BLM 1–9
FMPC 10 Chapter 1 BLM Answers
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BLM 1–9
BLM 1–5 Section 1.1 Extra Practice
1. Examples: a) waist height ≈ almost 1 m
b) width of fingernail ≈ 1 cm
c) ten city blocks ≈ 1 km
2. A: 1.1 cm = 11 mm, B: 3.2 cm = 32 mm,
C: 4.9 cm = 49 mm, D: 6.8 cm = 68 mm
3. 6.2 mm = 0.62 cm
4. 154 cm
5. a) large map: 1:27 083 333,
small map: 1:216 666 666
b) northern border approx. 600 km, southern border approx. 300 km
6. a) 70 mm b) 3200 cm c) 58 000 m
d) 7 500 000 cm e) 0.65 km f) 0.056 m
7. a) 5 mm b) 4188 m or 4.188 km
c) 2.74 m d) 553 m
BLM 1–6 Section 1.2 Extra Practice
2. 1.312 in.
3. a) 6 feet b) 15 840 feet c) 70 inches
d) 2 miles e) 41 feet 8 inches
4. a) 5 miles b) inches
5. a) inches b) 34 inches
6. perimeter = 20 feet
7. a)in. b) 1.875 = c)
BLM 1–7 Section 1.3 Extra Practice
1. a) 4000 mi b) 0.1 mm c) 18.44 m d) 296 km
2. 96 inches by inches ; 244 cm by 385 cm
3. a) Estimate: 45 ft = 15 × 3. Actual answer is greater because 17 > 15.
b) Example: metre c) 15.5 m
4. a) centimetres b)3.0 cm = inch
c)1:3.33 cm
5. 627 km = 390 mi
6. a) 12 ft by 13 ft b) 52 feet
c) 5 lengths
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