Español I – 6th to 8th Grade

Mrs. Villanueva


Español I – 6th to 8th Grade

Goal of the Course:

*To have students emerge themselves in the Spanish language and culture.

*To have students begin to speak the Spanish language and incorporate it into their lives.

*To participate in a fun and exciting learning experience.

Textbook: Avancemos 1

Textbook will be assigned the first day of class. Students will receive numbers, sign the student information paper, receive a parent signature, and return the paper to me.


Many of the worksheets, assignments, and classwork will be available on my website throughout the class. The computer will be where most of the work is completed, but sometimes handouts are necessary, therefore a binder is recommended.


Tests and quizzes will come in the form of projects, group work, tests, participation, and quizzes. You will have plenty of notification and time to study for tests or quizzes. Extra help is available and many times we will review the material in class through games and discussion.


Participation is one of the most important elements of this class. The Spanish language is something that is learned from speaking, listening, writing, and reading. The activities will be different and it is important to be prepared to participate in the learning experience.

Extra Help

Extra help is always available after school, so please feel free to ask! I will never say no. It will benefit grades. Please give me notice if you would like to stay.


It will be assigned often, but sometimes students have time to do it in class. Please review at home. Homework assignments and worksheets can always be found on my website.


Participation: 20% (Class work, speaking, participating in activities, discussions, effort, etc.)

Tests/Quizzes: 30% (Tests, quizzes, participation quizzes, class grades, projects, etc.)

Homework: 20% (Take home and class work)

Projects/presentations: 30% (Oral presentations, group work, participation, etc.)

Student Responsibilities

Be on time to class

Complete your work on time. (tests, quizzes, projects, homework)

Frequently check my website for work if you are absent or have misplaced assignments.

Study and prepare for tests and quizzes.


Follow classroom rules!

¡Vamos a tener un buen año!