/ Haverhill
Board of Appeals
Phone: 978-374-2330 Fax:978-374-2315


Board of Appeals will hold A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 20 2017 AT 7:00 P.M. in ROOM 202, CITY HALL, to hear the following items:


1. Jaime Andrade Romero for O Merrill Street (447, 2, 2): Applicant seeks a Dimensional Variance for lot area

of 13,000sf where 20,000sf required, lot frontage of 100’ where 150’ required; lot width of 100’ where 112’

required in RM Zone for single-family dwelling.


2. Noella Austin for 19 Janet Road (549, 3, 3): Applicant seeks various Dimensional Variances for front

setbacks of 24.1’ and 22.7’ where 25’ required, side setback of 2.5’ where 15’ required, rear of 15.1’ where 30’

required in the RM Zone. Applicant also seeks a Special Permit for an Accissory Dwelling Unit for son’s living

space in RM Zone.

3. Lewis Poore, Jr. for 492 Groveland Street (443, 3, 1): Applicant seeks a Dimensional Variance to construct

2 duplex dwellings with lot depth on Lot 1A of 72.28’ where 100’ required, lot area of 7,517sf where 9,600sf

required; Lot 1B: lot depth of 72.28’ where 100’ required, lot area of 7,563sf where 9,600sf required; Lot 1:

existing 2-family, lot depth of 72.28’ where 100’ required. Existing resideal use reverts backl to Residential

High Density ib rgw XH Zone. Applicant seeks a Variance for building height of 40’ where 35’allowind in the

RH Zone (Flood Plain).

4. John J. Micue for 93 Carleton Street (570, 2, 18): Applicant seeks a Dimensional Variance to allow agricultural

animals in the RM Zone, which is not a permitted use. Applicant can meet requirements of Health Department and

owns 1.5 acres of land.

5. Barlo Signs / Craig Moore / Jenn Robichaud for 600 Primrose Street (649, 611, 1): Applicant seeks a Dimensional

Variance for sign square footage of 141.3sf where 60sf allowed in the CG Zone.

6. Kenneth E. Quimby, Jr. for 48 Goodale Street (409, 7, 84-86, 108-110): Applicant seeks a Dimensional Variance for

#48 existing non-conforming house proposed area of 15,000sf where 20,000sf are required. Front setback of 16’ where

25’ required. Lot B proposed single family area of 15,000sf where 20,000sf required in the RM Zone.

Advertise: September 7, 2017

September 14, 2017 George Moriarty, Chairman


Board of Appeals will hold A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 20 2017 AT 7:00 P.M. in ROOM 202, CITY HALL, to hear the following items:

7. Zachery and Claudia Freitas for 29 Byron Street(724, 702, 16): Applicant seeks a Finding for #48 existing non-

conforming house proposed area of 15,000sf where 20,000sf are required. Front setback of 16’ where 25’ required.

Lot B proposed single family area of 15,000sf where 20,000sf required in the RM Zone. This Finding does not

allow a residential use/unit.

8. Bradford Unlimited Corp. for 262 Hilldale Avenue & Unnumbered Greenough Street (579, 1, 18-23 &

24): Applicant seeks a Dimensional Variance for permitted one and two-family dwelllings in the RH Zone; Lot

A: Greenough St.- single family, proposed area of 7,325sf where 7,500sf required, lot depth of 89.93’ where

100’ required; Greenough St.- proposed single family, area of 7,268sf where 7,500sf required; Lot C:

Greenough St. - proposed Duplex, area of 8,000sf where 9,600sf required and lot building coverage of 26.4%

where 25% allowed; Lot D: Greenough St.- proposed Duplex, area of 7,836sf where 9,600sf required, and lot

building coverage of 27% where 25% allowed; Lot E: lot building coverage of 30.4% where 25% allowed.


Advertise: September 7, 2017

September 14, 2017 George Moriarty, Chairman