SchoolView Access Request Form

New Registration

Wyoming Elementary is providing parent access to SchoolView to further promote educational excellence and enhance communications with parents. SchoolView allows parents to view their child’s attendance and grades anywhere, anytime. In response for the privilege of accessing the SchoolView, every parent is expected to act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner. SchoolView is available to every parent or guardian of a student enrolled at Wyoming Elementary. If you have more than one child, you will only use one access key every year. It will remain valid until graduation from high school. If you have children in junior high or the high school you may already have access to SchoolView. If so, you do not need to apply for an account again. Users are to adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. I will not share my passwords with others.
  2. I will not attempt to alter, harm or destroy data.
  3. I will not use SchoolView for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws.
  4. I will not access data or any account owned by another user.
  5. If I identify a security problem with SchoolView, I will notify Wyoming Elementary immediately.
  6. I understand that if I am identified as a security risk to SchoolView, my access will be denied.

By signing and returning the agreement below you will receive access to SchoolView. We will provide you with an access key and instructions. Please detach and return the form below to me at:

Curtis Slater, Principal

Wyoming Elementary

25701 Forest Blvd N

Wyoming MN 55092

CUT HERE------

If you are a parent or guardian, please print the names(s) of your student(s) attending Wyoming Elementary:

______Teacher ______

______Teacher ______

______Teacher ______

I have reviewed the SchoolView Acceptable Use Policy and agree to abide by and support these guidelines.


PRINT Applicant #1 Name PRINT Applicant #2 name (if applicable)

(parent or guardian) (parent or guardian)


Applicant #1 Signature and Date Applicant #2 Signature and Date (if applicable)