Jeff Lasseigne / HANDOUT
Session 16 Revelation 11: The Two Witnesses /
Witnesses in the Bible / The Two Witnesses
“In the past, he letall nations go their own way.17Yet he has not left himself without testimony:”Acts 14:16a
What examples of God’s witnesses are there from the Bible?
  • Noah in the Flood,
  • Lot in the city of Sodom,
  • Elijah on Mount Carmel,
  • 144,000 Jewish Evangelists of Tribulation Period (Ch 7),
  • These 2 Witnesses in this chapter,
  • Also (Moses and Aaron- Pharaoh; Joshua & Caleb – Spies; two spies in Jericho).
“One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.” Deuteronomy 19:15
“This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” 2 Corinthians 13:1
[Jesus] “But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that “every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.””Matthew 18:16
What examples are there about Jesus?
  • 2 Witnesses to the Messiah: Simeon and Anna. (Luke 2:21-38),
  • Sending out of the 72 in two’s (Luke 10:1-23),
  • Transfiguration on Mt Tabor: Moses & Elijah (Matthew 17:1-13),
  • 2 False witnesses at Jesus’ illegal Trial (?) Many(?),
  • Garden Tomb of Jesus, 2 witnesses: Nicodemus & Joseph of Arimathea (John19:38-39),
  • 2 Angels at the tomb after Jesus had risen (Resurrection) (John20:12),
  • 2 Angels as Jesus ascended into Heaven (Ascension) (Acts 1:10).

What we know about the 2 Witnesses / What do we know about these two witnesses(Messengers)?
  • Their identity is unknown,
  • They belong to God and have His power,
  • Looks like they are confined to Israel and specifically Jerusalem,
  • To Prophesy for 1,260 days (42 months or 3½ years),
  • Dressed in Sackcloth – not comfortable or fashionable.
Witnesses (Gk= μάρτυσίν (martysin)) Where we get our word ‘Martyr’
“Then Jesus said to his disciples,‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.” Matthew 16:24
What does it mean to Prophesy?
  • Foretelling of events in the future: wisdom, words of knowledge,
  • Speaking forth what we already know: preaching and teaching,
What is their message?
  • Speak the truth of the Gospel,
  • Twofold – as we should do:
  • Warn the people of God’s Judgement for sin,
  • Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and trusting in God.
Why is he timescale given in ‘Days’?
  • Not off and on over a period of 3½ years,
  • Everyday,
  • We should be witnesses every day.
“So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.” Acts 20:31
Why do the Witnesses wear sackcloth? What is it a sign of?
  • Mourning over sin,
  • Repentance,
  • Humility before the Lord,
  • As worn by Old Testament Prophets.
They are “the two olive trees”and the two lampstands…”
Similar to Zechariah 4 vision about 2 people: Joshua and Zerubbabel as spiritual leaders in the rebuilding of the Temple (Temple #2) after captivity in Babylon.
“So he said to me, ‘This is the word of theLordto Zerubbabel: “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says theLordAlmighty.”Zechariah 4:6
God’s Protection of the Two Witnesses / What provision has God made for their protection?
  • Fire proceeds out of their mouth and consumes their enemies,
  • Command the rain not to fall,
  • Water to turn to blood,
  • Plagues.
Fire from their mouth, really?
  • Possibly, this shouldn’t be taken literally,
  • Perhaps, calling fire from Heaven? (1Kings 18:38, Luke 9:54).
Who might these witnesses be?
  • Moses & Elijah (As Transfiguration - Matthew 17:1-13),
  • Joshua and Zerubbabel (As Zechariah 4),
  • Enoch and Elijah (Only 2 recorded men who went to Heaven without having to die.).
The case for Moses and Elijah?
  • Transfiguration - Matthew 17:1-13 – Jesus showed His true glory,
  • Witnesses just prior to the Lord’s return,
  • Moses = Law; Elijah = the prophets,
  • Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) “beginning with Moses and all the Prophets”,
  • Were raised up when an Anti-Christ type came along:
  • Moses - Pharaoh looked to destroy Israel,
  • Elijah (2 Kings 17) Ahab and Jezebel trying to eradicate the true worship in Israel.
  • The miraculous works in their ministries:
  • Moses:
  • Plagues including hail mixed with fire – Exodus 7-11,
  • Korah rebellion – Fire from Heaven. Numbers 16.
  • Elijah:
  • Mt Carmel experience – Fire coming down,
  • With King Ahab - No rain would fall for 3½ years.
“‘Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. ‘See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of theLordcomes.” Malachi 4:5 NIV
Wasn’t John-the-Baptist the fulfilment of Elijah?
  • If Jesus had been accepted as Messiah the first time, He would have established his Kingdom,
  • Since Jesus was not accepted, nor was John T-B’s ministry,
  • Now we are considering the second coming, Elijah will come.
[Jesus about John-The-Baptist] “And if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come.15Whoever has ears, let them hear.”Matthew 11:14 NIV
“Jesus replied,‘To be sure, Elijah comes and will restore all things.12But I tell you, Elijah has already come, and they did not recognise him, but have done to him everything they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands.’13Then the disciples understood that he was talking to them about John the Baptist.”Matthew 17:9-13 NIV
[John the Baptist]“They asked him, ‘Then who are you? Are you Elijah?’
He said, ‘I am not.’” John 1:21 NIV
When will this formal protection end?
  • When their ministry is complete, they will be killed by the beast from the bottomless pit,
  • Interestingly, Jesus ministered for c. 3½ years also.

The Martyrdom of the Two Witnesses / The Beast from the bottomless pit, who is this?
  • The Anti-Christ. (Not Apollyon the destroyer?).
V8 How long will their bodies be left on the Street and why?
  • 3½ days,
  • The Anti-Christ would not allow them to be buried,
  • To bring shame and disgrace; to be desecrated,
  • Jerusalem Like Sodom, becomes synonymous with perversion; like Egypt, becomes synonymous with Idolatry; The hatred of God.
How does the whole un-saved world respond?
  • Rejoice over their death,
  • Make merry,
  • Send gifts to one another,
  • The only time we see rejoicing in the book,
  • Anti-Christmas – Jesus birth forgotten in favour of “Anti-prophet’s day”.

The Miracle / What happens after3½ days?
  • The 2 Witnesses get on their feet and God’s breathe goes into them.
How are these 2 Witnesses a type of Christ?
  • Ministered in Jerusalem,
  • Persecuted,
  • Any attempts to kill them during their ministry, failed,
  • Performed signs and wonders,
  • Ministered for 3½ years,
  • Gave the same message of Judgement and Salvation,
  • Killed in or around Jerusalem,
  • Rose again after 3- 3½ days,
  • Earthquake at the Resurrection,
  • Returned to Heaven in front of many witnesses:
  • Jesus - in front of His followers,
  • 2 Witnesses - in front of a largely hostile world.
What happens to all the feasting?
  • They became terrified and gave glory to God in Heaven.
What do they mean “gave glory to God”?
  • Genuine repentance? This would be good.
  • Acknowledging that it is God who is doing this? OK, but this doesn’t save them.

The 7th Trumpet / What does this signal?
  • The 2nd part of the Tribulation,
  • Christ is coming back soon to establish His Kingdom on the Earth.
We re broken hearted about the state of the world, but we rejoice that God’s will, will be done and that He is ultimately in control.
V19 The Temple in Heaven is open and there is the Ark of the Covenant

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