APES Course Description

AP Environmental Science is a multidisciplinary course that has components of biology, ecology, geology, chemistry, environmental studies, and geography.

APES Syllabus – 2010-2011

Start Dates are approximate and will depend on school functions, pace of the class, lab exercises, etc.

Date / Description
Aug 27 / 1: Our Changing Environment
2: Using Science to Address Environmental Problems
3: Environmental History, Legislation and Economics
Sep 15 / 4: Ecosystems and Energy
5: Ecosystems and Living Organisms
Oct 1 / 6: Ecosystems and the Physical Environment
7: Major Ecosystems of the World
Oct 19 / 8: Understanding Population Change
9: Facing Problems of Overpopulation
Dec 1 / 10: Fossils Fuels
11: Nuclear Energy
12: Renewable Energy
Jan 7 / 13: Water: a Fragile Resource
14: Soils and Their Preservation
15: Minerals: A Nonrenewable Resource
Feb 15 / 18: Food Resources: A Challenge for Agriculture
22: The Pesticide Dilemma
Mar 1 / 19: Air Pollution
20: Regional and Global Atmospheric Changes
Mar 15 / 21: Water and Soil Pollution
23: Solid and Hazardous Wastes
Apr 4 / 16: Preserving Earth's Biological Diversity
17: Land Resources and Conservation
Apr 12 / 24:Tomorrow's World

APES Class Rules

Students must have access to the Internet to obtain class notes, HW assignments and additional information. Access can be at home, at school or the public library. Students are expected to know how to properly use their calculators. Programmable graphing calculators (e.g., TI-82's, etc.) are not required. A basic scientific calculator (e.g., TI-30) is sufficient for this course.

I put a lot of information and assignments on the Internet for student use and expect every student to make full use of this valuable resource. Students must have Internet access (home, school Media Center, or public library).

Cell phones should be kept out of sight and turned off during school hours (6:45-2:45). If I see it or hear it, I take it. No exceptions and no excuses.

We have a dress code. Know it and follow it.

No food is allowed in class. Only clear, colorlesswater bottles containing water will be permitted.

You must do your own work onall assignments and tests. Copying the work of others constitutes cheating, and cheating will not be tolerated. There will be consequences.This applies to homework as well as all quizzes and tests. All homework must be handwritten


"If your behavior is such that I cannot teach effectively or other students cannot learn effectively,
there is a problem."
Dave Foley

Note: Eating and drinking are not permitted in class (forbidden by state and federal laws).

Misbehavior will result in warnings, after school detentions, parent contacts/conferences.


  • three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper
  • scientific calculator - e.g., TI 30X (cannot be shared during any testing situation)
  • pen and pencil (I do not provide them at any time).
  • graphing paper and colored pencils for labs or activities

ABSENCES: Review the attendance policy in your CMS handbook

Following excused absences

  • check web page for class activities, homework assignments, and class notes
  • turn in homework from the previous day before class begins

For school-related absences (e.g., field trips), inform me of these absences in advance as soon as you are aware of them. Assignments are on the class web page. You will be expected to have all the work ready the day you return to class.

LAB PRIVILEGE: To retain lab privilege, students must:

  • follow all instructions and rules on the laboratory safety sheets, including all verbal instructions
  • wear protective eyewear at all times (Federal Law)
  • refrain from loud talking, running, throwing, horseplay, and performing unauthorized lab procedures.
  • come to lab prepared with all lab materials - including any completed pre-lab assignments.
  • dress according to pre-lab instructions (short-sleeved clothing, no open-toed shoes, etc.)

HOMEWORK: Homework shall be turned inat the beginning of class on the day it is due. All assignments are to be deposited into "The Bin."Late HW will only be accepted from students who were absent. Late assignments placed in The Bin will not be credited.

The best way to learn chemistry is to study20-30 minutes every night doing the assigned problems and/or reviewing the day's material. Complete all assignments thoroughly and on time (do your best). All questions are to be answered completely. All written answers are to be answered using complete sentences. All problems are to be solved showing the original question, the formula used, all steps in the solution, and the final answer clearly indicated with the correct significant figures and appropriate units.

QUIZZES: Quizzes are based on class work and homework. All students present in class will take the quiz - no exceptions. Extra credit is available on all quizzes.

TESTS: Most tests will be in multiple choice format. The semester exam will be compiled by your instructor. There is no final exam. The AP Exam in early to mid-May is a comprehensive test – but will not be counted toward your course grade.

MAKING UP MISSED WORK: The student is responsible for making up all work in a timely fashion. CMS allows 5 days.

TUTORING: I am available for extra help after school every day. I recommend that students who are having difficulty with any of the work contact me for assistance. Faculty staff meetings are held on Wednesdays.


Quizzes - Daily - ~4 pts. ea. (omitted if you are absent)
Class Participation - 100 pts./grading period - points (10) are lost for sleeping, doing other class work, eating, disrupting class.
HomeWork - ~10 pts. ea. (approx. 20% of grade)
Tests - 100 pts. ea. (approx. 40% of grade)
Lab exercises/activities - 20-50 pts. (approx. 20% of grade)

S1 grade = 1st Grading Period(0.80) +S1 exam (0.20)
S2 grade =2nd Grading Period
Course grade = S1 (0.375) + S2 (0.375) + Final Exam (0.25)

A / 93-100
B / 85-92
C / 77-84
D / 70-76
F / <70

AP/IB Exam Policy:

As you are aware, effective with the 2010-11 school year, CMS is no longer paying for students to take AP and IB exams as a result of the 2010-2011 budget adopted by the CMS Board of Education.

-The requirement that students in AP and IB courses must take the corresponding exam has been removed from CMS policy and regulations.

-There will be no penalty (i.e., reducing the student’s final letter grade) for students who choose not to take AP/IB exams.

-All students in these courses will be required to take a teacher-made comprehensive exam, which will count as 25% of their final course grade.

Payment Information and Options:

All fees for AP and IB tests may be paid through the online credit card payment system, check, or money order. No cashwill be accepted. There will be a small convenience fee for paying online. The online payment system may be accessed through the CMS website on the Advanced Studies, Advanced Placement or IB pages. Checks and money orders will be received and receipted at the schools.

All Advanced Placement examination fees must be paid no later than Tuesday, September 28, 2010. The amount owed will vary from student to student based on the number of exams being taken. The AP exam fee is $86 per exam. Fees must be paid at the student’s high school or online. Students will be notified by their school of the exact amount that needs to be paid.

Fee Waivers: AP

Students who are economically disadvantaged and cannot afford AP exams can complete a form (the Application for Needs-Based Assistance) certifying a certain income level that will entitle them to a fee waiver [funded by the College Board and a grant at NCDPI]. This form is located on the APES hope page. Schools should forward AP fee waivers to the Office of Accountability.

Students who do not submit an Application for Needs-Based Assistance, and who do not meet the deadline for exam fee payment will NOT receive a test. Schools are responsiblefor tracking fees and informing students.

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APES - Classroom Management Plan

Signatures below indicate that we have read, understand and agree with the Classroom Management Plan

Student’s name ((printed) ______

______/ ______
Student signature / Parent signature
Date ______/ Date ______