Blue Valley New Teacher Survey

1. At what level do you teach?

○ Elementary

○ Middle School

○ High School

○ Multiple Levels

2. How many total years have you taught?

○ one

○ two

○ three

○ four

○ Other (please specify)

  1. Why did you choose to teach for the Blue Valley School District?
  1. What suggestions do you have regarding the recruitment process for Blue Valley?
  1. Was the application process easy to use? If not, what suggestions do you have for change?

6. Did you attend New Teacher Orientation/Academy?

○ Yes

○ No

7. How would you rate your overall experience during New Teacher Orientation/Academy?

○ Poor

○ Good

○ Excellent

8. What suggestions would you have to improve New Teacher Orientation/Academy?

9. What did you consider to be the most helpful aspect of New Teacher Orientation/Academy?

10. What were your needs as a new teacher? (Check all that apply and “star” (*) the 3 most important.)

○Knowledge of available resources within the district

○ Knowledge of available resources outside of the district

○ Reviewing policies and procedures of the district

○ Knowledge of responsibilities and expectations outside the classroom

○ Communicating with parents

○ Classroom discipline

○Relating to at-risk students

○Communicating with colleagues and administrators

○ Motivating students

○ Using effective teaching tools and strategies

○ Student assessment strategies

○ Inclusion and mainstreaming of special students

○ Curriculum issues (standards and outcomes)

○ School improvement

○ Planning, organizing, and managing work

○ Other (please list below)

11. Were you assigned a mentor to provide you support?

○ Yes

○ No

12. When were you introduced to your mentor?

○ Before my first day with my students

○ On my first day

○ Within my first week

○ Within my first month

○ Was never assigned one

13. Please indicate the amount of time spent with your mentor this year.

○ Daily

○ Once per week, sometimes more

○ More than once per week

○ Twice a month

○ Once per month

○ A few times per semester

○ Rarely

○ Never

14. Are you satisfied with the amount of time your mentor spent with you?

  • Yes
  • No

15. Please indicate the areas in which you receive(d) support and rate the support provided.

Poor / Good / Excellent / N/A
Knowledge of subject matter
Instructional strategies
Assessment and data analysis
Classroom management
Time management
Emotional support
Knowledge of the school climate
Logistics of administrative requirements and procedures
Knowledge of the physical layout of the school

16. Please rate your overall experience with regard to new teacher support in the Blue Valley School District.

○ Poor

○ Good

○ Excellent