Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Council held on Wednesday, 26 July 2017 in the Council Chamber, Orchard Street, Brynmawr at 5.30 pm.

Present:-CouncillorsB.M. Sutton(Presiding).

M.I. Morgan

W.K. Hodgins

H.J. Swales

Mrs. O.M. Swales

Miss S.A. Morgan

D. Lyn Elias

R.J. Hill

J.M. Gardner

G. Jones

J. Sutton

D.P. Foote

In Attendance:-Mrs. A.C. Davies (Town Clerk/RFO).

Miss. N.J. Williams(Asst. Town Clerk).


98/17Council stood for a one minute silence for Mrs. Evelyn Jeffreys, the oldest resident in Brynmawr who recently passed away and the young girl who tragically died in a car accident in the early hours of this morning.

99/17Apologies:-N. Boyd, Mrs. J. Boyd, T.S. Hughes, Mrs. D. Brown.

100/17The Chair welcomed the Joel Sutton and Gerwyn Jones, the new members to their first meeting of the Town Council.

The Chair asked members to switch off their mobile phones before the meeting commenced.

101/17Declaration of Interest & Dispensations.

The Chair reminded members to make declarations of interest at appropriate points on the Agenda.

102/17Monthly Meeting of the Council held on21 June 2017.

Corrections - None.

Matters Arising from the Minutes.

Item 54/17 – Door at the bottom of the stairs.

The Clerk informed members that she had contacted Mr. Robert Cape, Cape-able Cuts again to erect the door at the bottom of the stairs.

Mr. Cape said he had been diagnosed with cancer but would like to accept the work as discussed and will be in touch as soon as he is well enough possibly in a few weeks.

Members agreed.

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Item 58/17 – Dignity Funerals Ltd -Installation of 2 refrigeration units.

A member informed the meeting that that the County Borough Council's Planning Department would determine the outcome of this planning application in September 2017.

103/17The Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 21 June 2017, having been circulated, were accepted as a true record.

Orders & Requisitions.

104/17Canon (UK) Ltd – Photocopier.

Photocopies used - £128.87.

Termination of Contract - £254.30

Total payment - £383.17

The Clerk informed members that Digital Systems had agreed to pay the termination cost to Canon (UK) Ltd via the Town Council which amounted to £345.98 which has been deposited into the Town Council's bank account.

A member asked Council to consider going paperless.

Various members commented that there were members who did not have an email address and therefore agreed to stay status quo (paper copies).

If any member wishes to receive paperless correspondence they must indicate to the Clerks.

105/17Metalweld Fabrications – New Memorial Bench – Councillor J.J. Hopkins/remove, refurbish and reinstallation of the Late Councillor Griffith's bench from Trafalgar Close to the Welfare Park.

Council moved payment of £756.00.

Financial Correspondence.

106/17Robert's Florist – Floral Display – Town Centre.

Councillor Hodgins wished to declare an interest.

Council moved payment of £200.00.


107/17Thank you letters were received from Brynmawr Old Age Pensioners Association, BNB Arts & Heritage Festival, Teenage Cancer Trust, Kids Cancer Trust and Brynmawr Junior and Senior Cricket Club for Council's donation.

108/17Correspondence was read out from Mrs. Donna Wallbank regarding the use of the Council Chamber.

The Council Chamber will be open to the public on Tuesday, 22 August 2017 between 10.00am – 1.00pm. and 2.00pm – 4.00pm.

The Chair asked members to make every effort to attend the Chamber at some point that day if possible.

It was agreed to provide tea/coffee/biscuits etc.

109/17Correspondence was read out from Rod Grindlay, Chief Inspector informing members that

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Inspector Greening has been successful in an interview for the position of staff officer to the new Gwent Constable of Gwent, Julian Williams. She has commenced her post.

Inspector Amanda Thomas will now take the position of Inspector for this area.

A member said that the turnover of Inspectors in this area is absolutely ridiculous and regards Brynmawr as a training ground.

110/17A letter was received from Councillor Mrs. D. Brown hereby give her resignation for the position of Blaen-y-Cwm School Governor due to commitments beyond her control.

The Chair asked members to nominate a replacement for this position.

It was moved and seconded that Councillor W.J. Hodgins be nominated for the position.

It was also moved that Councillor M.I. Morgan be nominated for the position.

A vote took place:-

4 votes for Councillor Wayne Hodgins.

8 votes for Councillor Matthew Morgan.

It was moved that Councillor M.I. Morgan be the new replacement School Governor for Blaen-y-Cwm School representing Brynmawr Town Council.

111/17Each member was forwarded via e-mail a School Organisation Code to reflect feedback and learning following 3 years of its operation.

The Chair informed members that this document does not apply to Brynmawr only rural areas are affected.

112/17A Code of Conduct training has been arranged in Abertillery & Llanhilleth Community Council Office on Wednesday 9th August 2017 between 6.30pm. and 9.00pm.

The cost of the training per Councillor is £40.00.

A member asked whether the two new Councillors would like to attend. The invitation was extended to all members of the Council.

It was then agreed to leave this matter on the table.


113/17Police Meeting held on Tuesday, 20 June 2017.

It was agreed that any future meetings held with Police Officers be in exempt information if the report has sensitive terminology which could cause panic if put in the public domain.

It was agreed that a further letter be sent to Mr. Jeff Cuthbert, Police & Crime Commissioner informing him that members are still expressing concern with the boy racers at night and the CCTV cameras presently not in use.

A member reported that a meeting will be arranged in the next week or two with the Executive Committee of the CBC to discuss urgent measures in order to get the CCTV cameras in working order.

Another member said he has been requesting a visit to the CCTV camera station in Newport to look at the service they are providing for Brynmawr and see if Brynmawr is getting value for money. He feels that this issue has gone on too long.

114/17Meeting with Mr. Alan Jones, Senior Communications Manager, Asda.

Correction – Councillor J.M. Gardner was present at this meeting.

An email was received from Mr. Jones giving an update on the planning application for a PFS at the Brynmawr store. The application has been withdrawn. This decision has been made following discussions with officers and a revised scheme is being prepared for submission. The revised scheme addresses the comments made by Council Highway

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Officers. A new planning application will be submitted in due course.

Members still have serious concerns with highway issues and pedestrians walking from Brynmawr Town Centre to the Asda site.

Letter noted. Report accepted.

115/17Planning & Urgent Matters Meeting held on Wednesday, 12 July 2017.

Report accepted as a true record.

116/17Allotment Committee Meeting held on Wednesday, 19 July 2017.

It was moved that 6 prohibition signs be purchased from J.P. Print at a cost of £8.00 each plus VAT. Total cost £48.00 plus VAT, to be erected on the gates to the Brynmawr Allotment Gardens. Report accepted as a true record.

117/17ABUHB Meeting held on Monday, 24 July 2017.

Correction – should read “SEWTA” and not “Souter”.

Report accepted as a true record.

118/17Brynmawr Town Council's Risk Assessment Policy – Rules & Regulations of Brynmawr Allotment Gardens.

Members congratulated the Clerks on a well presented document.

Risk Assessment Policy approved.

The Document to be signed by Councillor B.M. Sutton, Town Mayor, Angela. C. Davies, Town Clerk/RFO on behalf of the Brynmawr Town Council and Mr. Gethin Bennett and Mr. David Lewis, Chair and Secretary of the Brynmawr Allotment Association.

119/17Each member was issued with proposed Council Meetings for the Brynmawr Town Council from September 2017 to July 2018.

Proposed dates and times was accepted.

120/17Town & Country Planning.

(a)Chief Planner's Report – moved.