Planning Commission Meeting


January 28, 2014

The monthly meeting of the New Britain Borough Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman David Holewinski at 7:30 PM. All commission members were present, except Mr. Jack Brady, Dr. Michael Parke, Mr. Karl Dieterichs and Dr. Paul Land. Also present were Mr. Mark Hintenlang, Mr. Tom Yatsky and Ms. Lynn Bush.

Mr. Joe Cangelosi motioned to approve the minutes of November 13, 2014 meeting as written; seconded by Mr. Rick Eggleston. Motion approved.

Re-Assignment of Planning Commission - Mr. Cangelosi motioned to recommend Mr. David Holewinski as Chairman of the Planning Commission; seconded by Mr. William Macklem. Motion approved. Mr. Macklem motioned to recommend Mr. Karl Dieterichs for Vice Chairman of the Planning Commission; seconded by Mr. Cangelosi. Motion approved.

New Business:

Green Tree Group Contracting, LLC–Shah Subdivision–Sketch Plan Review–21 Bell Lane- Mr. Bradley Clymer and two associates from Green Tree presented the sketch plan review prepared by Richard C. Mast Associates. The property is located on Bell Lane off corner of Iron Hill and Shady Retreat. Originally the property was occupied by Malmark, manufacturer of bells. Mr. Clymer explained the property has been through the Borough for a subdivision and they are now looking at Lot 1 and their options as a result of that plan. The project site is bordered by R1 and is in the same area as industrial, education, mobile park home, etc. Green Tree proposed re-zoning the lot from R1 to R2 serving as the catalyst for change as the Borough anticipates making housing more available with Delaware Valley College university status pending. Mr. Clymer described the lot improvement to contain cul de sacs, ten units, five buildings, storm water management and other improvements. Currently, the R2 district represents 6.7% of New Britian Borough; RI district 54.2%. Ms. Lynn Bush stated consideration of re-zoning should be looked at in context to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning as long-term, in general. Mr. Holewinski agreed with the re-zoning as it was a non-conforming lot to begin with, the proposal makes good use of the property for tax purposes. Mr. Rick Eggleston had no objection to the re-zoning to allow for twin homes, however believes all R2 requirements should be met (i.e. road width, curbing, etc). Mr. Hintenlang asked Mr. Clymer if Green Tree had spoken with the neighbors. Mr. Clymer indicated that would be forthcoming, however, first wanted to get a sense if the Borough would consider re-zoning. Mr. Cangelosi had no objection to re-zoning but would limit it to the one site; the lot falls short of R2 because of its odd shape and would need rezoning to work that out. Ms. Bush explained this is a formal procedure vs. a plan review and suggested a zoning amendment be attached indicating the exact use of the lot. Other items required include advertisement of public meeting, property to be posted, advertisement in newspaper and a public Zoning Hearing. The first step would require either the applicant to submit a petition to change the zoning or a change can be initiated by the Borough. The Comprehensive Plan would require a change as well.

Mr. Hintenlang reviewed his letter dated January 15, 2014 to New Britain Borough Council outlining his assessment of the property. Mr. Clymer and Mr. Hintenlang disagreed on frontage; they agreed to review again. Cul de sac radius needs to be reviewed as well.

Mr. Clymer indicated no sensitive features regarding environmental protection with the exception of mature trees along the outside. Mr. Hintenlang requested Green Tree to review if any areas qualify as wetlands near the property line. The street width is narrower than required; the plan minimizes as much pavement as possible. Mr. Hintenlang indicated a waiver would be required and pointed out the restriction of parking on narrower streets. He suggested wider driveways and front-entry garages would assist in the parking issue. Mr. Hintenlang additionally requested Mr. Clymer to consider emergency access as the road proposed terminates on private property. The road design is close to the property line possibly making curbs problematic. Mr. Hintenlang suggested Green Tree request a waiver on curbing. Mr. Yatsky suggested and Mr. Clymer agreed to a painted crosswalk to give access to the bike trail. In compliance with temporary access easement indication to be vacated. Trash collection may be an issue with trucks turning around; Mr. Clymer agreed to review along with emergency access.

The topic of storm water was raised and held with the exception of the basin being too close to an existing house. Other items discussed included possible wetland delineation requirement and possible traffic study. Mr. Macklem asked if the property behind the lot was deemed open space. Mr. Clymer explained the yield of the property does not allow much use and they are considering storm water management. Mr. Eggleston asked if a buffer were needed between the new road and the back lots. Mr. Hintenlang stated no buffer was required between R1 and R2, however, because of high density, it should be considered. Mr. Stanislaw asked about lighting. Mr. Hintenlang stated the Borough normally keeps lighting low in residential areas, only enough for safety purposes.

Next steps indicated by Mr. Holewinski and Mr. Hintenlang were for Green Tree to submit a petition for re-zoning and to talk with the neighbors to see if there is any opposition.

Comprehensive Plan – Updating - Mr. Holewinski explained it was time to re-vamp the Comprehensive plan bringing into consideration Butler Avenue being a new corridor opposed to State Road 202. Mr. Holewinski requested commission members review the comprehensive plan prior to the next Planning Committee meeting. Ms. Bush will be bringing someone from the County to assist with the Plan at the next meeting. Ms. Bush pointed out New Britain Borough is ahead of the curve regarding updating the Plan; usual cycle is ten years, New Britain Borough is at year seven. Mr. Holewinski agreed in that many new initiatives have arisen including a business development committee and potential change throughout the Borough. Ms. Bush summarized the goal of the Comprehensive Plan into three questions: Where are we today? Where do we want to be? How do we get there? Mr. Holewinski stated a timeline for revision of the Plan would culminate in a final draft by August and completion by November.

Knoll Property Development Options – Review and Modification of Zoning - Mr. Holewinski opened the floor to general discussion. Mr. Eggleston commented the property is currently zoned light industrial and not many items under light industrial were appealing. Mr. Holewinski mentioned one area there had been a lot of discussion was possibly allowing for this one area to be mixed use. Ms. Bush explained a mixed use can be obtained either through special exception or conditional use; two ways to potentially the same end. Conditional use is heard by the Planning Commission and Borough Council. Special exception is heard by the Zoning Hearing Board. Zoning’s focus is on what kind of relief is needed vs. planning; Ms. Bush strongly recommended conditional use whereas planning would be instrumental. Mr. Holewinski and Mr. Yatsky agreed with Ms. Bush.

Ms. Bush gave Lantern Hill, Doylestown Borough, as a good example of mixed use which included residential, offices and a bank on 17 acres of land. Doylestown Borough did the mixed use on their own through adopting a mixed use ordinance which is allowed by conditional use. It would still require a recommendation from the Planning Commission and approval from Borough Council. Mr. Stanislaw suggested we look at mixed use for the entire area and not just the Knoll property stating the area needs to be integrated. The current space being looked at is 7 acres with open space across the street (Doylestown Township). Mr. Yatsky stated Mr. Barth has had discussions with Doylestown Township regarding the entire corner encompassing 25 acres of land. Ms. Bush stated the property is a prime real estate and prospects will appear once a mix use is in place and advertised. Ms. Bush to supply the Commission with a copy of Lantern Hill plans as an example of mixed use. Mr. Holewinski will disseminate the plans to Commission members and suggested a solid recommendation be made at the next Commission meeting.

Old Business:

Resurrection of Matthews Avenue Road Closure Options - Mr. Holewinski opened the discussion about city posts and the concern of flexibility regarding damage to vehicles. The Commission was unable to find recommendations of other emergency departments that used city posts. Mr. Jeff L’Amoreaux, L’Amoreaux Engineering, obtained information from a company in Cambridge, Ontario, regarding locked gates by siren, locked gates, push button gates, city post type and flexible diffusion. His recommend-ation was flexible diffusion. Mr. Holewinski stated the Fire Chief agreed with this option and other police, fire and emergency agencies have endorsed them completely. Mr. Holewinski concluded the flexible diffusion option is less expensive than city posts and more flexible, providing the decision is to maintain the closing of Matthews Avenue.

Mr. Holewinski asked Mr. Yatsky to address the options for Matthews Avenue that was presented last year. Mr. Yatsky began with the option of using the current barricades or removing the barricades and altering the street directions (i.e. one way). Another option presented included the placement of sidewalks (at cost of residents), allowing clear delineation of where property ends and where road begins. Another option presented involved creating a locked gate community through a Homeowners Association (HOA). The streets would be private and the responsibility of the homeowners.

Residents and Committee members discussed the options presented, industrial employer’s position, employee traffic, opposition to the closure, and the reason for re-opening Matthews Avenue.

Mr. Holewinski assured residents that Borough Council will make the best decision for all involved.

He further stated if the issue was not resolved at the next Borough Council meeting, they would consider scheduling a Town Hall meeting between residents and business owners.

Mr. Eggleston motioned to adjourn; seconded by Mr. Cangelosi and the meeting ended at 9:21 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Denise Spence, Secretary