Millet Minor Hockey Association - Minutes of Sept. 14th, 2011

In attendance: Brenda McKinney, Mike McKinney, Donna Zurbrigg, Debbie Herman, Ron Buchaski, Sandy Dyck, Anita Franson, Gail Battle, Shane Ross, Jennifer Ross, Melinda Langner, Carrie Desserre, Doris Auger, Jeff Huolt

  1. CALL TO ORDER: Mike McK. called this meeting to order 7:15pm.
  1. ADDITION/APPROVAL AGENDA: Ron B.. motioned to accept agenda. Melinda L.Seconded. Carried
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: - Ron B. motioned to accept. Donna Z. Seconded. Carried

a) PRESIDENT – Brenda McK

- Brenda extended a thank you to all who help with the Harvest Festival

- She is going to be attending a meeting on Sept 21 to accept the $500 payment for set up and tear down

- She hss 4 meetings to attend in the upcoming weeks – North Central, 1660, Town of Millet, and Hockey Alberta Zone 4 meeting


-Coach selection was held this past Sunday. All Head Coaches were selected and have been notified. Head Coaches are responsible to select their assistant coaches. He is still waiting for some coaching applications to come in.

-Will be holding a coach/manager meeting sometime next week

c)TREASURER – Donna Z.

- Handed out her report. She went over the report.

- Ron B. motioned to accept report. Anita seconded. Carried.


- Hockey Day in Millet has been booked – we have ice all day from 8:00 am- 11:00 pm

- He needs to submit the game times to 1660 by Saturday, Sept.17th

- Atom and up preseason will start Oct.7th and run until Oct. 23rd – Season to start October 28th

- Novice preseason to start Oct.14 and run until Oct. 30th – Season to start on November 4th

- Feb 19th is the season end date – followed by playoffs

- Shane discussed and clarified that the Powerskating being offered by Geoff Lynch is to be booked by individual team. Info to be given to the coaches and they will need to book with Geoff.

- Debbie and Shane to discuss administrative web access for Shane to post ice schedule calendars

e) REFEREE IN CHIEF – Sean Cuppens (not available tonight)

- We are still actively searching for someone to fill this position – need to be a referee

- Lawrence said he would stand in, but has not been in attendance as of yet.

f) REGISTRAR - Debbie H.

-Thank you to coordinators for a job well done at registration night. It went very smoothly, although registration numbers are down.

- Debbie attended the Zone 4 Registrar’s meeting on Sept.7th and shared some info with coordinators

- gamesheets must be filled out properly – mark all over age and affiliate players, suspended players must still be listed on game

sheet, but name is crossed out with “susp” written beside.

- travel permits must be acquired when traveling out of zone. The permit numbers must be listed on game sheet

- All exhibition game sheets to be sent to Sherri Harstad

- coach certification needs to be in place before a team will be approved.

- need all land descriptions and proof of residence for families that have moved. HA is really cracking down this year on playing

outside of boundaries.

- Need to get Anita and Jenn new login and passwords for website access

g) BINGO COORDINATOR – Nicole H. – not in attendance – at the Peace Hills Bingo meeting

h) PUBLIC RELATIONS – Ron Buchaski

Millet Minor Hockey Association - Minutes of September 14th , 2011 pg 2

i) EQUIPMENT – Ken Herman – (not in attendance)

-Kenny will have all coaches bags, jerseys, etc in each team’s cage for this weekend.


- Doris Auger is the team manager and was in attendance to update the executive of how things are going. Ira (head coach) has been calling, and is still calling to get kids out for tryouts on Sept.17-19th. So far they are expecting around 20 players. Doris reported that they have more Millet kids coming out than ever. They have 4 evaluators coming out to assist . A $60 tryout fee has been set. Doris will collect and submit to Donna.

- Doris would like to assist Brenda with contesting the ice fee that Jr.C is being charged. They would like to advocate with Brenda. Brenda will look into a meeting with the town to discuss.

- Doris/Ira will be attending the Noralta league meeting on Sept.22 and will pick up game books at that time.

- There was a discussion around affiliation of midget players, but ended with the fact that no Midget players could be affiliated to the Jr. C

- A waiver form must be signed for insurance purposes to play on the Jr. C team, as well as for tryouts. Doris to draw up a form.

k) MIDGET – Sandy D.

- 5 registered to date

l) BANTAM – Anita F.

- 8 registered to date

m)PEE WEE – Melinda L.

- 7 registered to date

n)ATOM – Gail B.

- 10 registered to date

o)NOVICE – Jennifer Ross (not present)

- 9 registered to date

p)INITIATION - Jeff Van Herk (not present)

- 7 registered to date



- Again Brenda reiterated her thanks to all who helped out. Brenda manned a booth at the trade show and saw a lot of traffic. 300 flyers were printed and handed out at the parade. 24 medals were given out at the Tractor Obstacle Races and Hockey Skills Competition


- Kenny and Mike to begin work on dividing association into 6 teams starting at 9:00 am – 5:00ish pm.

- discussion around how this is a great association moral/spirit builder. Doris to put it out to the Jr. C team.

- mouthguard clinic will be there from 8:00 am – 12:00ish pm

c) KICK OFF PARTY – Brenda McK. Reported that the committee has had a meeting and the plans are as follows:

- Doors open @ 6:00 pm

- Pot Luck to begin @ 6:30 pm

- DJ to start @ 7:30 – 11:30 ish

- Each team will divide up the items to bring – as in be sure there is an even number of meat dishes, salads, desserts, etc.

- Each team to donate 2 silent auction items

- There is no cost to attend – cash bar, snacks, bartender provided, and DD also provided.


- it has been tremendously busy, so after all of the start up activities and scheduling have been completed, Brenda will distribute the calendars through the coordinators.


- To be held on September 27 & 28 from 6:30 – 10:00 in the Hugo Witt Room. You must register on line. Skates are required for the Tuesday night portion of the course. All of our coaches Atom and up should be in attendance.



- Will take place from 10 – 1ish. A schedule of team times will be posted on the website closer to the date

- Let Brenda know if you want to look at choices of backgrounds or want to schedule a family picture

- SDI has sent out the order forms and they will be distributed to the coordinators

Millet Minor Hockey Association - Minutes of September 14, 2011 pg 3


- Wednesday , September 21st @ 7:00 pm

- All coaches and managers to be in attendance. Team coordinators to sit in if managers can’t be there or haven’t been chosen yet

- Package of information will be provided


- Brenda requested that her or Mike be invited to each first team meeting. She wants to welcome them and let them know who to go to, and how the chain of command works, and to discuss our zero tolerance for abuse/bullying.


- Need to get going on baseline assessments ASAP before kids are on the ice.

- SCAT2 is a free tool – it includes a quick initial tool of 4-5 questions – if we suspect more then there’s a more extensive test

- There is a Pocket SCAT2 that is more information than evaluations

- Discussion around getting all coaches and parents information on concussions

- there is a football person that already implements the SCAT2 program that would be willing to walk Melinda through the process if we decide to implement it. She can then train the safety person on each team.

- There are other programs out there, but they have a cost attached and possibly courses to attend as well.

Mike McK moved to implement the SCAT2 program at the Atom level and up. Shane seconded. Carried.

e) 2011-12 BUDGET

- Donna presented a proposed 2011-12 budget for the season.

- Mike motioned to accept the budget as proposed. Ron seconded. Carried.



- Ron B moved that Carrie Desserre be accepted as Jr. Coordinator. Melinda seconded. Carried

8. NEXT MEETING: Monday – October 17, 2011 - 7pm

9. ADJOURNMENT: Brenda McK. adjourned meeting at 8:45 pm