coalitions to confront and change the conditions that have denied them access, equity, and justice. The Fund gives preference to projects that address the root causes of social, economic, environmental, and political problems.
The Fund provides seed grants to new grassroots projects; general support and project grants to small organizations; and targeted grants to larger, more established organizations.
We Invite Applications From Groups That:
· Work against discrimination based on race, sex/gender, age, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, physical/mental ability, ethnicity, language spoken, or immigration status;
· Advocate for the rights of workers;
· Promote self-determination in low income and disenfranchised communities;
· Promote international peace and organize locally for a just foreign policy;
· Work on improving the environment, especially organize a constituency usually without access to decision-makers;
· Operate in a democratic manner, responsive to and directed by the constituency being served.
We Do Not Fund:
· Political campaigns that support a candidate or a political party;
· Private (vs. public) interests;
· Direct labor organizing;
· Projects providing direct services without a social change component;
· Direct support to individuals;
· Building improvements;
· Capital ventures, i.e. office equipment, machines, or vehicles;
· Projects located outside of Santa Barbara County.
Key Cycle Dates:
Applications Available Tuesday, August 1st
Drafts Reviewed Tuesday, August 1st
by Fund Staff to
Tuesday, September 5th
Application Deadline Friday, September 8th No later than 5:00 p.m.
Affirmative Action considerations are among the criteria used in all funding decisions.
Aplicaciones y información son disponibles en español. Llame Patricia Solorio al
(805) 922-1707.
General Information about the Fall Funding Cycle
Amount of Funding Available
The maximum grant award is $10,000.
The average grant award is approximately $7,000.
Tax Exempt Status
The Fund for Santa Barbara will accept grant applications from groups regardless of their
tax-exempt status as long as their activities clearly fall within IRS tax-exempt guidelines. Fiscal sponsorships are acceptable but not required.
Technical Assistance
We strongly encourage applicants to attend one of our free Grant Application Workshops held during each funding cycle. In addition, FSB staff is available to review a draft of your proposal and provide feedback. All such drafts must be received at The Fund office by Tuesday, September 5th, 2017.
Submitting Your Application
When submitting your application please expect to be in the office for 30 minutes. At this time staff will review your application to assure it is complete. Please do not submit your application with any additional folders, envelopes, or the like.
How to Apply for a Grant
1. To receive an application packet, contact us at (805) 962-9164 or visit our website at fundforsantabarbara.org. Our staff can email you a Microsoft Word formatted application for ease of use.
2. Consider attending a Grant Application Workshop (see dates on Cycle Calendar).
3. Submit the completed application by
5 p.m. on Friday, September 8th, 2017.
Repeat Funding
We do accept requests for repeat funding of projects. Such proposals must include detailed information about the outcome of the previous grant, and how further financial assistance would advance the goals of the original proposal. Organizations seeking repeat funding must be in compliance by having all required progress reports submitted. Please contact FSB staff to ascertain compliance.
Other Grant Opportunities
Multi-Year Grants
The Fund for Santa Barbara accepts Multi-Year Grant applications during the Spring Cycle Only. Please call the office at (805) 962-9164 for an application and guidelines. Interested applicants must first contact the Fund office.
Emerging Need Grants (ENG)
Projects needing immediate financial assistance that could not meet the deadline for our Grant Cycles due to extraordinary, unforeseen circumstances may be eligible. The Fund does not consider poor planning, cash flow problems, or insufficient fund-raising efforts as grounds for an ENG.
Youth Making Change Grants (YMC)
Youth Making Change is a teen-led philanthropy program for youth led projects in Santa Barbara County. The maximum award is $3,000 and the deadline is in the Fall. Please call the office at (805) 922-1707 for an application and guidelines.
Donor Advised Grants
The Fund for Santa Barbara also manages a limited number of Donor Advised Funds focused on social justice work. These grants are not available through the regular application process.
Grant-Making Schedule for the 2017 Fall CycleTuesday, August 1st / Request for Proposals / Applications Available
Hard copy applications are available at FSB offices:
· 26 West Anapamu St. in Santa Barbara (962-9164)
· 120 East Jones St., #110 in Santa Maria (922-1707)
Or online at: www.fundforsantabarbara.org
Tuesday, August 8th ~ 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Dick DeWees Center
1120 West Ocean Avenue in Lompoc
— OR —
Wednesday, August 16th ~ 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Carpinteria Library Community Room
5141 Carpinteria Avenue in Carpinteria
— OR —
Tuesday, August 22nd ~ 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Community Cornerstone Conference Room
705 South McClelland Street in Santa Maria
— OR —
Thursday, August 31st ~ 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Orfalea Downtown Center
1221 Chapala Street in Santa Barbara / Free Grant Application Workshops
These workshops are STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for all applicants and are open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Fund for Santa Barbara and our application process.
If you are interested in applying for a Multi-Year Grant (Spring only) or are utilizing the Common Grant Application, you must contact The Fund prior to submission.
You can sign up to attend a workshop by visiting: bit.do/GrantApp Please note any access needs (i.e. language, physical, child care, etc.)
Tuesday, August 1st
Tuesday, September 5th / Pre-Application Project Assessment
Staff is available to provide an assessment of a brief (one page) project description, participant list and project budget. Email
Elena at .
Friday, September 8th / Applications Due – No Later Than 5:00 p.m.
Hand delivered to Santa Barbara or Santa Maria FUND office.
Monday, October 16th
Friday, October 27th / Interviews / Site Visits of Applicants
We encourage at least three to four members of your group be available. Please note that not all applicants will receive an interview and the interview is not indicative of a decision to award funding.
Monday, November 20th / Grant-Making Committee makes funding recommendations to the Board of Directors
Week of November 20th / Grant Recipients Notified
Tuesday, November 21st
Friday, December 8th / Grantee Orientations
An opportunity to review paperwork, grant requirements, and receive assistance from Fund Staff.
December (TBD) ~ 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Santa Maria / Fall Grant Awards Celebration
Grant Application Instructions and Checklist
for the 2017 Fall Cycle
Thank you for taking the time to apply to the Fund for Santa Barbara. Please use this checklist to ensure the application you submit is complete. If you have any questions, please contact The Fund office at 962-9164.
¨ 1. Read The Fund’s Guidelines to confirm that The Fund is a good match for your project. Guidelines are available on our website: www.fundforsantabarbara.org.
¨ 2. OPTIONAL PROPOSAL REVIEW: Submit a one-page project description, budget and key participant list to Fund Staff to review before Tuesday, September 5th. Staff will provide feedback that may be valuable to you in drafting your final application.
¨ 3. Complete the six-page application in black ink or type. Electronic copies in Word.doc format are available on our website or by contacting our office. DO NOT exceed the six page limit. Please note your Cover Sheet (Page 1 of Application) answers must fit onto one page.
¨ 4. Obtain original authorized signatures on the front page of the application by officers of the 501(c)(3) non-profit OR if you do not have 501(c)(3) status and are not being sponsored by a 501(c)(3) organization, signatures of people chosen by your group to represent the effort.
¨ 5. Hand-deliver one stapled, original, signed application, and one unstapled application copy, both with attachments, to The fund’s Santa Barbara or Santa Maria office no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, September 8th. No late applications will be accepted. Please print single-sided.
Email Requirement
¨ One paragraph summary (175 words max) including 1) Start date & mission of organization and project; 2) What your proposal seeks to accomplish; and 3) What funding would specifically pay for. Please write in the third person and email summary in the body of the email to . Put Project Name & ‘Final Summary’ in the subject line. Deadline is Friday, September 8th by 5:00 p.m.
¨ List of all key participants (along with their role/title) involved with your project AND a list of the Board of Directors of your organization AND the Board of Directors of the 501(c)(3) organization that is acting as fiscal sponsor for the project (if applicable).
¨ Copies of your organization’s 501(c)(3) IRS determination letter, State of California Franchise Tax Board determination letter OR if your organization doesn’t have 501(c)(3) status a brief paragraph of how your group operates with a charitable purpose.
¨ Optional: A document of your choice from your project (i.e. a brochure, article, event flier, biography, etc.). Note: not to exceed a total of 3 one-sided (8 ½ by 11”) pages.
Fall 2017 Grant Application Form
Instructions: Please type or print in black ink. ALL Cover Sheet information must fit on one page.
Name of the Organization or Sponsoring Group:
Project Name:
Has this project received FSB funding in the Past? Yes __ No __ Date of Last Grant:
Name of Contact Person(s): Title(s):
Address: City: Zip:
Day Phone: Evening Phone:
Email: Website:
Best times for an interview to the best of your knowledge (days of the week & times):
Amount Requested: $ (Not to exceed $10,000)
Brief summary of what funds will pay for:
Tax Exempt Status: 501(c)3 ___ 501(c)4 ___ Unincorporated ___ Tax ID Number: Type of Request (check one): General Support ___ Program/Project ___ Seed Funding ___
Issue(s)/Area(s): (i.e. civic engagement, environment, etc.)
Strategy(ies): (i.e. education, lobbying, etc.)
Constituency(ies): (i.e. neighborhood, ethnic group, etc.)
Geography: (i.e. North/Mid/South/County-Wide, specific cities, etc.)
Budget Period: From: To: Total Project Budget:
Fiscal Year Begins: Total Organizational Budget:
Does your organization/group have an organizational bank account? Yes ___ No ___
If yes, what Financial Institution & Branch?:
We certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge and is submitted with our Board of Directors’/Governing Body’s full knowledge and endorsement:
Name of Board President or Authorized Representative: Phone:
Signature of Representative: Date:
Name of Lead Staff Member or 2nd Representative: Phone:
Signature of Representative: Date:
Outline your proposal here. Describe your project’s history, purpose and objectives and your specific request to the Fund for Santa Barbara.
Please DO NOT exceed space provided in this box.
1. Keeping in mind The Fund’s priorities as stated in the Guidelines, how is this project social change rather than traditional charity or direct service?
2. How are decisions made and priorities set for your group? How is your constituency involved in the decision-making process for your project?
3. What is the demographic make-up (i.e. race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, geography, etc.) of your organization’s leadership, membership (if there is one), and constituency?
Please provide two references (i.e. members of your constituency, key stakeholders, etc.) who understand your project and can discuss it:
Name: Position: Phone:
Name: Position: Phone:
Indicate below a timeline for the main objectives of your project.
MONTH / YEAR / ACTIVITY4. How will your organization identify success or impact of this project within your proposed timeline? Who will benefit and how?
5. How will your organization keep the project’s benefits ongoing? For how long?
6. Please identify the major fundraising strategies of your organization for this project and who is responsible for implementing them.
7. What resources, aside from funding, does your organization have access to? (i.e. volunteers, donated space / equipment, discounts, etc.)
8. What resources, aside from funding, does your organization need?
9. If full funding is not available, what is / are your organization’s highest budget priorities (i.e. can’t do without)?
Financial Information
Income and Expense Summary for Proposed Project Only
Budget Period (month/year): From to
IncomeSource of Funds / Amount / Received, Pending or Denied?
Fund for Santa Barbara / $ / Pending
*Total Income / $
*(Must match total expenses below)
Please note this is a cash only budget (i.e. do not include in-kind donations)
ExpensesExpense Category / Item / Total Expense Amount / Amount Requested From The Fund For Santa Barbara / Notes / Explanation
*Total Expenses / $ / ** $
*(Must match total income above) ** (Not to Exceed $10,000)
Please provide detailed notes for each expense category (e.g. if staff position: hrs x rate x length of time.)
Past Funding Sources for this project (i.e. grants, events & other fundraising activities). Please include dates & amounts:
Financial Information
Income and Expense Summary for Proposed Project Only
Budget Period (month/year): From Jan 2018 to Dec 2018
IncomeSource of Funds / Amount / Received, Pending or Denied?
Fund for Santa Barbara / $8,000 / Pending
McCune Foundation / $13,000 / Received
Santa Barbara Foundation Express Grant / $5,000 / Pending
Special Events / $3,200 / Projected, based on 2017
Member Fees / Individual Donations / $2,000 / Received $1,300
*Total Income / $31,200
*(Must match total expenses below)