Steve Corell Education Scholarship Foundation
2019 Scholarship Application Rules
Applicant must be a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter of a full-time employee (minimum employment of 2 years) of a NUCA of Iowa member or a son or daughter of a NUCA of Iowa staff member, or a part time employee of a NUCA of Iowa member with a minimum of 300 hours worked in the last year.
Applicant must be a high school graduate or will graduate the year applying, or a college student.
Applicant must have greater than or equal to a 2.5 on a 4.0 scale grade point average.
Applicant must be pursuing undergraduate work towards a two or fouryear degree
2019 Scholarship Application Checklist
To ensure that each application is complete, please check off each requirement. We suggest that applications, essays and resumes be typed, this is NOT a requirement.
Completed and signed application, on next page.
High School transcripts, including ACT or SAT scores, along with a written explanation of the high school’s grading system and class ranking system to include weighted averages or track courses
Current college transcripts, if applicable. NOTE: High School transcripts must be submitted if you are still in high school or have not yet completed your first year of college.
Resume listing all activities and achievements.
Essay explaining (1) your goals; (2) where you plan to attend school; (3) why you chose to apply for this scholarship, and (4) any other information that you think might aid us in the selection process.
Written verification of your parent’s employment with a NUCA member. Verification must be submitted by a company official.
All documents mailed together in one large envelope, unless transcripts are being mailed separately by guidance counselor.
Please note that after you submit your application, you WILL hear from our Executive Director that your application has been received and whether or not your application is complete.
Steve Corell Education Scholarship Foundation
2019 Scholarship Application
Application and additional information must be received at the following address by 6:00 p.m. on Jan5, 2019
NUCA of Iowa Scholarship Committee 1368 Old Portland Rd
Van Meter, IA 50261
* See Statement of Requirements on first page
The applicant must complete and sign this form. A parent or guardian AND high school counselor must sign the application as well. All questions must be answered in their entirety. Please use and attach additional sheets as necessary. If a question does not apply, write "not applicable” in the space provided.
Name of Applicant (Pleaseprint):
City, State & ZipCode:
Name of High School orCollege:
YearofGraduation:Date ofBirth:
NUCA MemberCompany:
Company StreetAddress:
City, State & ZipCode:
Employee of Member Firm(Parents/Guardian/Self):
Number and ages of dependentsiblings:
I certify that the information in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature ofApplicant:
Signature of HighSchoolCounselor: I approve the submission of theapplication:
Signature of Parent orGuardian:
NUCA of Iowa
2018 Scholarship Application
Name and address of high school or college:
Year ofGraduation:
High School Students: Please ask your Guidance Counselor to attach an official copy of your transcript or have it forwarded and received by the deadline. Be certain that your Guidance Counselor signs the transcript and application form.
Name of schools to which you have applied (please list in order of preference) and circle those to which you have been accepted:
Major course ofstudy:
How long is the courseofstudy? (If beginning 4-yr. study at 2-yr. school, enter4.)
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
What course of study have you followed in high school (e.g., college preparatory, business, industrial arts, etc.)?
List SAT and/or ACT College Board Examination Scores. (Scores not appearing in your official transcripts may be submitted if attested by a high school official.)
List honors, awards, prizes, or distinctions that you have received (school and otherwise) over the last four years in order of significance, starting with those you regard as most significant.
List school and non-school activities (e.g., community, church,
government) that you have participated in during the last four years, starting with the most significant. Circle the activities that are NOT required by your school. Include number of years in each activity and offices held, if any.
List and describe your hobbies and outside interests:
Describe any work experience. How long did you work there, what were your responsibilities, and what did you do with your earnings?
Briefly answer ONE of the following: (A.) Who has made a significant impact on your life and why? (B.) Whose life have you improved and how?
(Optional) Add any information that you think may be relevant for the judges to consider: