HRMS Final September Release

Implementation Date / 09/24/2015

The following Change Requests were implemented to the HRMS Production environment on Month/Day/Year (or they are listed as Exceptions to the normal release process, with the implementation dates included). Click on the links provided to view detailed information on the Change Requests that may impact agency business practices.

September -“A” release – 9/8/2015

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
13694 / BN: DOC Consolidation of DRS Dept/Grp Numbers / Benefits / Technical Debt / 9/8/2015
14507 / Create Script to Update IT0105 Sub Type 0001 End Date / Security / Technical Debt / 9/8/2015
14529 / Add New Personnel Subarea (Bargaining Unit) 00MO Wildlife Mgrs for Personnel Area Personnel Area 4770 Department of Fish & Wildlife / Human Resources / Technical Debt / 9/8/2015
14530 / Update ZHR_BARG_UNIT TABLE for Bargaining Units 0H and 0W / Human Resources / Technical Debt / 9/8/2015
14532 / OM: Update Bargaining Units for Department of Agriculture / Human Resources / Technical Debt / 9/8/2015
14519 / WPEA Requesting New Dues Deduction Wage Type / Payroll / Business Value / 9/8/2015
14489 / SEC: Update Security role to monitor Security Auditing and not assign SAP_ALL or profiles with excessive authorizations / Security / Technical Debt / 9/8/2015

September -“B” release – 9/24/2015

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14174 / BN: Report to reconcile health care costs in PAY1 & HRMS / Benefits / Business Value / 9/24/2015
14405 / PY - Update transmitter contact information on SUI & 1099R Mag Media / Payroll / Technical Debt / 9/24/2015
14523 / BI - Report updates Overtime Cost (ZZPY_M02_QGM08S) / Business Intelligence / Business Value / 9/24/2015
14526 / Pre-Approved #1 - WT 1166 & 1167 Updates For VSD Substitute Teachers / Payroll / Technical Debt / 9/24/2015
14541 / Add 'Use By' Date to Pers. Leave Day (quota type 48) on Earnings Statement / Payroll / Business Value / 9/24/2015
14549 / AP Project Delimit Wage Types No Longer Needed / Payroll / Business Value / 9/24/2015
14555 / Pre-Approved #12 - Time Administrator Codes Table T526 Update - DOH / Human Resources / Technical Debt / 9/24/2015
14556 / AP Project Reconfigure WT1731 to Pay $2.44/Hour / Payroll / Business Value / 9/24/2015
14557 / AP Wage Types Incorrect Display in RT and Earnings Statement / Payroll / Technical Debt / 9/24/2015
14558 / Pre-Approved #2 BN: Change Title WT 2550 to: PEBB Funding Rate / Benefits / Technical Debt / 9/24/2015

Exception – 9/01/2015

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14560 / Update BU table for BU HF and HG / Human Resources / Technical Debt / 9/01/2015

Exception – 9/17/2015

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14565 / Hours can be overstated with multiple splits and 1423 entries / Payroll / Technical Debt / 9/17/2015

Exception – 9/24/2015

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14602 / AP Permissibility For DOL WT 1007 / Payroll / Business Value / 9/24/2015

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