Club Meeting Minutes

Belmont United Soccer Club

Date: June 22, 2015

Time: 7:30pm – Club Meeting
Location: Belmont Sports Complex, Belmont, CA

Recorded by: Chris Zaino

Board present: Steve Haines, Juliet Chan, Mark Dronskiy, Greg Snow, Melissa Saberi, Chris Zaino

Board absent: Tore Svanberg, Dave Jackson, Sherri Newmyer

Attendees: Robyn Loverro, Robin Zimmermann, Mark Bogan, Rob Black, Raj Haldankar, Kurt Swanson, Lisa Wise-Faberowski, Beth Norton, Manouch Ghajar

Teams not represented: Dynamite White 06G, Wildfire Red 04G, Blaze 02G, Ice 01G, Heat White 06B, Lightning Black 05B, Inferno White 04B, Inferno Black 04B, Explosion 03B


Approved minutes from May 18 meeting.

Juliet - Fundraising

- Great turnout at Red Robin day; final numbers and check should be available in next 1-2 weeks. In Fall, we may repeat the event there, and do an additional fundraising day elsewhere.

- Earthquakes game on June 27 – exceeded expectations, sold 200 tickets, so will have a great turnout and the Club raised $1000. Please have players wear their white game jerseys. Pick up tickets at Will Call under name of purchaser, with photo ID of purchaser; if need to make any changes, contact Juliet.

Steve - Marketing/Web

Steve has made more progress on the new Club website, and has created a framework that the Board has reviewed. Should launch in about a month. We’d like to populate the site with action shots of our players, so please send some to Steve for inclusion.

Mark - Finances

- Balance as of 06/22/15 $36,000 BofA Checking

$10,000 BofA Savings - Fundraising

$120,000 PayPal

- We will be adding late fees to overdue season fee payments going forward. Please get any outstanding amounts in.

Greg - Referees

Discussed again our new Ref Assignor George White. George knows many referees in the broader area, increasing the potential pool for our games. He needs to attend a Ref Assignor certification course; in the interim, Manouch will be working with him.

Greg/Chris - Coaching

We have selected our new Director of Coaching, Richard Williams. Discussed his background, which is excellent for our Club. Had 70+ applicants for the role, from multiple countries. Had 3 strong finalists, and we’re excited to have selected Richard and to have him joining us. He likes the program we have put in place and looks forward to continuing on the same path. He will be moving here the first week of August, and will visit in July to meet a set of people including any coaches who are around.

Chris – Fields and Equipment

- Summer camps – Have 3 weeks set at Marlin Park, eliminated the camp the week of July 13. The weeks of July 27 and August 3 will be consolidated into one of those weeks, tbd in the next week based on field availability.

- Fall practices will start the week of August 10.

- Since DoC Richard is brand new, Chris will create the practice schedules for Fall, using last Fall as a starting point and considering coaches shared by teams. If you have any requests for days/times, send those to Chris.

Chris – Registration

- Reviewed Sherri’s email with registration reminders. Please get all registration materials in by end of the week so Sherri can complete the registration.

All - Various

Answered various administrative questions from team managers

Next Club meeting

- Monday July 27 at 7:30pm. Note: meetings will be held at BELMONT SPORT COMPLEX going forward.

Meeting adjourned: 8:25pm

Board Meeting

Time: 8:30pm

Recorded by: Chris Zaino

Board present: Steve Haines, Juliet Chan, Mark Dronskiy, Greg Snow, Melissa Saberi, Chris Zaino

Board absent: Tore Svanberg, Dave Jackson, Sherri Newmyer

Attendees: Manouch Ghajar

Discussion included:

- Scholarships for Fall, including from new team.

- Consider new options for payroll service.

- Teams for Fall – will have 23 or 24 teams.

- Possible holding again for parents a Positive Coaching Alliance session.

- Picture Day – will be on 8/30, which is during the first week of games this Fall.

Meeting adjourned: 8:55pm