Week/Date: November 28, 2016Grade/Subject SciencePrepared by: Eaton and Ruff
Learning Goal:Students will identify how foods and grown and how technology is used in the process. / Daily Objective: Students will identify ways that we use technology to help us grow or make food.. SC.7.L.17.Su.1Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
SPECIAL NOTES / Unit 4 Energy / Unit 4 Energy / Unit 4 Energy / Unit 4 Energy / Unit 4 Energy
Bell Ringer / How does energy play a role in producing our foods? / How does energy play a role in producing our foods? / How does energy play a role in producing our foods? / How does energy play a role in producing our foods? / How does energy play a role in producing our foods?
Procedure / I Do: Identify different foods we grow and the technology needed to grow them.
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results. / I Do: Identify different foods we grow and the technology needed to grow them.
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results. / I Do: Identify different foods we grow and the technology needed to grow them.
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results. / I Do: Identify different foods we grow and the technology needed to grow them.
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results. / I Do: Identify different foods we grow and the technology needed to grow them.
We Do: In small groups research
You Do: Gather and exchange results.
Question / What is the flow of energy of living things? / What is the flow of energy of living things? / What is the flow of energy of living things? / What is the flow of energy of living things? / What is the flow of energy of living things?
Assessment / Name one way technology affects energy. / Name one way technology affects energy. / Name one way technology affects energy. / Name one way technology affects energy. / Name one way technology affects energy.
Materials / Safari Montage
America Revealed Food Machine / Safari Montage, Farm to Market, 11 min. Farming Demo corn 3 min / Bill Nye Farming 20 min / Farm to Market Seafood
Farm to Table 16 min / Farm to Market Dairy
ESOL/ESE MODIFICATIONS: Also see hard copy of student’s LEP and IEP’s.
Content and Context Clues/ Gestures Adapted/Modified Assignments
Multimedia Read aloud while students follow along
Individual Instruction/Small group Preferential Seating
Peer Tutoring/grouping Visual Aids/Manipulatives
Alternative Assessments Strategies, extended time / Vocabulary: energy, motion, change, kinetic, solar, electricity, heat, light, sound, wave, primary colors, danger signs, nuclear power, food chain, fats, carbohydrates, saliva, producers, consumers, decomposers, technology, farming.
Homework: Identify items at home as being solid, liquid or gas.