
Answer Packet

Answer the questions at each station in the space designated for that specific station. Use complete sentences where necessary and answer all questions. Good luck.

Station 1: Dissecting a Prompt

Think about the activities currently available to teens in your area. Choose one additional activity for teens that you think should be offered. Write a letter to your city council members in which you persuade them to offer that activity. Give reasons that this activity would be beneficial to your community. You may choose to write a letter about an existing activity in which you give reasons that this activity is beneficial to your community. Note: Your writing will not be scored on correct letter format.


Final Product:



Station 2: Figurative Language and Poetry

Part 1: Create your own figurative language!







Part 2: Identify the figurative language in the poem

Write the figurative language present AND explain how it adds meaning to the poem.

Stanza 1:

Stanza 2:

Stanza 3:

Stanza 4:

Stanza 5:

Station 3: Apostrophes and Commas


Part 1: Copy either the notes in sentence-form OR the chart below (including the examples)

Part 2: Rewritten sentences:





Part 3: Copy the Rules for Commas

Part 4: Punctuate the sentence correctly

1.  When I go to the mall I buy shirts shoes and ice cream.

2.  The plague for example was devastating to Europe.

3.  Before we go to the movies Amanda my only sister needs to buy popcorn.

4.  Lisa do you know where the new books are?

Station 4: Sentence Type and Variety

Part 1: Copy the notes on sentence type and create an original example of the sentence type.




Original Example:




Original Example:




Original Example:




Original Example:

Part 2: Sentence Variety

Which paragraph uses sentence variety most effectively? Circle the letter then justify your answer.

A.  While planning to go on my trip, I made a list of items to remember. When I made the list, I wrote that I had to pack dresses, pants, and shoes. I bought new clothes for the trip before I started packing. Because this is my first cruise, I hope it is fun.

B.  I am going on a trip. I need to make a list. Or I’ll forget. I need dresses, pants, and shoes. I bought new clothes, and I started packing. This is my first cruise. I hope it is fun.

C.  I made a list of items to pack while I was planning my trip. I must pack dresses, pants, and shoes because there are many activities to do on the cruise ship. Since this is my first cruise, I hope it is fun, and I am excited that I get to spend one week in the sun.

D.  Before I left for my cruise, I made a list of items I needed to pack. I put dresses, pants, and shoes in my suitcase, and I almost forgot my swimsuit. I double-checked my list to make sure I remembered everything. Since this is my first cruise, I hope it is fun, and I am excited that I get to spend one week in the sun.

Station 5: Reading and Answering Multiple Choice Questions

Read the story “The Jokulhlaup “. After you have completed the story, answer the questions below. Write the number of the paragraph that supports your answer.

1.  Where are there larger glaciers than Iceland?

  1. Antarctica and Africa
  2. Antarctica and Canada
  3. Alaska and Greenland
  4. Antarctica and Alaska

2.  How does the glacier move toward the sea?

  1. Gravity pushes it forward.
  2. Heat generated melts some of the ice and it slides.
  3. A giant storm moved many landmarks from their original location.
  4. The glaciers do not move toward the sea.

3.  What happens if the drainage system fails as the ice melts too quickly?

  1. The water will freeze before it moves.
  2. The dam breaks and the water floods.
  3. Nothing happens if the drainage system fails.
  4. The lake rises by 14%

4.  What are “continental plates”?

  1. Sections of the glacier.
  2. Sections of the Earth’s crust.
  3. Sections of the river.
  4. Sections of Iceland that are constantly still.

5.  Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  1. People avoid building homes in the path of the Jokulhlaup.
  2. The flood path is random.
  3. Drainage route is determined by the slope of the base and pressure.
  4. Jokulhlaup floods can be the equivalent to that of the Congo River.

6.  How much did the lake rise each day?

  1. 15-20 meters
  2. 50 meters
  3. 1-2 Kilometers
  4. 3-4 kilometers

7.  Which of the following was destroyed by the Jokulhlaup according to the reading?

  1. The capital city of Iceland
  2. The only road between eastern and southern Iceland
  3. The mayor’s house
  4. A farm producing the most milk for the nation

Station 6: Subject-Verb Agreement and Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Part 1: Subject-Verb Agreement Notes

Copy the notes



Subject Ending / Verb Ending

Tricky Indefinite Pronouns Notes:

Part 2: Select the correct verb

Underline the subject of the sentence and circle the correct verb.

1.  Each of the squirrels [has / have] 14 acorns hidden.

2.  Mary and Martha [need / needs] to get home before midnight.

3.  Books [ is / are] sold at Barnes and Noble.

4.  The horse [ sees / see ] a snake on the ground.

5.  She [ goes / go ] to the lake ever summer.

Part 3: Pronoun-Antecedent Notes

·  Pronoun:

·  Antecedent:

·  Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement:

Singular / Plural

Part 4: Select the correct pronoun

On your answer sheet, select the correct pronoun. To do so, you must first identify the antecedent’s gender and number.

1.  The women wanted ______fundraiser to earn $100,000 for ______charity.

2.  Abby saw ______brother before school.

3.  The dog saw ______face in the mirror.

4.  The author needs to receive ______money by Friday.

5.  15% of people forget ______Social Security Number.

6.  After you pick up dinner, can ______get dessert, too?

7.  We need ______team to score before ______leave.

8.  The baby needs ______bottle.

9.  My sister wanted to borrow ______shoes. I said ______could not because they are ______.

10.  Pronouns have ______place in sentences.

Station 7: Miscellaneous Grammar

Write the notes from this section in the space provided. Next, answer the questions at the end of this section.


·  Words that sound alike but are spelled differently and have different meanings

o  Serial and Cereal


·  There

·  Their

·  They’re


·  Your

·  You’re


·  To

·  Too

·  Two



·  When used in a sentence,




Complete the following sentences by circling the correct word.

1.  [There / Their ] cat chased the mouse over [ they’re / there].

2.  [To / Too ] many students are walking into class [ two / too ] minutes after the bell.

3.  You need to find [you’re / your ] new sweater with the penguins on the front.

4.  [Here / Hear ] are your new bunny slippers.

5.  The [ affect / effect ] of coffee on the body is wonderful.

Station 8: Reading and Answering Short-Response Questions

Part 1: After reading the story “Video Games,” complete the chart to show five major events that contributed significantly to the world of video games. Show the events in the order in which they occurred. One event has been provided.

1 / In 1966, Ralph Baer created a two-player game where dots chased each other on the screen. He got this idea while building a TV set.

Part 2: Write two reasons why the author may have written this article. Include a detail to support each reason.

