Mr. De AngelisPeriod
Citing Sources: Parenthetical Documentation
What in the world is that?
- It is a way to let people know where your information comes from.
- Whenever you use material from another source in your research project, you must let your audience know immediately where it came from, right after you use it.
Why should I do it?
- It lets your reader know that you want to make clear to them which are your ideas/words/pictures, etc. and which are someone else's. If you do not cite your sources, you are committing plagiarism (Plagiarism is an unlawful act in which youuse someone else's work as if it is your own. It can get you in big trouble. Avoid it.).
- It gives your Thesis Statement a lot more credibility because you obviously didn't just make up what you are claiming. You did your research!
- Your reader can check the original source for more information or for accuracy if they want to challenge you.
When do I have to do it?
You must cite your sources when using the following kinds of materials, in whole or in part:
- Direct quotations whether in written or oral formats (includes stories, speeches, fiction and nonfiction)
- Paraphrased quotations (these are quotes whose words you have changed somewhat)
- Statistical Data (numbers about things)
- Images that are attributed to someone (includes cartoons, photos, maps, artwork, computer graphics-but not free "clip art")
- Song lyrics
- Original ideas that are attributed to someone else, even if you put them in your own words
How do I do it?
You can use"parenthetical documentation" and it is very easy. The word "parenthetical" is a clue to the meaning. It means "within parentheses".
There are two main ways to do this type of citing or "documentation".
One way to do it is this:
At the end of the borrowed material, put in parentheses the author's last name and the year the book was published.
It looks like this:
"No nation in the world has so many drastic problems squeezed into so small a place, under such urgent pressure of time and heavy burden of history, as Israel,"(Tuchman,2003).
Tuchman is the author's last name and the quote is from the book published in 2003 you will list in your Works Cited at the end of your project. Therefore, the reader can get that book immediately if they want to and check that you have copied the quote correctly, or simply read the book, if they have the interest. The quote is in quotation marks because it is used directly as found within the source. If you paraphrase you don't have to use quotation marks.
Another way to do it is this:
Use the author's name in the text that you write and put the year in parentheses at the end of the borrowed material.
That way looks like this:
Barbara Tuchman said,"No nation in the world has so many drastic problems squeezed into so small a place, under such urgent pressure of time and heavy burden of history, as Israel" (2003).
Although it looks pretty straightforward, you will run into some unusual cases, like books with more than one author, books with no author, websites, interviews, etc. If this is the case, refer to our bibliography sheet that was given out at the beginning of our project.
“Global warming will eventually destroy the environment,” (, 2006).
“Global warming will eventually destroy the environment,” (Smith, 2006).
From the Internet
Last Name, First Name. Title of the Article. Actual name of the web-site. Actual URL.
Date the site was last updated or date of the publication
Works Cited
“The Harlem Renaissance was a time of great creativity for African-Americans,” (Hardy, 2000).