Chicken Bucket

1234 Main

San Chicken, CA 99999


1) Hand Washing:

Chicken Bucket has 2 Hand Wash Sinks.

To wash hands: 1) Remove all jewelry, 2) wash hands in a designated hand wash sink only. Never wash hands in the prep sink or 3-compartment sink.

How to wash: 1) Wet hands & exposed part of forearms with water as hot as you can stand. 2) Using the soap provided work up a lather that covers hands & forearms. 3) Rub hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds, use hand & nail brush if necessary. 4) Rinse hands & forearms in clean water. 5) Completely dry hands & forearms with paper towels provided.

Always wash hands after touching bare human body parts, hair other than clean hands.

Each employee must wash their hands at the start of each shift or when returning to work station (s). Use hand soap & paper towels provided.

Each employee must wash their hands after using the rest room. Always wash hands after eating, drinking or using tobacco.

Always wash hands after using a tissue, coughing or sneezing.

Always wash hands when switching between raw foods & ready to eat foods.

Each time a new item is prepped, hands must be washed.

Always wash hands after handling utensils and equipment that contact raw food or are soiled.

Always wash hands between glove changes.

Always wash hands after handling money.

Wash hands after doing any other activities that contaminate the hands

2) Personal Hygiene:

All employees’ outer clothing must be clean. Long Hair will be pulled up and off the shoulders.

Shoes are to be shined and facial hair will be kept trimmed.

All kitchen employees will wear undershirts beneath chef or work coats.

Food handlers with any cuts, burns, boils, skin infections or infected wounds should be covered with a bandage.

Bandages on hands must be covered with gloves.

Food handlers with infected cuts or lesions will be assigned to jobs that do not involve food contact.

Eating, drinking or using tobacco will be done in areas away from food or equipment in designated areas only.

All employee drinks must be in Styrofoam and have a cover and a straw

3) Preventing bare hand contact with ready-to-eat food:

Salads, Produce, Fruit, Sandwich Bread, Buns, etc.

1)  Prevent ill persons from working with food

2)  Wash hands effectively and as outlined in SOP #1

3)  Prohibit bare hand contact with ready to eat foods

Ready-to-eat foods are that which are edible without washing, cooking or additional preparation. Ready-to-eat foods are expected to be eaten as is, like Hommos & Baba Gannous.

Ready-to-eat foods will be dispensed by using utensils, deli tissue, spatulas, tongs, and single use gloves

4) Utensil Washing:

Each utensil and pots shall be washed in 3-compartment sink using soap, rinse, and sanitizer.

1)  Pre-scrap

2)  Wash in the 1st (left) sink in hot soapy water

3)  Rinse in the middle sink in clear water

4)  Sanitize in the 3rd (right) sink

5)  Air dry on drain board

Quaternary Sanitizer must be checked with test strips. Sanitizer test strip should read 200ppm Quats. All cutting boards and kitchen knives must be washed, rinsed and sanitized.

Air-dry all items.

Add 5 pumps of Quaternary Sanitizer to a sink ¾% full (based on concentration)

5) Cooling Product:

We will not have any items that require re-cooling. However, if need be, cooling of beef, chicken, etc. is done by a volume reduction (placing in a smaller shallow pan) and refrigerating immediately or placing in an ice bath with a cooling paddle.

All above must reach 135 deg to 70 deg in 2hrs & 70 deg to 41 deg in 4hrs. Monitor temperatures during process.

6) Reheating Foods:

We will not reheat items. However, if foods need to be reheated - beef, chicken, etc. (must be within 2hrs) to an internal temperature of 165 degrees F and held above 140 degrees before service or placing the food in the steam holding table or warmers. Temperature will be checked with TMDs in thickest part of item.

7) Time and temperature control for thawing potentially hazardous food:

Foods to be thawed include: Beef, Chicken, etc.

Thawing methods are 1) While cooking 2) In the refrigerator and 3) Submerged under running water 70 degrees F or below. Methods differ from thickness of foods.

8) Time and temperature control for cooking potentially hazardous food:

Minimum internal cooking temperature of 165 degrees F is needed for poultry and egg dishes (breakfast items).

155 degrees F for ground or flaked meats.

145 degrees F for beefsteaks, fish, and shell eggs for immediate service.

140 degrees F for fruits and vegetables that are cooked for hot holding. Temperature will be checked with TMDs and held above 135 degrees

9) Time and temperature control for hot holding potentially hazardous foods:

Foods for hot holding will be kept at 135 degrees F or higher using TMDs

Which will include: Rice, Chicken Wings (Chicken)

Food temperatures will be taken at least every 2 hours.

Food will be discarded after 4 hours if they have not been held at 135 degrees or higher.

10) Date Marking Foods:

Food Served Raw Or Undercooked.

Deli Salads, unless prepared at a food processing plant

Salad dressings unless prepared at a food processing plant

Cheese Products, such as Mozzarella.

Lunchmeats (Sliced or not) and other precooked meats (pizza toppings, chicken for salads).

Cut tomatoes

Pizza sauce unless prepared at a food processing plant.

Foods that have been cooked and cooled

All other foods that meet the definition above.

All reheated to order foods (ex Chicken, Fish, Beef, etc.) will require date marking.

We will use a dissolvable date mark labels by Cambro.

This is a 7-day date system. The label shows name, item date, expiration date and use by final date.

11) Cleaning & Sanitizing:

1) Pre-scrape utensils, equipment, and work areas of food debris.

2)  Wash with warm solution of approved detergent

3)  Rinse with clear or running water

4)  Sanitize in an acceptable chemical solution or hot water (171* F) (Quat See #4 also #13)

5)  Air-dry

A five step process will be used on food contact surfaces general light cleaning and floor sweeping will be conducted every 4 hours or as needed.

Clean-in-Place Equipment:

1)  Removal of food, soil, and other debris from surface

2)  Wash with warm solution of approved detergent

3)  Removal of all cleaning solution with clean potable water

4)  Sanitize with an acceptable chemical solution

5)  Air dry

Complete cleaning will take place every night after closing. The kitchen, prep area, rest rooms, and dining room are major areas.

Restrooms will be checked for general cleanliness at the beginning of each hour.

Rest rooms are to be cleaned after 1:00pm, as well as closing.
Mint disinfectant is used in all rest rooms.

All restroom doors must be equipped with self-closers.

Quaternary Sanitizer is used for kitchen, prep area, and dining room tables.

Food contact surfaces must be washed, rinsed, and sanitized at least once every 4 hours.

12) Roof Equipment Maintenance Schedule:

For exhaust fans, must check grease terminators every 30 days, if it's dark or black color then must be changed.

Fans, HVAC, and make-up air are to be checked every 90 days for belts, filters, and general operating conditions

13) Health Policy:

Employee will immediately be restricted from work when the following symptoms appear: Diarrhea, Sore Throat w/Fever, Vomiting, Fever, or Jaundice.

Employees with infected cuts or lesions cannot work. If cut is on hand, a waterproof bandage & glove is required.

Employees must inform their employer of past & present exposure or illnesses with the BIG FIVE: Norovirus, Salmonella, Typhi (Typhoid Fever), Shigella (Shigellosis), Escherichia Coli 0157:H7, or Hepatitis A virus. Management must notify the County Health Department when diagnosed with the Big Five.

Employees must report if they have been exposed to or are suspected of causing a confirmed outbreak of any of the BIG FIVE.

They must also report if: a) They live with a household member who has any of the BIG FIVE or b) If a household member works in or attends a setting where any of the BIG FIVE have caused a confirmed outbreak.

Management will exclude from the establishment any employee diagnosed with any of the BIG FIVE.

Employees may return to work at least 24 hours after being symptom free and with a doctors release note stating the employee may return to his or her normal position.

14) Cold Storage Of Product: Beef, Poultry, Fish, and Dairy

All food product for freezer will be stored at 0 degrees F and
Below. F

All food products for refrigeration will be stored at 41 degrees F and below. All prepped foods will be placed in approved N.S.F.

Food containers and date marked. Temperatures will be taken with TMDs according to facilities procedure policy.

15) Purchasing Food:

Food will be purchased from licensed reputable purveyors and manufacturers.

Meat must be USDA inspected and/or graded.

Example of unapproved food sources: Unlicensed Manufacturers Meats that are not USDA Inspected and/or Graded

16) Cross Contamination Prevention:

Raw and ready to eat foods will be washed in prep sink and prepared at different times.

Food will be stored in package, covered containers or wrappings.

Food will be stored in this order in refrigerator. TOP SHELF: Ready to eat foods- Fish, Roast Beef, Eggs, Ground Meat. BOTTOM SHELF: Poultry

Sauces, meats, fish, etc. will be separated, put in small dishes for Chef only to taste and immediately discarded in dishwasher area.

Both time and temperature will be carefully controlled to ensure the safety of these foods.

17) Disclosure & Reminder:

A written disclosure statement will be made for any (RTE) ready to eat foods with raw or undercooked animal foods or ingredients.

18) Employee Training:

Supervisors will be certified in food management. Employees will be trained in cleaning and sanitizing practices that meet Food Code requirements.

20) Source of Product:

1)  Chicken will be purchased frozen and will be fried per order or placed in holding display cabinet.

2)  Beef Patties will be purchased frozen and grilled to order

3)  Side Orders, i.e. Hommos & Baba Gannous, will be purchased in bulk (RTE) containers, held and served by us.

4)  French fries, steak fries, hash browns, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, and breakfast pies will be purchased frozen and prepared as required.

5)  Shawarma (chicken, beef) will be purchased from vendor Grecian Delight already proportioned and cooked on the grill.

6)  Lunchmeat for subs – roast beef, turkey, steak, etc. – will be purchased pre-sliced from vendor.