2010 North Dakota State Ag Sales CDE

Written Exam : Make sure you use a #2 pencil and fill in the entire box.

1. Product Parity is a term used to define:

  1. The visual appearance of a product
  2. The difference in performance between two products
  3. The similar performance of a product in relation to another product
  4. How much better your product performs

2. The purpose of rapport building is:

a. To explain the value of a product

b. To understand customer needs for solutions

c. To establish trust in the relationship

d. To set goals for a sales call

3. To be successful in Agri-selling you must:

  1. Have a college degree
  2. Be patient and wait for the customer to come to you
  3. Be a natural sales person
  4. Apply the product benefits and services to customers needs
  5. All of the Above

4. An objection is any reason that is valid in the customer’s mind for not making a purchase.

a. True

b. False

5. The successful salesperson is:

a. A fast talker

b. Always product oriented

c. A good listener

d. All of the above

6. Agri-sales managers require sales people to use selling strategy and call plans:

  1. To make the best use of their time and the customer’s time
  2. Avoid sales people from going on a sales call under-prepared
  3. As a strategy to increase sales concentration
  4. As a strategy to increase sales penetration
  5. All of the above

7. A successful salesperson will maintain what composure when dealing with an upset customer?

a. The salesperson will argue and tell the customer that he is foolish for being upset

b. The salesperson will be irritated with having to deal with the customer and push him off on someone else.

c. The salesperson will not return calls, or emails

d. The salesperson will promptly meet the customer and settle any problems as quick as possible

e. All of the above

8. Every sales call needs to end with a sale

a. Trueb. False

9. Customer objections should be treated as

a. Warning signs for the salesperson

b. A clear indication that a sale is not possible

c. Customer uncertainty that needs to be clarified

d. A buying signal

10 A professional salesperson should have a plan for each sales call.

a. Trueb. False

11. The most important thing to do after you close the sale call is to:

  1. Try to sell them something else
  2. Say thank you and leave
  3. Find something else to talk about.
  4. Continue to promote your product
  5. All the above

12. What are some of the questions you should answer before a face-to-face appointment?

a. What do I know about the prospect's organization?

b. What products will they potentially have interest in that you are selling?

c. What is my objective with this appointment?

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

13. When you first call or meet a woman who is a prospect, how should you address her?

a. Mrs.

b. Ms.

c. Miss

d. By her first name

e. None of the above

14. Suggestive selling can best be described as?

a. Related items that can be purchased at the same time

b. Non-related items to be sold to the customer whether or not they are needed

c. Not used in agriculture sales

d. All the above

e. None of the above

15. What do we mean by the term “Target Market”

a. Used in clothing sales to determine the cost of products

b. Identifying and selecting customers that are most likely to buy what is produced

c. The details of a market plan

d. All the above

e. None of the above.

16. As a sales manager, it is your job to maintain an efficient sales team. You should know that half of the employees who quit, do so:

a. Within the first 30 days.

b. After at least a year on the job.

c. But will want to come back some day.

d. Because they don’t want to work hard.

e. None of the above.

17. Most people have poor listening skills, which of the following are examples of poor listening:

a. Criticizing the speaker

b. Tuning out difficult or confusing information

c. Tolerating or creating distractions

d. Both a and b

e. All of the above

18. Being punctual for a sales appointment:

a. Builds trust

b. Allows you to relax and prepare

c. Shows respect for your customer

d. Demonstrates that you are professional

e. All of the above

Use the following information to answer questions 19-21.

You work for MNO Health as a sales representative. A customer purchased ten (10) -100 dose bottles of cattle subcutaneous vaccine that must be refrigerated. The customer has complained that it did not work properly.

19. What skills should you use to gain information about the problem?

a. assumption closeb. listening skills

c. trial closed. open ended questions

e. both b & d

20. What questions should you ask?

a. Has the vaccine expired?

b. Was the vaccine refrigerated?

c. Was the vaccine given intramuscular or subcutaneously?

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

21. You determine that the customer gave the vaccination incorrectly. What should you say? (Most appropriate response)

a. Sorry, but you messed up.

b. It is not my fault or my responsibility

c. From the information you have given me, the vaccine was given incorrectly; let me go through the correct procedure with you.

d. You gave the vaccine incorrectly and you are just out of luck.

22. Which of the following is a Closed Ended Question?

a. Did you have any problems with root worm last year?

b. How long has your family been farming?

c. Tell me how you decide which type of feed you will purchase?

d. Do you think the higher horse power model will meet your goals?

23. How do open ended questions differ from closed ended questions?

a. open ended questions encourage the customer to talk more/

b. closed ended questions are simply answered with yes/no type questions

c. you ask open ended questions when the customer does not like to talk

d. both a & b

24. Relating to the customer includes:

a. Beginning with a smile

b. Arguing with the customer to make sure they know the right answer

c. Telling the customer they don't know the product

d. All the above

25. In helping dissatisfied customers:

a. Make the customer the center of your attention

b. Make sure the customer knows that everybody has problems

c. Try to talk about something more pleasant

d. All the above

26. Closing a sales always means asking for a commitment from the customer.

a. Trueb. False

27. Every sales call should have a close.

a. Trueb. False

28. Which of the following would be considered as an objection?

a. I think your service is quite good

b. Why does the bill show $107.00?

c. I can’t wait. I need to talk with her today

d. When will it be in stock?

e. All of the above

29.When asked to supply references for a job you are applying for,

  1. Ask permission first
  2. Do not use relatives names
  3. Ask former employers
  4. All of the above
  5. None of the above

30. Which of the following items would you consider NOT to be a communication skill?

a. Dictating

b. Listening

c. Speaking

d. Writing

e. None of the above

31. Which of the followingwould not be part of a promotional campaign:


b.Public relations

c.Cost Analysis

d.Sales Promotion

e.Personal selling

32. What is a product feature?

a. Answers the question, “What is it?”

b. A specific quality or characteristic of a product or service.

C. Something you can see, feel, hear, smell or taste.

d. All the above

33. What is a buyer benefit?

a. Answers the question “what does it mean to me?”

b. Answers the question “What is it?”

c. Answers the questions “how will I benefit?’

d. Both a and c

e. All the above

34. A good time to offer a closing statement is:

a. when you first meet the customer

b. when a customer asks about delivery

c. when you introduce the product

d. All of the above

e. never

35. Every customer has objections. You should be prepared to address objections by:

a. ignoring them

b. selling suggestive products

c. have a complete knowledge of the product you are selling

d. all of the above

e. none of the above

36. Buyer’s remorse is the period of time immediately following the purchase. It is important for the sales person to follow up after the sale to address the customer buyer’s –remorse emotions.

a. Trueb. False

37. The most common emotions involved in purchases are fear, greed and hope. What emotion do many people satisfy when purchasing insurance?

  1. Hope
  2. Greed
  3. Fear
  4. All the above

38.To reach a very select group of consumers, you would probably use which of the following?

a. Trade journals

b. Magazines

c. T.V.

d. Newspaper

e. None of these

39. After asking your client some probing questions you need to ask a question that will capture their attention and make them think. This type of question is known as a question.

a. Hypothetical

b. Amusing

c. Provocative

d. Rhetorical

e. None of the above

40. Most sales require only a small amount of preparation, strategizing, and planning.

a. Trueb. False

41. Talking is one of the most important skills to understand the customer needs

a. Trueb. False

42. Market penetration is a term used to define:

  1. The percentage of product you sell to each customer
  2. The number of products sold
  3. The depth of your product line
  4. The percentage of all customers you sell your products to

43. Market concentration is a term used to define:

  1. The percentage of product you sell to each customer
  2. The formulation of a pesticide in the container
  3. The amount of time you spend with each customer
  4. The Percentage of all customers you sell your products

44. Buyer’s remorse describes a buying behavior when the purchaser…

a. Is not sure about the integrity of the sales process.

b. Is uncertain about the commitment they made in the agreement.

c. Is not sure that the price was competitive.

d. All of the above

45. Making sure that a prospect has the authority and ability to purchase your product is known as:


a. Cold callingb. Qualifying

c. Enlistingd. Percentage

46. Roth equipment has a new tractor tire with a tread pattern that will allow a producer to gain 20% more traction in the field than any other competitor’s tire. In this example, tread pattern would be a ______.

a. Benefit,

b. Attribute

c. Quality

d. All of the above

e. None of the above

47. Customers who know what they want to buy are called customers.

a. Great

b. Decided

c. Easy

d. Know-it-all

e. None of the above

48. Selling is the ____ofcommunicating effectively with people:






49. A unique value bundle:

  1. Is a special combination of goods and services to focus on the customer’s needs
  2. Is defined as combination of products put together by the marketing team
  3. Is a combination of products that are heavily promoted to the public
  4. Fit most customer basic needs
  5. All of the above

50. The first impression is very important on each sales call. To leave a positive impression you need to:

  1. Dress appropriately and be conservative with your apparel
  2. Present yourself positively with good hygiene
  3. Your vehicle should be neat and clean
  4. Your notebook and materials should be organized
  5. All of the above

2010 State Ag Sales Key

1. C26. A

2. C27. A

3. D28. C

4. A29.D

5. C30. A

6. A31. C

7. D32.D

8. B33. D

9. C34. B

10. A35. C

11. B36. A

12. D37. C

13. B38. A

14. A39. C

15. B40. B

16. A41. B

17. E42. D

18. E43. A

19. E44. D

20. D45. B

21. C46. D

22. A47. B

23. D48.B

24. A49. A

25. A50. E