Eaton Parish Council

Clerk: Mr Chris Hill,Tel No. 01664 411705


You are requested to attend the Annual Parish Council Meeting to be held in Eastwell Village Hall at 7.30 pm on Thursday 30th June 2016

Members of the Public are Welcome

Public Participation


1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary and/or Personal Interest

3.Approve and sign the Minutes from the Annual Parish Council Meeting

heldin Goadby Marwood Village Hall on the 19th May 2016



16/00327/FULHH Retrospective demolish existing utility lean to and

construct a single storey porch. – 33 Main Street, Eaton, NG32 1SD

16/00410/TCA work on 4 trees – St Denys Church, Eaton


16/00162/FUL Retrospective use of domestic swimming pool for spa day

events – 24 Scalford Road, Eastwell, LE14 4EJ

5.Accounts – Payments & Receipts:


Chq 194Eaton Village Hall£ 16.00

195R Scarborough£ 60.00


197Herbage Charity£104.00

192 LRALC£ 35.00

193 Petty Cash£100.00

DD HSBC£ 8.00

DD Currys£ 5.50

BP Came & Co (Hiscox)£333.25

BP P Thompson£125.00

BP Burnt Oak£360.00

BP C J Hill£338.62

BP Snowdin Accoutancy£160.00



G H Linnell£ 25.00

6. Eaton

a) Church Clock

b) Alleyways & Walkways

c) Allotments re licences

d) Herbage Charity

7. Eastwell


8. Goadby Marwood

a) Email re excessive posters from the Church.

9. Parish Website - Update

10) Meetings & Training attended

11) Emails / Documentation previously circulated – any issues

raised will be put on next Agenda.

12) Items for Next Month’s Agenda

Next meeting Monday 25th July in Eaton Village Hall at 7.30 pm.

C J Hi11


23rd June 2016

The Chairman reserves the right to alter the sequence of the business. Some items may, by resolution, be referred to a “closed” session at which time the Press and Public will be asked to leave.”