Reading Slips and Book Reports

Reading Slips is an at-home reading program designed to promote a love of reading while developing comprehension. Your child will be required to read at home for 80 minutes. At least 20 of the 80 minutes should be oral reading. Upon reaching this goal, your child will need to bring you a “reading slip” to be signed. Reading slips are available daily. These slips may also be turned in daily. Each student will need to have his or her slips turned in on or before the due date. Due dates are posted in the classroom. Please be advised that the number of slips will increase each quarter. It is up to you to decide what you deem appropriate for your child to read. In the past I have accepted novels, magazines, newspapers, and Internet reading. I have also allowed students to count 15 minutes of instrumental/vocal music practicing per slip because of the correlation between higher level thinking skills and music. Students may also count one slip for summer reading during quarter one and use intersession breaks for reading minutes to be counted on the following quarter. For example, if you child reads 80 minutes during October break, they will be able to count those minutes to earn one slip for second quarter reading. Book reports are designed to be completed at home. There will be one required book report per quarter. There will be specific requirements for each book report. These will be passed out prior to our intersession breaks. Book reports and reading slips will be due on the same date. The due dates for reading slips and book reports are listed below.

Quarter 1:

Number of Reading Slips: 7

Reading Slips and Book Report Due Date: September 23, 2011

Quarter 2:

Number of Reading Slips: 8

Reading Slips and Book Report Due Date: December 16, 2011

Quarter 3:

Number of Reading Slips: 9

Reading Slips and Book Report Due Date: March 2, 2012

Quarter 4:

Number of Reading Slips: 10

Reading Slips and Book Report Due Date: May 18, 2012

Late slips will not be accepted. All slips must be completed on or before the due date!

Terrific Fluency Tips

Read to your child.

Listen to your child read.

Ask questions about the material that was read.

Have your child read a passage aloud while listening to you read with them.

Develop a daily routine where a parent sits side by side with the child and engages in reading for 10-15 minutes.

Have your child read a passage several times until they are able to read it accurately, quickly, and expressively.

Provide your child with time daily for independent reading.

Reading Slips

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature

I ______have read the required 80 minutes to earn one slip.

______Parent Signature