Lesson 2 – Learning about the DIG site!

Name: ______Date: ______

clipboard pencil

1.  Have a look around you. Describe or Draw what you see.

2.  What do you think this land is used for?

3.  Why do you think it is used this way?

4.  Who do you think looks after/takes care of this land?

5.  How do they look after it? What do they do?

colored pencils markers crayons

6.  Draw a picture of the site:

Lesson 3) Day Before the BIG DIG!

Name:______Date: ______

O = organic matter

A = organic mixed with inorganic matter

B = minerals and clay grains

C = parent organic material

1)  What is organic material?

2)  What is organic mixed with organic matter?

3)  What are minerals and clay grains?

4)  What is parent organic material?

What is the measurement of each soil section?

O = ______

A= ______

B= ______

C= ______

Lesson 4 – What is growing in the soil and start DIGGIN!

Name: ______Date: ______

Clipboard pencil tape-measure shovel tarp or plastic sheets

1.  Choose the exact site

2.  1 or 2 people: Use pegs and strings to mark the ground.

3.  Mark the ground in a 1 meter by 1 meter area: tape measure

4.  Identify the plants growing in the square:

5.  How many plants can you find?

Lesson 5) NEXT STEPS……. Take turns to complete tasks!!!

6.  Lay two large sheets of plastic next to each square.

7.  Use a spade to cut in the ground all the way round the perimeter/edge of the square

8.  In one corner, push the spade underneath the plants and their roots.

9.  Lift the plants and roots up and carefully place on one sheet of plastic.

10.  Dig the rest of the plants out

11. Then dig a deeper hole inside the square and put this dirt on-top of the second plastic sheet.

12.  Keep digging until the pit is 30cm deep!

Name: ______Date: ______

After the site is dug, measure layers, look for color, feel, insects.

Marker Number / Measure / Color of Layer / Feel of the Layer / Creatures/
Insects / Comments
Ex: 1
4) / 2.5 cm / Grey / Sandy / None / It feels funny

Looking for Creatures/Insects


1)  Spread out a sheet of white plastic and empty some soil onto it.

2)  Gently look for the small creatures that are in the soil.

3)  When you find a creature, decide what it is. Draw a picture below:

Soil Color

1)  What colors do you see in the soil:

2)  Match the colors to their content:

Ex: ___red______=______iron______

______= ______

______= ______

______= ______

______= ______

Content options: Iron (red/brown), too much water (yellowish grey), organic matter (dark brown/black), rock material (limestone=greyish white, red sandstone=red).